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Author Topic: Guardedrings, 31.24 Community Fortress (Vae Victus)  (Read 7074 times)


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.19 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2011, 04:33:46 pm »

((Obviously, some of the descriptions don't match up with the jobs listed in the first post; sorry about that.  Those were taken from the first party that had two people drown, and I forgot to go back and match up the new jobs and such with people's names.  We'll just go forward from here.))

Expedition Leader's Log, 4th Granite, 168

I've given everyone not working on something more important the job of rounding up all the loose supplies scattered about the area, and getting the wagon unloaded into a stockpile.  Inglonias was the only one with the sense to keep his pick, so he's digging away at the cistern.  Remalle just managed to get his, and now he's on the task too.Once it's finished we'll have water stored for future winters, at least.

Expedition Leader's Log, 10th Granite, 168

 The cistern is dug; I'm going to have to make some grates to put over the shaft, or else we'll risk losing the supplies in the pond with the water.  Once that's done we'll start draining it and continue unloading and organizing the supplies.

Expedition Leader's Log, 17th Granite, 168

We've got most of the stone cleared out and a grate covering the shaft, so we hopefully shouldn't lose any supplies while draining the pond.  I'm going to have trees being felled shortly, so we can keep busy while the rest of us round up stray supplies.  There's stuff everywhere, but little food, so I'll have to have the miners and Plissken break away soon to get a farming area dug and some fields prepared.

Expedition Leader's Log, 3rd Slate, 168

The cistern is being filled nicely, and I'm about to start the miners at work on the farms and first level.  I figure the first level will be agriculture (so we can have a walled in greenhouse-pasture above them on the surface), with the next level for the trade depot and workshops, the level below that storage space, and about 5 to 10 levels lower we'll start work on the residential area.

Expedition Leader's Log, 13th Slate, 168

Progress is coming along nicely; I've come up with a nice security system, I feel.  The tunnel to the outside world takes a steep dip below the soil levels into good, solid stone.  After a short ways it turns, keeping the beginning of the fortress proper shielded from ranged fire.  I figure we'll install a bridge at the entrance than can be slammed shut to hold off invaders, then some traps and the like to soften them up as they enter.  The barracks and training rooms will be up there, so our soldiers are always close at hand.  The farms won't be accessible from this tunnel; once we've walled in the pasture and above-ground farmland, the only way to it will be through stairs that lead to the agricultural level, which is connected to the fortress by its own stairs and tunnel to the work area.  It's a bit circuitous (which is unfortunate since that's where our food and booze will be made), but it'll have to do.  The cistern we dug wasn't quite deep enough to be under our planned living quarters, so I guess we'll have to dig a second cistern below them and connect them.  Once we have plenty of water we'll wall off any openings to the outside world so we don't have to worry about nasty creatures coming out of the wells.

Expedition Leader's Log, 12th Felsite, 168

Digging is going well; I really wish we could be done sooner, but what are you gonna do?  I've got some beds finished; we'll put those in the barracks for now, and worry about private rooms once we've got the levels ready.  It won't be much longer before the indoor stockpiles are cleared and we can start loading all the supplies we've found into the fortress. 

Expedition Leader's Log, 28th Felsite, 168

Work is beginning on the agricultural level.  I don't understand why the miners insist on going about their digging in such a haphazard and random way.  I asked them about it, and several arguments and rude gestures later involving their picks and various body parts, I decided it wasn't worth learning the answer.  I'll just wait until they're done.

Expedition Leader's Log, 17th Hematite, 168

Migrants are spotted on the horizon.  Not sure why they're here so suddenly, but I'll find work for them, I'm sure of it.  If nothing else, plenty of rocks and logs to haul about.

Expedition Leader's Log, 8th Malachite, 168

We've got most of the pasture walled off; I made it plenty large since there's no telling how much wool or meat we'll need for ourselves; if a siege turns nasty I want plenty of supplies on hand.  The dogs are chained in the entrance tunnel, no need to worry about thieves sneaking past.  Of course, everything is still piled out in the damned grass for anyone to just walk off with, so I'm hurrying up the stowing of stone so we can have room to move the lot inside.  The farms are running finally, so with food and water around we're at least safe from starving to death.
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2011, 12:55:27 am »

Expedition Leader's Log, 7th Galena, 168

There's no sand anywhere around here, so that means we'll need to import it if I ever want to turn our outdoor pastures into a greenhouse (and considering the alternative means just letting anything that swoops down from the sky have a free pass to enter the fortress and molest our livestock, I do).  I'll request some when our liaison arrives.

Expedition Leader's Log, 13th Sandstone, 168

More complaints about the repetitive work; not much I can do about that.  I've ordered an office made for myself so I can get to keeping track of all the stuff around here.  Inventory is just insane; I can't believe how much stuff we have lying around!  It's going to be slow going until I can get more dwarves here: there's just plain too many jobs to do and not enough hands.  Plissken is complaining of a lack of seeds, but until we get a thresher and a brewer, I won't have any way of getting him more, and that's just a small piece of our problems.

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Timber, 168

The next wave of migrants is inbound; just in time too.  We're falling behind and the liaison that should be behind them will be a welcome sight.  I'm surprised they haven't come yet; I hope they weren't waylaid on their way here.

Expedition Leader's Log, 4th Timber, 168

We're still not quite where I want us to be in terms of dwarves to handle all the tasks out there, but we're getting closer.  Alkhemia was glad to be taken off woodcutting duty and made a full-time marksdwarf again.  I'll have him get to cutting bolts and making more crossbows soon.  Plissken likewise was happy to be given most of the migrants to handle the (admittedly large) agriculture and food related duties.  He's back to tending the fields for the most part.  Inglonias has some competition in the stone-carving world; a high master carver arrived, and will be doing a fair amount of it from now on (though I'll let Inglonias keep at it when he's not busy mining).  We also got a legendary weaver; not sure what someone so talented is doing this far from the mountainhome, but I'm putting him to work setting up the textile industry.

Expedition Leader's Log, 5th Timber, 168

I finished zoning the new storage yards and stockpiles, and just gave the orders to move everything inside.  There was plenty of griping, but that's to be expected.  The last of the stone needs to be cleared out, and once that's done the upper levels will be finished (until we get that glass ceiling for our pasture).  I'm debating getting some beekeeping done, but that seems like a luxury that will have to wait.  Next are my plans for our living area; I figure we'll start digging out a nice dining hall, complete with a bar.  I'll also make plans for a hospital and some sort of social area, like a statue garden or a zoo.  I want it to be really grandiose; I figure we'll have an indoor waterfalls as one enters the residential area; that will be nice for atmosphere, make everyone happy, and keep the place clean (at least put it at the entrance to the dining hall).

Expedition Leader's Log, 16th Timber, 168

The outpost liaison is here, along with our caravan.  Time to start offloading all this worthless crap rare and valuable works of art for some much needed supplies, and to piss away a day with the liaison negotiate a trade compact.

Expedition Leader's Log, 3rd Moonstone, 168

As I expected, we're here to fuel the mountainhome's need for glory and gear.  The liaison was informed of our pressing need for flux, sand, and other related supplies (gypsum powder especially).  They need weapons of all sorts, crafts (I noticed an emphasis on scepters and crowns, oddly), and prepared meals (I guess they're afraid of a famine).  It's not an odd set of requests: the other dwarven civilizations are on the decline and two of them collapsed altogether recently.  We've taken on their refugees, so whatever is pushing them out of existence could be after us next.  It's a smart move of the king's to stockpile supplies for a series of long sieges.  I just wish he found some other fortress to lean on for supplies than the newest one with not even twenty workers to feed a kingdom.  We managed to trade our supplies for some leather, some cloth, and plenty of plump helmets and booze.  Not the most useful of trades, but at least we got more supplies to tide us over until our industries are up and running.

Expedition Leader's Log, 12th Opal, 168

Alright, I've got some plans laid out for the lower levels.  We're going along smoothly with our other works; the majority of the supplies are loaded inside, and we've barrels aplenty for brewing and making prepared meals.  All we need now are booze and food to stuff them with.  I've pried the miners away from their crafts and tasks, and sent them off to dig out the lower levels.  I'm also working out a dual-waterfall system, one that will be self-powered and provide waterfalls at the entrances to the bar and dining hall.  It's quite interesting, really.  I had to rely extensively on meetings with aussieevil to draw up the schematics and plans, but I think it's going to be a big hit.  He's been adamant about watching water pressure, and I think we've got our bases covered there in the designs.  Regardless, I'll give it a thorough walk-through inspection before the final walls are knocked free and the river tapped.

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Obsidian, 168

We've dug too deeply, and unearthed a cavern!  Thankfully it doesn't open to our halls yet, but the miners report that cave-swallow men are in there, and they are not friendly.  Other bad news: Giant Cave Spider webs were seen down there.  I'm going to have to send out standing orders not to gather ANY silk for a while.  I'm nervous about finding a cavern while our military consists of one unarmored marskdwarf and that quiet farmer who seems handy with a spear, obviously.  Next order of business: iron working, and building a proper militia.  I just need enough migrants to spare for a squad!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 12:53:34 am by Urist_McArathos »
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2011, 12:53:03 am »

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Granite, 169

Our first year here, and we're still alive.  It's a miracle, thank Etur.  We're turning out a handsome supply of booze and food (we'll need more if we want to send any back home for a profit, though), and the lower levels are coming along nicely.  We'll have room for over forty dwarves when we're done (along with a statelier quarters for yours truly, in appreciation for all my hard work of course).  I've also commissioned a tunnel to a bed of fire clay nearby so we can start gathering it for work without venturing outside the safety of our walls, and am building a windmill to test the power available to us on the surface (hopefully we have enough to power some millstones without bringing power up from the waterfall mechanism).

Expedition Leader's Log, 23rd Granite, 169

We've started more work on the living quarters, and I've set up work orders for the furniture we're going to need to make it happen.  There's a lot to be done, but I'm optimistic we'll be done before long.  I've got the plans laid out for the waterfalls and the generators; everything is falling into place nicely.  It's looking like a lot of work ahead, but with the first of the cage traps done I'm less worried about goblin ambushes.

Expedition Leader's Log, 10th Slate, 169

Migrants are here, and by the looks of it, a lot.  Seventeen, by my count!  It's perfect for gettings jobs done, though it means less booze and food for everyone.  I'm sure there'll be griping aplenty because there's lots of rocks that need to be hauled upstairs, and lots of chairs, tables, doors, beds, and more to be hauled downstairs, and I'll be damned if I do it after all the other work on my plate.  I still have workshops to design and the machinery for the generators to plan and help install on top of all the furniture.

Expedition Leader's Log, 14th Slate, 169

Just as I was giving everyone their orders and figuring who did what (and could sod off, we don't need a damned jeweler or three fishmongers, you're all going to milk cows, shear sheep, and burn wood into charcoal and be damn well grateful for it!), a black bear scared the stone-loving hell out of everyone, and is making its way into the fortress!  Time to put those cages to the test.

Ah, works like a charm.  Never mind, bear steaks it is for dinner tonight. 

Expedition Leader's Log, 17th Felsite, 169

Elves.  I hate elves.  I'm up to my eyeballs in stone, over 100 pieces of furniture need to be hauled and placed, a hospital, cafeteria, and bar to build, statue garden to finish, industries to get rolling after months of inactivity, and the last thing I need are some damned tree-fondling cannibals to get all weepy and throw a hissy fit over the smell of burnt wood emanating through the halls as they come to unload their plants and cloth.  Better load the stone crafts and what-not into the depot; the sooner we get rid of them, the better off we'll be.

Expedition Leader's Log, 19th Felsite, 169

Oh, good!  Just what I need: one of my highly skilled, extremely VALUABLE miners has just been taken by a strange mood and has shut himself into a mason's workshop, refusing to talk to anyone and has as little to do with the outside world as possible.  Did I mention we're right in the middle of digging out the lower levels AND installing the plumbing!?  This could not be a worse time to lose a digger, and it'll be worse if he goes mad trying to find what he wants.  Etur help us if he wants shell, because we just don't have any and I could go on and on with the horror stories I've heard of dwarves snapping because they couldn't find any damned shell for their whims.

Expedition Leader's Log,  20th Felsite, 169

Well, Remalle didn't want shell, now we play the waiting game.  Whatever he's up to better be worth it, but I won't shun another mason around here.  Etur knows I could use more help with it all.

Expedition Leader's Log, 24th Felsite, 169

Joy of joy, wonder of wonders!  It's a floodgate!  I'm not sure if I want to hit Remalle with his pick, or smash the damned thing to pieces.  A floodgate!?  It's decorated with wool, for Etur's sake!  No drawings, engravings, depictions, studded jewelry, just some floodgate with wool oh-so-elegantly wrapped around it.  Remalle tells me he's named it “Sakrithnakuth”, while I prefer the name “garbage the damned git won't let me throw in the fucking trash”. 

I'm almost glad the elves are here, as it gives me an excuse to get away from the pompous git and his so pleased with himself expression.  It's made him one hell of a miner though, so I guess I can't bitch too much about it.  Maybe I'll use it for a dinner table, or smash one of those damned elves with it if they get snippy during the trade meeting.  How's that for a negotiation tactic?  You can take our wealth, or be bludgeoned by it.  Either way, we're getting your strawberry wine.

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Hematite, 169

Finally figured out why the elves won't show up already; there's no bridge crossing the river.  Figures; well, I would hate to be blamed for their stupid asses being mauled to death while sitting in the grass, making daisy chains and painting their nails.  I suppose I'll throw together a bridge real quick.

Expedition Leader's Log, 20th Hematite, 169

Bridge is done, and the damned elves are talking about how they don't have much time, really should be off, etc.  If they leave without trading after I went to the trouble to build them a damn bridge, I'm going to be really pissed.

Expedition Leader's Log, 21st Hematite, 169

I really fucking hate elves.

Expedition Leader's Log, 10th Malachite, 169

Still hard at work, though we haven't had a chance to get the various industries running smoothly, at least everyone has jobs and knows what they need to do once the living quarters are ready.  Life is getting substantially smoother now that we have so many dwarves on hand, but damned if they didn't bring way, way too many pets with them!  I'm kind of bothered about it, and am considering finding a way to rid pet owners of their excess animals post-haste.  The amount of droppings we're shoveling is ridiculous, the space they take up is absurd, and in a practical note, too many of them will ruin our spacious pastures and eat all the grass!  Something must be done while this is still a nuisance-level problem.

((Okay, here's some screenshots of the fortress' rough layout and works in progress.  I left out the plumbing and the generator/waterfall area, figuring you all wouldn't be too interested in it.  If not I'll grab some pics and post, but it's nothing special I assure you (certainly not compared to the other beardy projects this forum has seen.  Spoiler tag to hide them, because it's several pics in a row.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Comments?  If not, onward I go.))
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2011, 12:19:07 pm »

Oh wow.  I made a floodgate covered in wool.  That is the most amazingly counter-intuitive thing ever.


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2011, 01:36:45 pm »

Maybe so, but you're a LEGENDARY miner now for it, so it's not all bad.
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (For real start this time!)
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2011, 08:55:44 pm »

Expedition Leader's Log, 13th Malachite, 169

Some grizzly bear just came out of nowhere and mauled one of my farmers to death!  It's huge, and apparently the lads have already given the damned beast a name.  This is terrible; I suppose I'd better add a catacombs.  I really wasn't expecting to have to bury anyone this early.  Hopefully it'll blunder into a cage trap on its way to find more tasty morsels.  Unfortunately, Plissken and Inglonias are still out there with another farmer and our legendary weaver.  This could be bad.  I've ordered everyone inside as fast as possible, but I worry they won't outrun the monster.

Expedition Leader's Log, 14th Malachite, 169

More bad news: it mauled another to death while making its way to the cage traps.  Just tore him apart; we've caught the beast, but that's two dead already.  Losing another skilled worker just makes it that much worse.

Expedition Leader's Log, 21st Malachite, 169

Life goes on, I suppose.  The deaths have really shocked me, but thankfully we've only lost two before getting the beast under control.  It just proves how desperately we need a militia and a proper evacuation plan in case of danger.  More migrants were spotted today on the horizon; we'll put them to work right away.  I'm hesistant to do much besides let it sit in that cage; on the one hand some steel-girded soldiers could use the live practice once they're ready.  One the other, do I really want some green recruits trying to fumble through fighting a dwarf-eating bear, and just hope that the fact they have nice weapons will be enough?  I've got time to think it over, at least.

Expedition Leader's Log, 24th Malachite, 169

Nine more, it looks like.  I'll have to use two to replace those we lost, considering drafting the others.  I'm still indecisive at this point, one of the dead dwarves was a friend of mine and it's not always easy to shrug off.

Expedition Leader's Log, 25th Malachite, 169

I've finished sifting through the logs, and have decided to form two squads: speardwarves and marksdwarves.  I'll wait until we have the furniture and equipment for a barracks first, but I figure we can wait for more recruits to fill out the ranks later, better to have some defense immediately before we lose any more lives to local wildlife, or worse.

Expedition Leader's Log, 18th Galena, 169

The humans are here; I guess I better order the goods hauled off to the depot.  I'm not sure what they're bringing to trade, but it can't be worse than the elves, who probably just brought flowers and cloth anyway.

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Limestone, 169

One of our woodburners recently became withdrawn and secretive.  I'm guessing it's another damned “bout of inspiration”.  Hopefully she'll have something to show for it.  She claimed a crafts workshop and now she's busy trying to round up supplies.  Still trying to find time to trade with the humans, it's just very busy around here.

Expedition Leader's Log, 12th Limestone, 169

Our fisher finished working; she produced a hematite amulet of Asmel, the deity of trade and wealth.  Not bad, really.  Of course it's made her a far better stone-carver than woodburner, so I've replaced her as a stone crafter and made someone else a woodburner.  We had a lot of trade goods to get rid of, so I bought all the booze they had, sand, and some cloth and leather and some supplies for the hospital.  All in all not bad.

Expedition Leader's Log, 24th Limestone, 169

More migrants are on the horizon, seven more if I'm correct.  That means we'll need more bedrooms, though not too many more.  I'll get the miners on it right away.

Expedition Leader's Log, 28th Limestone, 169

I've got the newest wave assigned to new jobs, and I think we're finally in business when it comes to getting the various industries running smoothly.  There's some tweaking here and there that needs to be done, and we're not quite finished setting up the living areas, but overall the fortress is starting to settle in and that means military will be in full swing next.  I'm already watching some of the less skilled migrants, seeing who would be perfect for service.

Expedition Leader's Log, 11th Sandstone, 169

Metal production and clay production is in full swing, and I'm getting some glass churned out (finally!) for our pastures and greenhouse upstairs.

Expedition Leader's Log, 17th Timber, 169

The liaison and caravan are here, hopefully they brought the supplies I wanted.  The meeting was first though; I requested pretty much the same things as last year (sand, flux stone, gypsum), and told them if they could spare rose gold we'd like some (we haven't hit any precious metals yet, and I'm considering doing some decorating of the public areas once we're a bit more prosperous), along with bolts for crossbows (we have bones aplenty for target practice, but few decent ones yet), and fuel.  We're making all the charcoal we can, but until we can hit magma (which will be deep and hard to move upwards) we're going to need tons of it, both to fuel our forges and smelt steel.  They're requesting cheese, drinks, cloth, seeds and plants (I guess that famine fear isn't over yet), blogs, and more crafts.  Nothing we don't have in abundance, so next year should be fairly profitable as well. 

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st Moonstone, 169

The traders didn't bring nearly enough flux; I bought all the steel they had (most of which will be melted down and resmelted), and all the sand and gypsum.  They didn't have much else that interested us, so we gave them some extra prepared food as a gift to the mountainhome.  That should look good to the king.  I'm guessing the famine theory is correct, because the trader seemed overjoyed at how much profit he was going to make taking the food back home.  I'll make sure we make plenty of cheese for next year, and lots of booze.

Expedition Leader's Log, 3rd Moonstone, 169

The first child has been born in the fortress.  Today marks the beginning of our time as a true fortress and home, rather than dispensable outpost.  As a result, I've ordered the future statue gardens smoothed, and commissioned the statues to decorate them.  I've decided our vicious grizzly bear will be the first part of our zoo, at least until we decide to kill him. 

Expedition Leader's Log, 9th Opal, 169

After a few minor tweaks, we've got the artificial waterfall up and running.  I'm also ordering the rough stone smoothed out in the dining hall, making it a truly incredible place to relax and enjoy a drink and meal.  It seems to be working; the majority of the fortress is in high spirits, and even the grumpiest among us are merely contented and find things acceptable, not bad.  With steel production about to kick in, I've decided that, until we secure more flux, steel will be for squad leaders with iron for the rest.  The next order of business is manufacturing the weapons and armor, and making coffers and cabinets for the various members of the hold.

Expedition Leader's Log, 16th Obsidian, 169

I've decided to make an indoors refuse pile, to limit the amount of dwarves that have to risk contact with the surface.  During the winter, we'll close the bridge and seal off the fortress, and open it again once spring comes and we spot the first caravans or migrants.  That means stockpiling wood during the autumn, of course, but it shouldn't be an issue.  The area around us is still positively choked with trees.

Expedition Leader's Log, 1st  Granite, 170

We've only got enough flux for 4 pieces of steel goods, plus a few more from the supplies we're melting down.  That should be enough to outfit one very lucky squad leader most of the way.

Expedition Leader's Log, 16th  Granite, 170

Another dwarf seized by a strange mood, this time he barged into the clothier's shop.  I'm not sure I need a pair of artifact pants, but whatever.  I've begun work on the various squads; I made Alkhemia our Militia Commander, give that he's the most experienced among us.

Expedition Leader's Log, 22nd  Granite, 170

I've started work on a jail; we're going to need one eventually, may as well prepare for it now.  Oh, the dwarf finished his little artifact: a rope reed hat.  Granted, it's a very nice hat, but I'm still not all that impressed.  At least we have an exceptional clothier now, that's worth something.

Expedition Leader's Log, 3rd Felsite, 170

More migrants are here, over 20 of them!  This brings the total population to 70 dwarves, enough for us to be considered a city proper.  I'm ordering the miners to  clear out more rooms, and the new arrivals will have to help haul stone for a while, but once they're done we should have everyone we need for a smooth running fortress.  I may even have enough extra to fill up the squads.  Of course, with so much to do it's like some will have to live simply as haulers (there's a lot to move around and its getting hard to spare masons and farmers for that work and their own), but at least everyone will have well appointed, spacious rooms and good places to eat and work.

Mayor's Log, 13th Felsite, 170

By my count, we got 6 useful dwarves out of the last group (a pair of skilled doctors, one of whom has been appointed the new chief medical dwarf), a pair of very skilled masons who are also aspiring engravers, and a decent butcher who offered to help with our meat industry (which, thanks to the influx of pets and baby rabbits, is direly backlogged).  Out of the remaining 16, I figured we could put up to 11 in the current squards, and have the others left for hauling duty along.  I don't want to do that just yet though; I've had a number of dwarves taken off hauling duty for the time being, and once we're closer to being finished with cleaning and installing furniture, I'll draft the last 11.  I had the black bear we caught chained to the entrance tunnel in place of one of our war dogs (after having it tamed, of course).  I figure that, the cage traps, and the half-size squads I'm arming will be plenty defense until then.  In other news, elves were spotted on the horizon.  Time to load up the depot.  I also was named mayor, considering my successful record of getting this place up and running.

Mayor's Log, 24th Felsite, 170

Trade is going well enough with the elves; I bought a good amount of their booze (we don't need much more, but it never hurts to have more supplies), buckets and barrels, all the sand they had,

Mayor's Log, 26th Felsite, 170

An ambsuh!  They killed a couple of cats, but all five were caught in our cage traps.  Handy, but we can't count on those forever (especially not during a determined siege or if sneakier sorts get past them).  If it hadn't been for the two cats wandering outside they killed, we wouldn't have spotted them.  In the meanwhile, it looks like we've got a new source of iron, and some practice dummies.

Mayor's Log, 6th Hematite, 170

Just as I said, another ambush before we were able to reload all the cage traps.  I'll have to suspend those orders, let the bear and war dog deal with them for now.

Mayor's Log, 7th Hematite, 170

We got lucky, this time.  The other six goblins we spotted fled after seeing so many of their number fall victim to the traps, but they won't give up so easily in the future.  The squads are getting the first of their gear now, shouldn't be long before we have proper soldiers.  Meanwhile, I've found the perfect candidate for captain of the guard: some weak, flimsy girl that can barely find the doorknob when it's right in front of her.  She'll never be able to beat someone to death, making her an excellent candidate for the position.

Mayor's Log, 20th Hematite, 170

More migrants!?  I'm not even done dealing with the last wave.  We're going to need the masons completely off any duty but stonework; there's just no way we'll be able to keep pace otherwise.  Doesn't appear to be quite as many, but that's still more than I'm ready for.  I'm putting the artifact floodgate in my private quarters (at least it'll make the place look nicer), and am adding some levers to my personal dining room that will control the artificial waterfall (in case of flood) and the entry bridge (in case of emergency and no one is close to the depot lever).  I've also decided to start delegating duties; for starters, I've assigned a new broker.  It's exhausting enough trying to handle everything myself, I'll let another lucky dwarf argue with the elves and the mountainhome.  I'm also ordering an exploratory shaft dug; I want to know just how far we have to go for magma.

Mayor's Log, 24th Malachite, 170

The miners have discovered a vein of obsidian, which is excellent news.  We'll be able to carve them into magma-safe doors and blocks for the magma pumps, once we find it.  They've also reported finding another cavern, this one containing a vast underground lake, perhaps even a subterranean sea.  Whatever it is, it's massive.  According to legends, there are three levels of caverns and chasms before reaching the magma sea, but it's been ages since these could be verified.  If it's even there, that is.  They're going onward and deeper though, here's hoping they are careful and succeed.

Mayor's Log, 6th Galena, 170

The miners came scrambling back up with unbelievable news.  They have not only found the magma sea we sought, but adamantine! 

Praise be!  I can't believe our good luck.  Not only are we providing the food and iron the mountainhome needs to stave off defeat, but we have even found that most legendary, mythical of metals right under our feet!  Now comes the question of how to pump the magma upwards, to the fortress proper, and how to take advantage of this newfound fortune.  The miners, for their part, are getting some much deserved time off.  We're sealing off the way in, as a safety precaution, but we'll be drawing up plans for the time being to understand how to tap into it.

((Making charcoal to keep up clay production, smelt hematite, make pig-iron and steel, AND forge weaponry and armor was a lot more insanely tough than I thought it would be, so I figured to hell with it, let's find some magma.  However, I spotted some fire imps nearby, so it won't be TOO fast before we start the pumps.  Oh, and the fact I have to move the magma over 50 levels, and a tad sideways to move across the second cavern, are a factor as well.  I guess I found my next big project!))
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (There's adamantine in them thar pipes!)
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2011, 06:14:36 pm »

...are artifact floodgates magmasafe?


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (There's adamantine in them thar pipes!)
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2011, 07:37:14 pm »

You have nothing to worry about; I installed the floodgate in the Mayor's quarters to bring up the room value.
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Fortress (There's adamantine in them thar pipes!)
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2011, 12:23:49 am »

Mayor's Log, 19th Galena, 170

Human traders are here, and just in time.  We need some distractions.  The discovery of the adamantine has got everyone talking, and there are rumors aplenty to put down.  Everyone seems to remember some myth or story about a fortress or mine that stumbled across the stuff before, and then they perished suddenly.  More than a few have muttered that the stuff is cursed.  We're still working out plans for a magma pipe, so there's plenty of time to contemplate how to get the stuff safely, if that's possible.

Mayor's Log, 5th Limestone, 170

With so many running around here, I feel we've got enough to fill up the ranks of the first two squads, maybe even assign some fortress guards to help uphold the law.  Not that we've had any issues with it, but I figure why not?

Mayor's Log, 17th Limestone, 170

I cannot believe our recruits!  I ordered wooden training spears for them to use on the goblin prisoners, but they took their iron ones instead, and killed the first batch of goblin prisoners in a hurry.  What a waste of training materials.  I'll have the next ones moved in AFTER the recruits use the proper equipment.  In other good news, the goblins had some silver weapons on hand; I'll be melting them down to forge something useful.  I haven't decided what yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

Mayor's Log, 6th Sandstone, 170

More migrants!?  I swear, we don't have nearly enough room for all these dwarves!  I'm looking into expanding the current living quarters to a second level below the first one, but it's a bit messy.  I didn't expect to have so many dwarves living here so quickly, and we're still figuring out plans for the magma pipe.

Mayor's Log, 10th Sandstone, 170

There's too much to do around here; the only solution as I see it is to completely overhaul how we do business around here.  Completely reorganize the jobs everyone is assigned to, and find a way to keep everyone busy.  At any given time, there's a good twenty or so just milling about the dining hall or the statue garden, drinking, eating, or admiring the giant grizzly bear.  Something has to be done and fast.

Mayor's Log, 26th Sandstone, 170

I finally finished sifting through the clusterfuck that is our list of jobs, duties, and skills.  After all was said and done, I found about 20 or so that had no real skills, talents, or need to learn anything (seeing as how I'd already managed to cover all the different jobs and tasks).  I filled up the two squads, and gave our newly appointed captain of the guard two flunkies to help her with law enforcement (though they still need weapons and armor).  Not sure what kind of armor to give them; maybe copper, we've got a fair amount thanks to the goblins.  I'll figure it out; at least we're finally sorted out in labor.  The next step is to get the construction and building plans finished and underway.

Mayor's Log, 10th Timber, 170

I've ordered the expansion of the living quarters; after it's done we'll move on to clearing the stone.  We still have a good 10 or so peasants that are assigned to do nothing but haul and clean.  It's busy work in here, but we are step by step getting closer to a solid fortress.  If our worries about what comes with adamantine are true, we'll have to be if we ever wish to mine it successfully.

Mayor's Log, 15th Timber, 170

The outpost liaison and the caravan are here.  I'm eager to see what they have to say about our luck and the state of the growing fortress.  I bet the king didn't expect so many migrants to flock here so quickly!  I'll sleep easy in my nicely smoothed and engraved bedroom tonight, I'm sure, after negotiating a hard bargain with the traders.  They better have brought lots of flux!

Mayor's Log, 19th Timber, 170

An ambush has been spotted just outside the tunnel; these goblins never learn.  Well, at least the traps will make short work of them (and the ones that get past the traps have a war dog and a bear to deal with, and my freshly armored warriors).  I'll station the soldiers near the entrance, then when they start to flee I'll send them into battle against the ones not caged.  Should be an easy rout.  Plissken, our faithful farmer, seems eager to try his hand against a goblin that isn't naked and unarmed.

Mayor's Log, 20th Timber, 170

The goblins killed a duckling, and then milled around for a moment, perhaps waiting for us to go outside in search of vengeance for our slain baby bird.  If they knew how overstuffed I am with animals (ESPECIALLY adorable baby ones) they'd realize they were doing me a favor instead.  After a moment's confusion, they made their way to the tunnel entrance.  I ordered the squad to charge shortly after the first two were caged, but the goblins had not broken yet.  They managed to slay the bear before the speardwarves reached them!  No matter, it was now dwarven iron and steel against goblin...whatever they brought with them.  They managed to slay one of my speardwarves as the battle raged inside the tunnel, but it was looking victorious for the rest of the squad, until a cry from the surface revealed yet more ambushers awaited!  Curse the goblins, curse them!  They killed the dwarf above us, and I heard the squad leader give the order to reform inside the tunnel, past the traps.  They'd let the next ambush be taken by as many cages as could be managed, then strike them down as they moved in for the kill.  The plan worked, though yet another dwarf was slain in the process.  Three casualties, but the surviving goblins would pay, as target practice.  I'd better order some coffins made for our noble slain.  They deserve a proper burial.

Mayor's Log, 22nd Timber, 170

In the aftermath, we've begun cleaning up the mess.  I'm infuriated that the goblins killed THREE of my citizens, but pleased that the survivors have some victorious combat experience.  Their morale seems relatively high despite the losses; the one exception is the speardwarf squad's new leader, Lorbam.  She was good friends with one of the dead soldiers, and so far is pretty upset over it.  Plissken on the other hand is ecstatic: despite the tragedy of the losses (he too was friends with one of the fallen), he managed to slay two of the goblins without a scratch!  I offered to promote him first, but he declined, saying he'd rather have more free time to tend to his mushrooms.  Regardless, the offer remains open should he reconsider (I've known him since we got here; what can I say, that loyalty runs deep).  It's a tragedy what has happened; I tried to console Lorbam, but she wasn't interested.  She only asked that I let her and Plissken (the hero of the day) finish off a room full of goblins for themselves.  I happily agreed.

Mayor's Log, 2nd Moonstone, 170

Thankfully the mountainhome listened to some of my requests; they brought a fair amount of flux; they also brought a bar of pig iron, which made me kick myself for not thinking to request those as well (it would decrease the need for flux).  I bought the gold they brought, as well as any steel items they had (not many).  They were more than happy to take our supplies off our hands.  Steel is certainly going to be a rare commodity here, so I'll be saving it for our finest soldiers only.  I already drafted replacements for the losses, and am meeting with the liaison about the coming year.  Hopefully we'll get some talented migrants in the spring.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 12:28:23 am by Urist_McArathos »
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (First Blood)
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2011, 09:27:11 pm »

((Brief update tonight, more to come on the following days, as I have a lot of time off this week.  I've got over 70 unclaimed dwarves, so if anyone's reading this and wants a shot at the action, speak up!  Same goes for taken dwarves; I'll do my best to incorporate ideas/wants/desires/projects/etc. requested into the game.))

Mayor's Log, 7th Moonstone, 170

It's as I feared.  The militia captain Lorbam has lost it; she just snapped and threw a stone she was hauling on the floor, screaming in rage and hurling insults about the uselessness of her squadmates and how they could have saved the others and so on.  She calmed down some time later, after stomping upstairs and grumbling to herself as she went by, but thankfully no wounds, kills, or property damage.  I'll make a mental note to speed up the outfitting of our fortress guard.

Mayor's Log, 13th Moonstone, 170

Our legendary weaver is moving into a workshop, but she's got a glazed over look in her eye, like the possessed dwarves I've heard about.  Unfortunately, she took over a clothier's shop.  So, no chance of nice furniture to decorate my room.  This should be interesting...

Mayor's Log, 17th Moonstone, 170

The goblin cages were installed in the training room, and I let Lorbam and Plissken have at it.  That started to cheer her up, and when she came out she was told that her parents just birthed a bouncing baby beardling, her second little brother.  Her parents had brought her here as a child near maturity, now she has two siblings born here.  I guess it reminded her that not all of our lives are loss and heartache, there are good things to live for as well.  Either that or the goblin slaughter brightened her day enough to make her feel they were even.  Plissken was the real monster, though.  He's upped his kill count to five, and their cheering squadmates clapped the humble mushroom farmer on the back as he came out, soaked in gore.  They're calling him “The Savagery of Squids” now; not sure why the squid remark, but he seems pleased about it.  Rumor has it one of the lovely lady farmers is all too happy to share his bedroom as well, so things are definitely going his way.  In sadder news, our weaver wants a host of items for his damned shirt, or whatever he's working on in there.  He barely mutters anything audible, but from what I can get he wants glass gems (hopefully green will do), leather, blocks of stone (what kind of clothes could he be making!?), and bars of metal.  I'll get the smelters melting down any spare metal we've got (iron clearly isn't what he's after), and our overworked butcher better get to slaughtering animals.  I'd really hate to lose such a skilled weaver when we have so many wooly animals, but such is life.
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (First Blood)
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2011, 10:05:59 pm »

I can has Dwarf? A swordsdwarf, preferably.
Or maybe there's a god who's just completely insane and sends you to Detroit, Michigan in a new body if you ever utter the name "Pat Sajak".


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (First Blood)
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2011, 05:14:16 am »

Could I be dwarfed? A doctor preferably.


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (First Blood)
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2011, 12:43:47 pm »

((I've got you both dorfed: KCFOS, you got our VERY skilled chief medical dwarf.  He has quite a bit of talent in all areas, and is a very skilled diagnostician.  Aramco, you got a migrant who will be joined Plissken's reformed squad as a swordsdwarf.))

Mayor's Log, 25th Moonstone, 170

I guess the worries about famine are lessening in the mountainhome; the liaison this year is requesting crafts, warhammers, and ammunition.  Plants are in there too, but that almost seems an afterthough; perhaps a precautionary measure to ensure they don't run out of brewing supplies or seeds too soon.  As before, I'm requesting fuel, flux stone, and all the pig iron and steel they can send us.  We haven't found any flux out here, and I'm concerned we won't at all.  Steel production will be miserably slow for the time being, and I won't risk digging out the admanatine just yet (not that it'd be a good idea, none of our smiths are nearly skilled enough to work with it anyway).

Mayor's Log, 12th Opal, 170

We've procured glass gems, both cut and uncut, leather, and blocks for the weaver.  She's refusing all of them.  We don't have any other source of gems at the moment, and I can't think what other kinds of blocks she'd want.  I'm not sure how much longer she'll stay in there before going mad, and it's a tragic loss.  We don't have anyone else nearly as skilled at weaving cloth, and she was able to keep up with our massive amounts of yarn and cloth threads quite well.  I suppose I'll have to train a replacement when the spring migrants get here, if any. 

Mayor's Log, 20th Opal, 170

Lorbam wanted to meet with me today to gripe about what's bothering her.  She wanted more training for her squad, better quarters, shorter patrol duty, etc.  I'm planning on starting another squad of dwarves and having them alternate active duty (to prevent tiring and overly long patrols), but first thing's first: I have to get the fortress guard outfitted and ready to enforce the law.

Mayor's Log, 13th Obsidian, 170

We have so many goblin prisoners, I feel our marksdwarves are being left out of the fun.  I've ordered a shooting range built.  The goblins will be dumped into a pit, and on the other side our marksdwarves will be able to shoot at them, thus gaining some very valuable target practice.  Meanwhile, I'm about to order the speardwarves to get some weapon practice on the other captives.  The last of the injured dwarves from the attacks is about to get out of bed (her foot was broken and took some time to be set and heal).  Once she's up and able-bodied, I'll send them in with some wooden practice weapons to hone their skills on the live captives.  My hope is they'll be much more polished this year should danger come our way.  I've also trained more war dogs, since obviously a bear wasn't enough to stop the goblins once they came inside.  I'm planning on outfitting the fortress guard in copper armor (or bronze), and wooden swords.  The armor will polish nicely and provide them with enough protection to handle your average criminal, while the wooden swords will allow them to bash criminals in the head and issue mandated beatings with minimal risk of severe injury or death.

Mayor's Log, 16th Obsidian, 170

A siege is here, and just as I feared our soldiers aren't ready for it!  I've ordered all inside and the bridge slammed shut until we can get a little practice in.  I won't let these monsters cause any more bloodshed if it can be avoided.  There's about 16 of them by the last count; we've got them outnumbered, but our soldiers are poorly trained and there's a good chance it will end with lots of blood at this point.

Mayor's Log, 23rd Obsidian, 170

The weaver went insane, and now she mopes around, looking for death I think.  It's a tragic outcome, but what can I do?  We gave her bars, blocks, gems both cut and uncut, thread, cloth...none of it was “the right kind”, and now she's mad.  Such is the terrible way of dwarven inspiration.  The goblins are camped outside our gate.  I'm about to send out the troops, I just want them to get a little more practice in first.  Plissken seems excited to add to his kill count, and the troops are certainly glad to have him around.

Mayor's Log, 7th Granite, 171

I've got the bridge opened, and everyone was ordered below to the safer, lower levels.  The speardwarves and war dogs are waiting in ambush in the barracks, should be a hell of a fight.  The goblins had wandered off to try and find another way in, so it will be a moment before they realize we've opened the gate.  I'm hoping they figure we've mistaken their movements for an all clear, and charge in foolishly.

Mayor's Log, 17th Granite, 171

The siege is broken, but at terrible cost.  We lost 13 dwarves; the battle was going so badly for the speardwarves and dogs I had no choice but to send in our marksdwarves, poorly armed and trained though they were.  Most of the spear dwarves are dead, including Lorbam, who the soldiers nicknamed “The Angel of Cinders” before she passed.  She took three of them down with her, so she died like a true dwarf: fighting and slaughtering many for her one life.  Poor girl was struck down helping Plissken.  I'll make sure we commission a proper tomb for such a named heroine.  Plissken is alive, but injured: they broke one of his arms pretty badly and cracked his skull.  He's pretty morose about the whole affair.  The Savagery of Squids managed to live up to his name by taking two down even though he kept blacking out during the battle from his head wound. For me the worst tragedy is that Alkhemia, one of the original six who accompanied me, is dead.  I'm very depressed over the news, but there is nothing to do but clean up, bury the dead, and hope for more migrants this spring.

Mayor's Log, 19th Granite, 171

I've disbanded all the military units for now; We've taken such heavy losses we're going to have to completely reorganize.  I'm afraid that Plissken, as our finest soldier, will have to be appointed Militia Commander whether he likes it or not; we can ill afford novice leadership after all this, and as our only soldier left who has earned a nickname in battle, the responsibility falls to him to lead.  I'll try to give him as much time off to tend to his mushroom fields as I can, but it's clear we need a stronger military.  He didn't have much to say; like most of the veterans of this siege, he's in the hospital resting until our three doctors can get to him.

Mayor's Log, 26th Granite, 171

Spring passes by quickly, but not quick enough.  We keep busy working on the catacombs, feeding and tending to the wounded veterans, and I make plans for the new year.  It's not easy wor, but thankfully we have each other, good food, plenty of booze, and nice surroundings to make the grieving easier.  The only one who isn't happy is the poor weaver, who is miserable and mopes around, waiting for death.  No amount of consoling can help her, it seems.  Such a shame, she was very, very skilled.  All this quiet, this death, and the work on my plans has made me think, dream, and wonder...

Interim Mayor's Log, 27th Granite, 171

This is Iteb Likotatzul, writing on behalf of our Mayor Endok Lerommeng.  His Honor the Mayor has become withdrawn from society, refusing to speak with anyone or even see us.  He barged into a mason's workshop today, shoving out the worker that was carving coffins, and gathered some supplies before shutting the door and isolating himself from the fort.  He will speak to no one, and we can hear chiseling and grinding inside.  I've stationed my two guards outside to make sure no one disturbs His Honor during the work (and to relieve the Mayor should things go awry).

Mayor's Log, 5th Slate, 171

I feel much better now.  I spent some time working on a very, very nice table.  After all the death and loss, I felt we needed a reminder of what we're here for, so I carved an excellent table out of granite depicting the arrival of the original survey team.  They died here, but they came to find hope for our nation, hope during the dark times of decline we are suffering from.  The losses we've faced are tragic, but we cannot give up, just as they did not.  We are here to build Guardedrings and to secure a bright new future for the dwarven race!  I am not sure where to put the table; my quarters are quite lavish enough without it, but it seems a waste to leave it in the stockpile.  Also, the weaver died today; she was refusing to drink or eat, and thirst finally took her.

Mayor's Log, 25th Slate, 171

New migrants are here, about 19 of them.  I'll sort through them in a moment; I intend to switch to swords, since they seem more dangerous than spears.  Plissken, of course, will continue to use a spear.  There's still a lot of work to be done to fully recover from the attacks, but I feel pretty confident that we will manage.  Plissken's tomb is finished, as is Lorbam's.  There are slabs and statues within commemorating their kills and achievements, with engraved flooring and smooth stone walls.  Truly a nice place to be lain to rest, and hopefully worthy of our young fortress' heroes.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 12:46:29 pm by Urist_McArathos »
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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (Siegebreakers)
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2011, 02:31:00 pm »

could i get an speardwarf.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: Guardedrings, 31.21 Community Fortress (Siegebreakers)
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2011, 03:42:05 pm »

((Today's two updates are bad news and worse news, I'm afraid.  I'll be posting pictures of the complete fortress layout soon, but those of you with dead dorfs (too many, unfortunately) will need to either pick new ones or mourn yer dead.  Plissken, I'm really sorry to see you go so soon.  I was hoping he'd be my champion, but it just wasn't meant to be.))

Mayor's Log, 13th Felsite, 171

The vile force of darkness descends in the middle of spring

Another goblin siege is upon us!  This one is far worse than the last; numerous goblins, mostly lashers from the east and archers from the west, led by a spear-goblin, and half a dozen trolls.  Worse, all four veterans are still bedridden!  I've ordered the gate slammed shut; we'll just have to wait this one out until we are more prepared.  I'm ordering some weapon traps built in the entry hall; hopefully we can soften them up for our recruits.  I figure if we can get a set of decent traps up, we can mutilate them enough that when they come around a corner, even our green soldiers will make them rue the day.  There's no way I'm risking open assault though; there's nearly a dozen archers.  They'll pincushion our army before we get a chance.

Mayor's Log, 5th Hematite, 171

Two of the wounded are dead; they succumbed to infections from numerous wounds.  Luckily, Plissken is up and on his feet again; his arm in a cast, but otherwise alright it seems.  The other wounded, Dastot, has an injured foot.  Until we can get her to work with a crutch she'll never walk again.  It's a shame, but at least we're able to begin training the new recruits.  The weapon traps are almost ready, along with a couple stonefall traps.  The fortress is in danger, but we will press on.

Mayor's Log, 2nd Malachite, 171

We've had some delays thanks to problems with our iron production, but it's been sorted out.  The traps will be up soon, then the gate opened and the order given to retreat to the safe zone.  I've told Iteb that the fortress guard, while improperly armed for battle, is expected to stand guard at the stairs in case our soldiers cannot stop them with the aid of the traps.

Mayor's Log, 6th Malachite, 171

All the preparations are done; may our gods help our soldiers in this coming fight.  It will probably be bad.

The combined forces wait outside, ready for bloodshed

Our troops wait, past the deadly entry hall, ready to show them dwarven fury

The trolls charged in first; our cages and brutal weapon traps made short work of them; the goblins are hanging back, but not for long.  Here come the melee goblins, with the archers uncertain of whether or not to charge forward.

The goblin leader charges forward, his troops nervously following him.

The walls are stained blue with troll's blood, yet the goblins charge ahead and brave the iron of the traps...

...and massacre our defenders, leaving gore and corpses everywhere.

The aftermath is unbelievable.  The siege is ended, but all but two of those armed for battle are dead.  Plissken, our legendary soldier, is no more.  Only one swordsdwarf of the entire squad yet lives.  Iteb is alive, but her two guards are dead.  That makes 11 casualties today.  The goblins have fled, and we have several trolls and goblins as captives (not to mention all the gear left behind), but at what cost?  I'm not sure how we're to continue if we can't get some soldiers that survive and become stronger.  This will be the death of us, as we're going to have to start all over again now, and winter will almost certainly bring more.  I am at a loss for words.  I gave the all clear, and now I have to think.  I gave the order to produce more coffins, and expand the catacombs.  Sadly, we were working on a new wing of bedrooms; there won't be any need for them to be finished for some time, I fear.

Rest in Peace, soldier of Guardedrings.  A statue of a foxhound watches over your tomb

Chief Architect's Log, 13th Malachite, 171

I've been called out of office.  The various dwarves have blamed me for the deaths, and with two of my original six dead, I've lost the popular support I once enjoyed from so many well connected friends.  I was blamed for the chaos and the poor training of our troops.  Of all people to replace me, they picked some peasant girl named Vucar.  To think!  I'm just as distraught over all this as anyone else, I've lost my friends too!  What more was I to do?  I armed them with the best we could manage, but it's not important to them now.  Vucar is calling for some serious, sweeping reforms.  She's made me broker and bookkeeper, and I retain my post as Chief Architect.  However, she's ordered me to begin the long-overdue magma pump.  She insists that as we lack the means to make much from steel, we shall begin the process of harvesting the adamantine.  I told her it was folly, the dangers are too great!  She replied that we're already dying by the dozens from siege, it can't get any worse.  I find that hard to believe, but it's the way she feels.  Remalle, Inglonias, and aussieevil are still with me, and are shocked to find they're going to be sent to find a way to mine the ore despite the dangers.  There won't be ANY military escort, so the best I can tell them is to be careful, and pray they don't dig in the wrong spot.  For now we'll work on the magma pump, then we'll go on to the admantine veins.  No point in digging the stuff out if we can't smelt it.  I'm ordering all the iron we can spare melted down and forged into pump parts; we already have 8 glass pumps ready, but that won't be enough.  I'm also going to order the construction of  orthoclase blocks: they're supposedly magma-safe and should work fine for the pump.  I just don't know yet how many pumps we need.  That's my next order of business.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 03:51:33 pm by Urist_McArathos »
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