Alrighty then...
Name: Pyroids
Starting Spot: (Green Crystal) Crater
Description: Appearance: Sentient crystalline species, faintly warm and luminescent from radioactivity, communicates and senses with electromagnetic pulses (Think sonar), and "moves" by mono-molecular particles of itself forced through tubes by a stronger, yet non-interfering magnetic field, with particles reattaching at the other end, able to change coloration and "grow" into almost anything. Growth via mineral synthesis into more of the crystal.
Due to the retarded (slow, not stupid, BTW) activation of the spacecraft's computers, this pod went down with the rest of the craft, landing during a dark period due to overall increased drag. The pod waited until the occupants could survive The Opening. The Peretic discovered the crystals as they were fresh out of the pod, and growing, yet non-sentient (It takes time for them to "Reboot"), and his body was synthesized automatically. The craft's remains were also incorporated in the same way.
(This OK?)
EDIT: I should make some orders, durr!
We notice a fence ringing the crater, and, deciding it will make a nice foundation, send 5 converters in each direction with orders to fan out at the fence and begin converting it to a clear, non-sentient and non-converting crystal dome, with a hole large enough for a large crystal at the apex, with a piece that can seal it when not needed. Use dissolved minerals where there is no fencing to convert. Name the "Green Crystal Crater" The Chamber.