Oh, I was wondering why my founder who has very high Persuasion and Law skills, as well as very high Heart, Intelligence, and Charisma, does so poorly defending himself in court. His stats for all those attributes and skills are in the mid-teens, like around 14 mostly, so he should have no trouble defending himself in court, especially on minor charges, but always does terribly. Is there a way this bug can be fixed? I have sleeper judges and sleeper lawyers, but the sleeper lawyers suck compared to the Elite Liberal star lawyer who costs $5000. I used to be able to defend myself in court and do way better than the sleeper lawyers, although not always as good as the $5000 all-star lawyer. Oh well. I suppose I'll just have everyone do violence... but I hate having to have my founder do violence... it puts the entire Liberal Crime Squad in jeopardy. But my founder has such good stats compared to anyone I find in the game, so I like trying to max out the founder at 1000 juice. Oh and WTF is with Agents? They can shoot my founder dead in one shot sometimes. And Guard Dogs... do they ignore both disguise and stealth? I need to get past the Guard Dogs... without them noticing me and alarming Conservatives. What are good disguises for the places in the Outskirts, like CEO residence, Intelligence HQ, Prison, etc.? Those places are a lot harder than the places downtown I typically do raids in, where I just need an Expensive Suit or Police Uniform that I can make myself and one of those works in most places.