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Author Topic: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort, NEEDS OVERSEER)  (Read 18522 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2011, 11:51:57 pm »

When the time came for the stewardship of the fortress to be passed to the next successor, it seems that a problem arose. With the previous overseer slain and put to rest, and the fortress beset from without by the siege, not a single dwarf had stepped forward to claim the mantle of leadership!

It was decided that, as per the Book of Armok, chapter seventy-two, page nine-hundred-three, paragraph 6 and subclauses e,f, and g, the name of the next overseer shall thusly be drawn from a hat! Oh, but no, this was to be no ordinary hat, for it must be hung with rings (phyllite), banded by stone (phyllite) and menace with spikes! (Again, phyllite. This was a rather poor section of the world, so give them a break.)

Thus, to make a long story short, although not short enough, this is how the mining-dwarf 'Magentawolf' Ezumkemsor came to be the latest in the line of Airfail's managers.

As tradition demanded, the new Overseer took his her tour of the fortress, cataloging all that needed fixing, and inspecting the various oddities left by those who came before.

Overseer's Log - Magentawolf

1st Granite, Spring 129

The first impression is one of blood and chaos... broken bolts litter the torn and crimson-splashed ground, even within the walls of the fortress.

There appears to be the skeleton of a Giant up on the eastern walls? Apparently the creature was called Aru Neyifemeli, Theveme Enore. Alas, the translation surpasses me.

One of the first people to complain to me today was from the forges, our master weaponsmith Morul Alathulab. Apparently, we were out of silver and it was hindering his bolt production. I told him to use copper for the meantime, and had a fresh batch of Galena set to be smelted. It's a good thing a little lead never hurt a dwarf.

Mixed in with everything else littering the ground were a random jumble of chests and other furniture scattered around... Also, doors?! More doors then I could shake my pickaxe at!

13 Granite

Doing our best to ignore the foul creatures roaming the grounds outside, we set to the task of cleaning up the interior of the fortress, boxes and bins  to the stockpiles with a place for everything, and everything in its place!

We must construct additional blocks! Many of the citizens here are cross-trained as masons, and rank upon rank of workshops were built by the previous overseer to accommodate them.

23 Granite

At this point, I ordered the adding of another level to the warehouse. We're also finishing the next level of the central tower.

To cure the overcrowding of the upper dormitory levels, ground has been broken in the southwest corner of the fortress for a new residence hall, one spacious enough to allow private rooms for all once it's completed.

8th Slate

It seems that the sieges are still out there. Frogmen and Tigers and Stranglers, oh my.

21st Slate

If we are to ever reclaim the grounds outside, we must make preparations! The current idea is to build a fortified gatehouse around the external bridge; the interior filled with the best traps our forgemasters can devise. The walls above will let our crossbow squads take up station as we attempt to lure one formation in at a time.

5th Felsite

As if we've not troubles enough, reports have come in of a long-forgotten beast taking up residence in our caverns. The Book records its name as 'Cethutha Cafafithiliri' and begs us beware its poisonous vapors. Considering that it consists of a vomitious blob, that seems only natural.

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10th Felsite

Reports from our farmhands are coming in that the pastured animals are restless and fighting amongst each other. Despite having plenty of room at their disposal they insist on crowding the NW corner. One young foal killed the yak calf we had kept, and even began striking out at its parents! For the time being, we have segregated the angry animals on a separate pasture in the corner of the fortress.

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Speaking of which.. the bookkeeper reports that we have plenty of both food and drink, and yet I can find no evidence that we have ever grown anything ourselves. I can only assume this stockpile came from the few traders that came, and the vast swathes of clear-cut vegetation to the north and south. If this siege continues too much longer, we must become self-sufficient!

1st Hematite - Summer

Little of note at the moment, work on gatehouse continues as does the new residence hall. Noting that we have two competent siege-engineers in our population, a cunningly-defended port was opened in the wall and construction began on a pair of catapults.

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11th Hematite

A moment of joy in these troubled times - Olin Nishuz has given birth to a boy. (Astesh Gusilducim)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 11:53:37 pm by Magentawolf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #61 on: March 14, 2011, 12:19:36 am »

Booze for all, We may be able to reclaim our slice of land after all!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #62 on: March 14, 2011, 02:03:55 pm »

Very good update there Magentawolf, good job keeping the fort alive and fighting back. You may have to begin slaughtering a few of these horse foals, we're getting overwhelmed and have only so much pasture space.

I'm thinking of taking another turn when Kzel Jr. grows up, which would be in 12 years. Hopefully the fort will still be alive by then :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #63 on: March 14, 2011, 04:43:08 pm »

Blood for the blood god!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2011, 04:50:36 pm »

Speaking of which.. the bookkeeper reports that we have plenty of both food and drink, and yet I can find no evidence that we have ever grown anything ourselves. I can only assume this stockpile came from the few traders that came, and the vast swathes of clear-cut vegetation to the north and south. If this siege continues too much longer, we must become self-sufficient!

There should have been plenty...

Where did our fields go?
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #65 on: March 14, 2011, 06:20:41 pm »

I destroyed the fields at the beginning of my turn.

We had an overflowing stockpile of food, nearly 700 plants in barrels and rotting harvests all around the plots. They also were in the way of my magma workshop area. I guess we'll need more farms at some point, but we have enough meals to last two years at our current population, tons of animals to slaughter, plenty of stuff to cook and enough plants for more than 2k drinks, so it's not really high priority.

Since animals don't like the bottom right corner for some reason, I suppose some farms could be added there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #66 on: March 14, 2011, 07:33:10 pm »

17th Galena

The instant that we showed our willingness to take the fight to the besiegers... they fled. The irony is strong enough to burn my tongue.

28th Galena

Now that the enemies have fled, we begin the process of cleaning the bodies from outside the walls. The honored dwarven dead will be given to Armok, while other skeletons are given to our bonecarvers.

20th Limestone

8 migrants arrived.

Atir Uristsazir - A novice woodworker, unskilled but trainable.
Litast Kiningiz - Adequate woodcutter. We have need to resupply our stockpiles.
Lor Nishtath - A Talented animal trainer, but he also claims to have fighting experience. He'll be drafted into the new axe-squad.
Shem Udistsakzul - A novice bone-carver and cook. Fresh masons and haulers of stone are always welcome...
Sodel Olonginon - An adequate potter.. since we have no ready access to clay, ditto the above.
Thob Besmarrithlut - A high-master milker, and a talented pacifier. I suppose the skills may go hand in hand, but what could he possibly want in Airfail?
Vabok Adilasdug - Siege Operator / Hunter / Hammerdwarf. Useful!
Zasit Solonsarek - A high-master Siege Engineer! He shall take over the job of building additional catapults if needed.

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Soon after, Zon Urdimtad, our armor smith and beloved Mayor began acting quite strange. We all thought he'd cracked under the strain until he grabbed a magma-forge and demanded copper! ... and only copper. He produced a single High Boot of copper, studded with copper. Disappointing, but the triumph seems to have buoyed his skills to legendary levels.

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13th Sandstone

Shouted reports from a frightened hauler have brought it to my attention that Kubuk Lorcatten - ex-Crossbowdwarf has risen! Apparently, his slab had not yet been installed in the graveyard, and I ordered it done with all haste.

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14th Timber

Another siege! The tigermen come, and they ride on bears! Oh. And war leopards, too.

16th Timber

Two dwarves were caught outside, a newly-arrived hunter and a woodcutter. I sent the Ordered Clasps out to hold back the Leopards long enough for them to make the escape. With little effort, the trained felines were dispatched and the woodcutter made it in safe. However, to my horror, the tigermen moved with astounding speed and ripped apart Vabok the hunter before heading towards the outnumbered squad!

At this point, the Geared Drinkers were told to man the battlements, and a general call for the civilian militia was put out! These creatures were mostly unarmored, and carried copper weapons and shields; any hit we could score would be worthwhile.

The din of battle was horrendous outside the fortress' walls, but it seemed our training was paying off.. not even the Swordsmasters or Axe Lords in the opposing forces could land a hit! That is, until a shot from behind with a halberd managed to leave Moldath lacking a foot. Even that did not discourage him as he lashed out with both hammer and shield.

Tekkud Odrozkeskal took on an opposing Swordsmaster in single combat -

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And our axedwarves get into the fray -

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17th Timber

They are fleeing, it's a complete and utter rout!

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The last few remaining are subject to an utter rain of crossbow bolts from the ramparts, as the two squads of melee-dwarves hunt the creatures down.

Iden Kastaredem has our one Steel battleaxe, a masterwork of the weapon-smith's art; see how easily it slices through fur and flesh alike:

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Injuries seem minor; Tun Inethast took a slash to his upper left arm, but should recover. Poor Moldath may not be so lucky, however.

19th Timber

My hands shake with anger as I write this. Even before we could recover our wounded and stand down, two ambushes were sprung! A small squad of goblins along with a set of strange creatures I've not seen before; Hellfire Imps I'm told they're called, advanced towards the fortress.

... What they failed to state, however, were that these Imps could breath fire.

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21st Timber

Likot Erushodgub withdrew from fortress life at this time, and claimed a magma forge.

.... A third ambush, more goblins this time, is scaling the hill to the east of the fortress. I have sent the Geared Drinkers over the far wall for support.

22nd Timber

It becomes apparent that we must finish raising the eastern wall; a single crossbow bolt from one of the goblins struck one of our stoneworkers, nearly severing his arm. The Granite Vestibules, our axe-dwarves, took care of them handily however, and hunted down the single remaining war-camel that was enough to keep us in a state of siege.

From the corpses of the goblins, we picked up several items of steel, likely looted from elsewhere; a shield, a crossbow, and most disturbingly, a goblin-fashioned mask. They must not have the secret of this metal... they mustn't!

What madness is this? From the western set of goblin corpses, we have recovered another trove of steel and bronze items! Those that must be will be melted down, while others will be used as-is after a through scrubbing.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 07:38:09 pm by Magentawolf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #67 on: March 14, 2011, 09:02:30 pm »

I call a vote into Order. Who says we should keep all our Melee inside training for now? The Marksdwarfs can do their jobs from the roof.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #68 on: March 15, 2011, 06:46:21 pm »

1st Moonstone

Yet another ambush; more imps on our western flank. Two dwarves were outside again, finishing the process of gathering the valuable items. Both are slain now, their corpses burning fitfully. The marksdwarves have taken the battlements again. Amost Nertobul, now called Gatalgisek Eser or 'The Ageless Cobra of Glittering' took out one imp with a single headshot and another through the spine. Melbil Torasobok shot another through the guts, and it crawled out of range, retching all the way.

The fire they set this time shows little signs of stopping, but our moat should form an effective firebreak.

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6th Moonstone

Flames and spiraling sparks continue to dance eastward across the face of the fortress, cleansing the remains of the fierce-fought battles...

23rd Moonstone

Having reached the eastern hills, and failing to gain the summit, the flames dwindled unto death.

6th Opal

Likot Erushodgub went mad today. Despite offers of silk and other cloth, the secretive blacksmith apparently desired only the rarest of wool. The master of the loom was ordered to create several bolts, but turned up his nose at every offering from the shearer / spinners.

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17th Obsidian

The enemy is upon us! The bridge has been raised, and marksdwarves sent to the battlements.

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20th Obsidian

Sigun Zirilimush has begun acting as if possessed, and has claimed a carpenter's workshop! Personally, he's never been quite right since taking that head wound..

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22nd Obsidian

Meng Athelzimesh received a promotion to Elite Marksdwarf upon the field of battle! As the invaders swept eastward across the front of the fortress, bolts rained down upon them; piercing skulls and impaling limbs. Four frogs quickly fell in the first few volleys.

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25th Obsidian

Having lost sight of them from the battlements, we opened the fortified portal for our catapults down on the main level and continued harassing the invaders; five more were slain or knocked unconscious in seconds. Seeing this, those remaining turned tail and fled. The siege was broken!

1st Granite

The hour has come to hang up the hat of the Overseer, and get back to the mines. I believe I have done as well as one could in these times. Let us hope that is true.

Notes -

There are still one or two unconscious / bleeding frogmen out front and to the east.
Sigun needs... stuff. Probably bones, which we /should/ have in abundance, but the butcher doesn't seem to be obliging me. He's in the carpenter's workshop on the first floor.
The Eastern wall needs to be finished up, it shouldn't take more then a day or two.
Likot, the mad one, will need to be either memoralized or buried; he just recently died.

I'll have the save up in a few minutes here, once I figure out DFFD.

EDIT - There we go:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:16:24 pm by Magentawolf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #69 on: March 15, 2011, 07:27:45 pm »

Grabbin the save. I'll try and do my whole turn in one night, as I may very well be unable to continue tomorrow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #70 on: March 15, 2011, 07:34:32 pm »

*Makes strange hand gestures with lots of wiggling thumbs meant to resemble a flaming elf*

Go with Armok brother.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #71 on: March 15, 2011, 07:36:52 pm »

A few cups of good ole' Coffee and some sacrifices to Armok, And It can be done. Save just uploaded, I'm looking around.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #72 on: March 15, 2011, 10:24:14 pm »

An extract from the journal of Blast, Animal whisperer…

I stood upon the smouldering ashes of a forest fire, looking out toward the giant hulk of a fortress not far away. I all ready regretted his choice upon letting ‘Fluffy’ Loose from his cage at the mountain homes. I had been the best animal trainer they had. If it was an animal, I could train it to do my bidding. I swore revenge under his breath and entered the fortress.
It was an absolute mess. I saw broken crossbow bolts, blood and dwarfs covered in the glorious ichors of battle. Perhaps I could like it here after all. I went in search of the current overseer, finding him to now be working deep in the mines. I saw my chance. I stood at the highest point in the entire fort and demanded obedience. Some dwarfs looked up and then casually went along their merry way. No matter, I was the overseer now.

7th of Granite
   I needed to bury those bodies before we get ghost- BAH! Stop this nonsense. Ghosts are make believe. This fortress is getting to me. I noticed that the graveyard is far too small at the moment. I started removing the spaces between the coffins. The dead couldn’t care, could they?

17th of Granite
   With the burials toiling away, I decide we need proper animals in this fort. The pool of lava in the middle of the fort could only be from the caverns below, it was time to begin. I needed to separate the room from the main fort. Accidents happen, Like the ‘accident’ at the Mountain Homes. Mine useless minions… mine.

2nd of Slate
   I began digging my tunnel all the way down to the caverns. They would be opened at the last second to allow creatures up to my traps.

18th of Slate
   Migrants. We got: A clothier, A pump operator, a craftsdwarf, an animal trainer, a gem setter, a gem cutter and a miner. With them came an assortment of animals.

4th of Felsite
   As it grows warmer, I observe our progress. The building is nearly done, and upon my trips into the mines I heard something utterly fantastic. A Giant cave Spider clicked his mandibles from beyond the wall Ah how glad I will be to have a replacement for fluffy! Now that I know we have Giant Cave Spiders, This fortress can finally have a Nice, Well structured military.

14th of Felsite
   White tigermen and woman among the horizon…. Oh how nice it would be to steal their animals!

  16th of Felsite
   By god… I-I didn’t think it possible… One of our troops entered a Marital Trance! By god! He was a fury of war, I couldn’t follow his movements at all! So many of our troops are receiving promotions… This is beautiful. Tigers be damned!

22nd of Felsite
   The siege has broken. We lost a single man, he has been buried now. It is such a waste that we couldn’t catch some of those ani- AHA! We managed to grab a bear. Whoever the former Overseer was, I thank him for that gatehouse.

1st of Hematite
   Summer has arrived! I have decided I like this small fortress and have decided to remain, if not for a few more seasons. I will train these mutts! THEY WILL BE PERFECT!


I was un-ready for the siege. The catching room wasn’t walled in yet, and open access to the fort was there. We had about six Martial trances at once, and about 5 Promotions. Pretty good for one siege!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #73 on: March 15, 2011, 10:27:55 pm »

Promotions? What you mean promotions?
Or maybe there's a god who's just completely insane and sends you to Detroit, Michigan in a new body if you ever utter the name "Pat Sajak".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Airfail the Fortress of Tragedy (Succesion Fort)
« Reply #74 on: March 15, 2011, 10:44:57 pm »

Marksdwarf to Elite Marksdwarf
Axedwarf to Axelord, etc.
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