Thalore are in a pretty good place right now, but not exactly optimised for archery. Willpower scaling on the first and forth tier talents and primarily defensive on the other two. Forth tier's a summons which can be pretty useful for archers, though, as meatshields and distractions, and the damage buff from the first tier talent's a'ight. Still thaloren are generally better for either more tanky classes (to further emphasize that) or flimsier ones (to help shore that up). They're not going to do poorly on archers, though, as with the recent buffs they do pretty alright with everything (no one's going to argue too hard with two meatshields and an extra 10% passive resall). Downside being a XP penalty but... eh.
Halflings... I just don't play much. Their racials I hear are good (and with lucky day and a couple pieces of luck kit, can provide a few turns of 100% evasion) and they've got a good life rating, so they're fairly sturdy. Looking over the racials again, they're actually pretty decent insofar as offense goes (solid crit buff, especially if you're pumping cunning which most archers will to some degree for the crit, plus an alright physpower booster). Halflings are pretty standard go-to slingers, since they've got the cun scale going. Halflings make pretty good everything, really, since cunning's nice in general and they're fairly sturdy. Downside being... a XP penalty (there may be a pattern building, here) and a minor strength penalty which makes getting a bow archer off the ground slightly (but only slightly) more annoying.
White elephant in the room, though, are skeletons. Skeletons make basically freaking ridiculous and terribly hard to kill archers since bone armor scales with dex and their first tier bumps up both dex and strength (a bow archer's primaries). Downside being no infusions and I guess XP penalty but eh. You get to skeleton master archer back at them, heh.
I like ghoul archers, too, heh, but I like ghoul just about anything so eh. Still, leap helps with archer mobility and the fast attack speed on bows/slings helps offset the ghoul global penalty, so it's a pretty good (if somewhat aesthetically silly) combo. Downside being, y'know, ghoul. And a XP penalty.