If this really happens, it will be fun to watch the Tea Partiers answer questions about the military being paid should it go on long enough.
"You said shut it down, didn't you?"
"Well yes."
"So you're in favor of our troops going unpaid?"
"Well no--"
"But you said shut it down. Clearly you felt that soldiers not being paid was worth the price of making your point."
"We only wanted to stop the bad spending!"
"But you stopped all spending, not just the "bad spending." Sergeant Rakles would like to know if it was worth it."
"Uhm....uh....support our troops....uhm.....national security is our top priority....er....taxes are bad....uh....gosh, this politics thing is harder than it seemed like it would be in my 7th Grade Social Studies class."
UMMMM NENJIN, hate to burst your idealogical bubble, but OBAMA is threatening to not pay the soldiers. No one else. It is his pettiness that underlays that. Normally, in a shutdown, the military does still get paid. Just saying.
The way I see this, and I am sure I will be the most unpopular person for saying it, is that the Democrats and Obama have a gun to the head of America demanding money for their cronies (GM SEIU, AFL-CIO, etc etc etc etc etc ect) like some back alley thug and the Republicans care simplying trying to keep us all from being robbed. Yeah, I know, that doesnt fit with the DF Forums acceptable narrative and tone.
Also, about Bush and fannie mae and Freddie mac:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs (listen closely at the 7:40 mark) damn that Bush and Deregulation.....oh, wait, what?!
Disclaimer: I am a proud member of the Dallas Tea Party, started by non-white people, imaging that!