Entranched units. (inf/tank/anti-tank and arty) are giving me a headache. How do you guys deal with them?
Also the damage prediction is hard to read anyone have any tips for that? (ctrl left click)
Entrenched units are best dealt with by a combination air+artillery bombardment following rapid attack. Remember, ANY attack, direct, artillery, or air, even one that does NO damage, will reduce the enemies entrenchment by 1, making it easier. So even your fighter with 1 ground attack can lower enemy entrenchment after you shot down all the enemy planes.
Start by smashing the artillery and enemy defending units with your own artillery, tactical bombers, or even flank them and hit it with tanks.
With defending artillery destroyed or mitigated, and defenders weakened, follow up with *infantry* attack-engineers in particular gain nice bonuses to attacking heavily entrenched units, and infantry can take care of AT guns easier. AT guns are a pain in the ass to kill no matter what though...
Strategic bombers are highly useful as well-they inflict suppression on an enemy, that lasts until the next turn, instead of going away in a combat round. So you effectively halve an enemies strength, making them likely to retreat. Also, it reduces their ammo-if you totally can't take an area, you could peck them with expendable units and blast them with strategic bombers until they run out of ammunition lol
Well, I'll put it easy enough!
Both units are using two stats-EFFECTIVE DEFENSE, and EFFECTIVE ATTACK.
Which is defense/attack with modifiers. A unit uses it's hard attack vs hard targets, and soft attack vs soft targets. All ground units use ground defense against each other, but tanks in cities/forests, use CLOSE defense, which is usually 0 defense...don't use tanks to defend OR attack a well defended city directly-Sherman tanks are actually better at this though, but not German ones. lol
When you attack a unit, first intiative is rolled-this can be capped by terrain, varies depending on the unit-an experienced unit gets better intiative, tanks go faster etc. Whoever wins intiative shoots first, rolling how ever many D20's of effective strength they have left of they're effective attack vs enemies effective defense-for normal units, rolling under 10 is a miss, from 10-13 is a supression, which means they can't hit you back for that combat round, and a kill, which...kills them, lowering effective strength. If they are not destroyed in the attack, they fire back.
Supporting artillery can fire adjacently-but it has different numbers- 1-10 is still a miss, but 11-17 is a supression, with only 18-20 being kills. units suppressed by artillery clearly cannot attack you.