Assassins as a noble caste they run around chasing and faux attacking citizens causing the was in a conflict and was terrified thoughts. They do few things like execute criminals with any weapon are exempt from punishment and all that nonsense, they stop bothering the general population upon being placed in a squad, to be honest I havnt used them enough to notice all the bugs/peaks.
Tags like attack enemy and attack friendly.
They appear in npc towns but dont attack on sight. They just say, "I was once a farmer but now, now I'm an assassin."
Oh yeah sure they obviously needed you for your legendary plowing skills..
This sounds interesting. How did you do it?
Sorry for late reply, life and such
I grabbed the hammerer noble which I changed into an executioner for my humans, it uses axes.
Anyway I grabbed the tags from the military.I have forgotten the wording but the tags where something like:
[ATTACKS_ENEMY] and found the closest wording for allies which I think is [ATTACKS_FRIENDLY]
I havnt been in the raws for a while so Ive forgotten the exact words. Im sure you will find the apropriate tags.
As for the exicuting with various weapons i took the hammerers responsibility and just changed the military skill word, SWORD AXE HAMMER etc.
And the noble exempt tags,
I think they dont attack eachother either.
I made them in a phase of noble modding.
I also made human rangers and tried to make a druid, emphasis on tried