october 1999, enemies already have blasters and all the cool toys.
Aliens discovered my base in egypt, and then send a snakeman battleship to attack it.
Now, the bad news start: the base has 10 untrained soldiers with 1 laser rifle each. And that is all.
As you might imagine, I considered that battle lost before starting it. One of my soldier also spawned between the elevator and the hangars.
I built the base in a line, so placing soldiers for defense was rather easy. Then, a blaster bomb arrives and kills three soldiers, after that another was killed by Xcom reaction shot. a good start, isn't it?
Meanwhile the lone soldier between the 2 alien spawn points moved toward the hangar and while taking a step backward to get a better aim, he finds and kills the only chryssalis. That probably avoided a zombie invasion. Next turn, he kills a snakemen and is then killed by reaction fire.
so, 5 soldiers left, to reorganize a defensive line. And here come the surprise: several of the surviving soldiers have good reactions. first snake out of the elevator dead. But I am still fearing another blaster. Eventually, I get brave enough to make some steps forward, looking behind corners, while trying to steal a plasma gun from the snakemen's corpses.
Well, apparently the first alien killed was the one with the blaster!
at the end, after a bit of gunfight in the radar base, I kill the last 3 snakemen.
The base had survived, with 5 soldiers out of 10! I never had such a great victory. ( considering the conditions)
Unluckily, the radar got destroyed ( that is what they were shooting at while I couldn't see them!!), which removed the hangars, which in turn destroyed my firestorm and interceptor.
But in the soldier screen I saw that several of the surviving soldiers had nearly 50 reactions. I even had one of them moved to the main squad.
what can I say? this is proof that laser rifles are useful during all the game! ( and I'll definitely take them as backup weapons for the final mission)