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Author Topic: Life imitating DF -- Iceland contemplates liquid magma as power source.  (Read 1712 times)

sneakey pete

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Re: Life imitating DF -- Iceland contemplates liquid magma as power source.
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2011, 06:53:53 am »

To be honest the supercritical water experiments would have been more awesome :P
Magma is overrated.


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Re: Life imitating DF -- Iceland contemplates liquid magma as power source.
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2011, 07:16:06 am »

Iceland was so named because the first settler walked up on a hill where they landed and saw a large glacier -> Iceland.

The name of Greenland was an ad scam. Eirik the Red, who was the first to explore it, decided to found a settlement there and returned to Iceland to get settlers to come back with him. He called the new land Greenland to make it sound more attractive.

For those not familiar with icelandic history, Eirik the Red was a guy who was first banished from Norway for murder and travelled to Iceland, then was banished from Iceland for murder as well. Tricking people into joining a colonial adventure on a remote, frozen, rocky wasteland was par for the course.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 07:28:28 am by olemars »


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Re: Life imitating DF -- Iceland contemplates liquid magma as power source.
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 08:40:28 am »

Iceland was so named because the first settler walked up on a hill where they landed and saw a large glacier -> Iceland.

The name of Greenland was an ad scam. Eirik the Red, who was the first to explore it, decided to found a settlement there and returned to Iceland to get settlers to come back with him. He called the new land Greenland to make it sound more attractive.

For those not familiar with icelandic history, Eirik the Red was a guy who was first banished from Norway for murder and travelled to Iceland, then was banished from Iceland for murder as well. Tricking people into joining a colonial adventure on a remote, frozen, rocky wasteland was par for the course.

I never did do all that well in my Geography classes.

Anyway, I approve of magma as a power source.


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Re: Life imitating DF -- Iceland contemplates liquid magma as power source.
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 08:57:57 am »

On the other hand Greenland was able to support farming in the time of colonisation. But later climate changed (around 1300).

Hmm. And I thought that magma in DF is unbelievable accessible.  So magma in RL can be found on 2104 m.
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