Doublepost ftw!
Odd lack of discussion here, but anyway. I have found a decent-ish way of playing XCom CE in a way at least roughly reminiscent of DOS XCom, and with all the fixes.
Firstly, you'll need both the latest XComUtils and UFO Extender (assuming you already have whatever version of XComCE). This will set you up with the bulk of the most important fixes and features. I'll touch on setup in a moment, but first another thing. You'll need the disk, either physical or image, of the Playstation version of X-Com: UFO Defense. This is because, for whatever reason, the MP3 Music function of Extender seems to go CTD on a lot of people. For me, it worked on one setup, and didn't on another, so it's all a little hazy. The disk solution is easier to do, though it does require to pop it into the drive every time you want to play.
So, final list of things you need:
1) A copy of X-Com CE
2) The latest beta of XComUtils
3) The latest version of UFO Extender
4) A disk/image of X-Com for the PSX.
Setup:Copy Utils and Extender into your X-Com directory. Open the
UFOExtender.ini file. Here, change the following as described, and others to your preference:
- Under "[Equipment Screen]", change "Show Stats" and "Auto Flares" to 1.
- Under "[Music]", change "Apply" to 1, and change lines ";Source=PSX CD" and "Source=MP3", so that they instead read ";Source=MP3" and "Source=PSX CD" (note semicolon). Change the "CD Drive" value to whatever letter the drive you'll use for the PSX CD is.
- Under "[Bug Fix]", set all values to 1.
- Under "[Mod]", set "D3D" and "Scale Mouse" to 1. Set "Screen Ratio" to a value that fits your screen (more on that below).
To determine the screen ratio value, first see if your screen width divided by screen height is above 1.6. 1.6 is the value of 320/200, the original resolution of X-Com. If it's exactly equal 1.6 (or reasonably close), put 1 as the screen ratio. A very widescreen monitor (1366x768) will have a higher value. For those, your screen ratio formula is
((width-(height*1.6))/width)+1. (Such as, for a 1366x768, you get (1366-(768*1.6))/1366+1=(1366-1228.8)/1366+1=137.2/1366+1=~1.1004. The standard windows calculator works great. Don't trim decimal numbers, copy the whole thing.) For screens with less than 1.6 ratio, swapping around width and height in that formula should work.
Now, once you've done that, run XcuSetup.bat. Once it's done making backups, you'll have a string of questions thrown your way. You can enable anything that suits your fancy, I'll just outline the things you need answered a certain way.
"Split EXE" - Answer "Yes".
"Windows 7 Compatibility Fix" - Answer "No", you'll be running Direct3D.
"Seb76 UFO Extender" - Answer "Yes".
"Game Fixes" - Not sure if Extender provides the same functions, but answer "Yes" just in case.
From there, almost everything's up to you. I recommend using the BattleField And Terrain generator on conservative settings (answer Yes, then Yes, No and No as the prompts come up when you reach it), but refrain from using the same generator for Alien Craft Floor Plans (comes right after it), as it'll make every UFO recovery an exercise in frustration.
There, your setup routine is done. Pop the PSX CD into the drive or mount the image, and run the "RunXCom.bat" file in the game's directory. Enjoy the slightly refurbished music of the PSX remake, and hope nothing crashes except those pesky UFOs.
I'm currently playing on this setup. Not sure what's up with Rifles in my DOS version (6% TUs for a snap shot?), but here the Rifle is properly outclassed by the LasRifle. Not quite great, but still neat. The Heavy Laser though... seriously, someone considered it a bad weapon? Well a bad weapon maybe, no burst fire. But as a tool? Seriously, nobody noticed it has more damage per shot than the freaking Heavy Plasma? With no ammo to worry about? It's the first thing you acquire (unless you race for the HP first thing) that's capable of punching through internal Alien Base walls. I've yet to try it on a saucer's external wall though. Now that I got Plasma Rifles, I keep at least two people in the squad armed with HLasers, just in case I need the extra penetrating power. I suspect I'll keep them even when I switch to HPlasma, in a support/fall-back weapon role.