Simple Fortress is just a slightly tweaked world generator and embark that allows your dwarves to carry far more supplies initially.
Also the starting abilities of your dwarves have been selected to some useful professions.
This is designed to give you plenty of time (A couple years) to learn the ropes and how to handle your fortress without the initial pressures that are usually placed on a fortress.
With food and drink taken care of, with simple weapons and armors already supplied, and with plenty of raw materials you can take your time and learn how the intricate industries of dwarf fortress interact. download and unzip into your dwarf fortress directory.
Then Generate a new world using "Simple Fortress" World preset. (It increases the embark points and also makes the world a bit less extreme)
Then When you play choose "Simple fortress" As the embark profile and you will have a large amount of goods per-selected that should make your initial years far less hectic.
*** Updated to be compatible with 0.34.06 ***
Tweaked worldgen prams.
Tweaked embark skills slightly.
*** Updated to be compatible with 0.31.21 ***
Added mineral frequency to the file
Added some more of the newer industries requisite animals
Added hematite back in since it is likely it will be available at embark
switched from limestone to Marble as the flux as it seems to be available far more often.
Tweaked down temperature a bit more.