Am I the only one who see's the decline of this industry? I don't mean in sales...hell, it beats hollywood in the face and makes it do the dishes. I mean in material.
Dead has come over the game and tried to sally forth a product that isn't anything like the trailer. How many companies have done this? almost ALL of them.
and who let's these B-C and even D rated games through the gates?!?! The first of any series never meets the bar that the developers themselves set. why?! is it money? do you not KNOW how to do what you want in a game? are you limited by hardware? why are you telling the masses one thing, and delivering another?
I love video games...I've been playing them tentatively since i was 3. I've logged +10000 hours of gaming, and here I stand on the verge of hating my most precious hobby because of corporate greed! this is WRONG!
Here we have a game (classified as an indie title) called Dwarf Fortress. developed by TWO PEOPLE (I may be wrong on this, If I am I apologize!) and it has more features than 10 of the big AAA titles being released over the next 6 months! and it's a back alley game WHY!?!?!? oh, that's right, because the whole of the gaming community is retarded, that's why.
I'm tired of these piss-poor examples of gaming technology. "OOOOO, it's pretty! it must be awesome!" yeah, 4 hours later I'm returning the damn thing because it makes no sense and has a gratuitous amount of shit that doesn't lend itself to the damn game! (That's right dragon age, I'm talking to YOU.)
Don't get me wrong, some game developers do it right! Red dead redemption for example...damn i love that game! played the living crap out of it. Bioshock, loved it! KOTOR, amazing! the Total War series, I can't get enough of it! but ANOTHER God of War? you're milking a dead cow! I saw my first animated boob and giggled, my 30th one I threw the game down in disgust!
What the hell is happening to this damn industy!?!? Am I the only one brimming with innovative Idea's? am I the only one to spot a potential game mechanic yet to be explored?
These "Top of the Line" industries need to be kicked in the balls so hard it makes them spit out their own filth. I hate it, I hate not being able to bring my idea's to life...I hate not being able to change the way this damn industry is going...I hate it and by damn it I won't let my passion for the gaming industry die like an animal caught in a cage...
(random incessant cackling and raging)