@Panthera Leo: Oh, I think I get it now. I was fixating on the SYNDROME stuff. The REACTION_PRODUCT stuff is neat. This feature has been around for a while, though, so it'll be old news for some people. But in my case I never used material_reaction_products, even though there was one case in which I really should have. So, thanks!
to the muscle entry of material_default.txt might work. Or it might crash the game (or just cause an errorlog entry).
If it doesn't work, try adding a COOKING_BLOOD (use the blood template) entry to the TOP of standard_materials (b_detail_plan_default), and change the above line to [MATERIAL_REACTION_PRODUCT:EXTRACT_BLOOD:LOCAL_CREATURE_MAT:COOKING_BLOOD]
That should definitely work, but is a touch less elegant.
The reaction would then be
[NAME:press blood from meat]
modified muscle template (set to use blood, change to COOKING_BLOOD if this causes problems). Only change is down at the bottom.
[SHEAR_YIELD:20000] used human skin
This lets the game know that the item can be eaten in various ways.
standard_materials (if you have to go the cooking_blood rout):
This command is just a shortcut for the similar lines (USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE|<token>|<template>) in a creature definition.
EDIT: if you add [EDIBLE_COOKED] to the BLOOD_TEMPLATE, you may be able to cook blood automatically at the kitchen.