You kill one hundred of the monkeys, destroy their technology, place stone golems on the planet to destroy any new technology, and construct a massive wall around their world to prevent escape. You then smite them thoroughly and make a version with less intelligence on a new world. You then grant the old monkeys magic, making them tolerant of you again and ensuring that they will never look into technology again. You also give the dinosaurs high tech-level tech and remove the desire to travel to other worlds from their minds, causing the race to stagnate. Then, you check upon your wayward son, and find that he has elevated all his monkeys to demigod status and made them his servants, and has condemned those who refused to obey and cast them down into a massive pit below the surface of his world. At the moment, he is creating a mortal wife for his first mortal, to replace his first wife, whom the first mortal disliked. You then give the monkeys basic technology and give them permission to advance past it, making you popular with them again, though they now use magic exclusively. You emphasize peace, staying within one's limits, and obedience to your new, stupid monkeys, who blindly obey, though you suspect that it would take them 50 trillion years to get beyond the dark ages anyway. You then take a large chunk of time and space and make it into an origami crane, and resolve not to destroy your creations anymore.