... Frumple, can I see how you spent your generics on that mindslayer? I just started one and I'm curious.
EDIT: Scratch that I just lurked your profile instead. I'm good
Link for anyone else curious, heh. Am running an addon race that's a little (but, for once, actually only a little) on the overpowered side (and notably, in a way that specifically shores up 'slayers primary weakness, their negative life rating), but nothing too egregious. I'd be about at the same level of whoop with a dwarf or thalore, I imagine, though the lack of passive regen
would be fairly notable. Regen's a pretty big deal.
I don't really do anything fancy with 'slayer generics usually, though. Finer manipulation stuff (perfect control is a
lot better than I remember it. Probably one of the best crit boosting talents in the game now, to say nothing of the ridiculously huge accuracy buff.), nothing in voracity, the normal passives on a melee character. Bit into antimagic, good old psiblades. Whatever else comes up as it comes up.
E: ... if you didn't like 'zerkers, though, you'd probably
hate that build. I haven't spiked an aura since the dreadfell ambush, three or four dungeons ago*. Or used any active talents outside mobility and the occasional TK Smash. The only time I've spiked shields
at all were to switch the non-kinetic one to something appropriate for the area I was in -- which is to say, I haven't spiked them to actually soak damage yet. At all. Admittedly, I do end up killing a lot of stuff while repositioning, but it's still mostly bump bump bump with careful, but only occasional, utility use.
*Took three or four thermal spikes to kill off all but a couple orcs (barring the boss, of course. With kinshield and the armor, he basically couldn't hurt me). Most of the fight was spent bouncing around with TK leap and wanderer's rest to avoid getting surrounded while the aura was on cooldown.