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How do you feel about Apple (the company that makes iPhones, not any sort of fruit etc)?

I really like them and buy all their products.
I like them and think they're a good company.
I like them.
I don't care either way.
I do not particularly like them.
I dislike them.
I detest Apple and go out of my way to tell people how terrible their products are.
Don't care. / View poll.

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Author Topic: Apple  (Read 8643 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« on: February 15, 2011, 09:29:05 am »

So, I really, really hate Apple. I mean, seriously, I think they're one of the worst companies out in force in the market at the moment. Their poor quality products (sure, it might look pretty, but it breaks within a few years... suspiciously just when their next product is coming out), force in the market and god damn Steve Jobs makes me have an unreserved hatred for them.

But, other people seem to like them. Whether that's because they're idiots ("APPLE IS THE NICEST COMPANY EVERRRR AND STEVE JOBS IS A VISIONARYYYY"), have had different experiences with their products than I have or are trying to stick it to the "big bad boy Microsoft", I don't know.

So, how do you guys feel about Apple and, if you do, why do feel like that towards them?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 09:34:53 am »

I went with "Don't care," but I'll elaborate:

If a product works, I am happy with it. I like my ipod. It still works wonderfully after like... I dunno, six years? It's old. I couldn't care in the slightest about the company, or the other products it makes (unless I'm in the market for something like another product and it becomes an option). I've tried using Macs a few times and I found them annoying and having pros that are too limited in their use for me to really get behind them. So I'm completely indifferent to the company, because they made one product I like and one I didn't and a bunch of others I'm not at all interested.

What I don't like is hardcore Apple fanboys/naysayers who go out of their way to tell you why you should or shouldn't like the company. I don't care about the company. All I want is a product.

Sir Finkus

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Re: Apple
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 09:45:13 am »

Apple stuff has been overpriced junk in my experience.  I'm not also not terribly impressed with how itunes deletes my dad's library files almost daily.  I like the asthetics of their mac book pros, but they're overpriced, out of date, and have cooling issues.


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Re: Apple
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 09:47:45 am »

What I don't like is hardcore Apple fanboys/naysayers who go out of their way to tell you why you should or shouldn't like the company. I don't care about the company. All I want is a product.

I care about how socially/economically/ecologically responsible a company is, and how honest they are. I don't think these are unreasonable things to care about, and I think Apple fails on those counts.
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Re: Apple
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 09:54:31 am »

Alot of electronic devices dies within a couple years and Apples no diffrent. Really indifferent about them except a tad bit expensive compared to building yourself. Mostly trolling fanboys when discussing Apple :P


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Re: Apple
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 10:01:04 am »

Their users should be rich poeple that need things that work (no dell/windows) and don't have time to make it themselves (linux on a custom comp).
Anybody else buying it is just falling for the hype. On the smatphone market, they are clearly the best looking and will get along with a macbook. So same thing : overpriced, good looking, durable.

Of course they are locked down privacy invading pieceof s**** but if you don't care for free software it doesn't matter and the only good alternatives are free software (easy to get) on free hardware (herm does someone know if it even exist?) .
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 10:20:41 am »

I am usually indifferent to brand names. I appreciate Apple's design and their efforts, and their customer service was good from what I've seen.

What I don't appreciate is Apple fanboyism. I've got four such people where I study, and I really dislike being told what I should like or buy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 10:27:33 am »

I would disagree with the durable statement as I've not noticed them to be any more so than other phones, and it's certainly not true of the laptops.

Generally I find they are comparable with other hardware in most things and are price comparably to windows machines from brand names such as Sony. Osx is very similar to win7 in terms of easy of use and stability, and although they don't suffer quite so many virus (total count at least) the ones they do have tend to be more common as a lot of osx users seem to feel they don't need to worry about anti-viruses. They also lack on gaming which I feel is the main down point, especially give you pay gaming laptop prices.

The phones are probably better than average, but certainly not the best smart phones on the market either design or implementation wise. Also I've not personally been impressed with how the latest os update for it has changed some of the way things work, it definitely feels less usable than when I first got my iPhone.

I don't really care either way what people want to us although it bugs me when evangelists go on about how wonderful they are.

With regards to the moral aspects and socially/economically/ecologically responsibility I wouldn't have said they are worse than any of the other major companies. Even with the news leaked about them cutting ties with certain manufactures I note that they only made sure they followed laws in whichever countries they were based and not some socially response acts like, for example, not employing kids at all. However avoiding companies that aren't responsible is very hard (and/or very expensive).
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2011, 10:47:42 am »

Alot of electronic devices dies within a couple years and Apples no diffrent. Really indifferent about them except a tad bit expensive compared to building yourself. Mostly trolling fanboys when discussing Apple :P

To be honest, I've not noticed things malfunction as much as iPods do. "Oh, look, it's locked up and there's no way to reset without plugging it into my computer. Oh, wait, what? I can't even turn it off so it keeps making a ridiculous noise for hours on end? How wonderful." is a common complaint from iPod users.

Constant software corruption, poor hardware installation etc etc.

Apple stuff has been overpriced junk in my experience.  I'm not also not terribly impressed with how itunes deletes my dad's library files almost daily.

This is another thing a lot of iPod users have to deal with.

Their users should be rich poeple that need things that work (no dell/windows) and don't have time to make it themselves (linux on a custom comp).

Windows has never, ever failed me. Seriously.

Of course they are locked down privacy invading pieceof s**** but if you don't care for free software it doesn't matter and the only good alternatives are free software (easy to get) on free hardware (herm does someone know if it even exist?) .

Who doesn't care for free software?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 10:54:07 am »

I miss the "Apples are tasty" option :P

But on topic, my iPod is pretty indestructible. Well, actually pretty destructible, but despite having fallen down from my attic it still works.

As for fanboyism...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 11:03:27 am »

With regards to the moral aspects and socially/economically/ecologically responsibility I wouldn't have said they are worse than any of the other major companies. Even with the news leaked about them cutting ties with certain manufactures I note that they only made sure they followed laws in whichever countries they were based and not some socially response acts like, for example, not employing kids at all. However avoiding companies that aren't responsible is very hard (and/or very expensive).

Apple is one of the front-runners of consumer culture these days. Their business model relies on conspicuous consumption of goods with redundant functionality that you replace in two years for a marginally better model. Other companies (and the economy in general) do this, sure, but Apple seems worse than most with its bizarre sort of cult-of-personality (if that even applies to brands) marketing. Apple has leveraged its appearance as an "alternative" sort of company and used it to play both sides of the fence, now acting as the sort of behemoth they used to market themselves as an alternative to.

When I say "play both sides of the fence" I mean it. Their image is still squeaky-clean enough from the old days that they get a sort of free pass; I know plenty of people who ostensibly try to be ecologically and environmentally conscious, and still purchase disposable plastic electronics they don't need for hundreds of dollars that could be spent elsewhere, when these seem people likely wouldn't if the company had the same image, say, Microsoft has.

It's sort of a thorn in my side personally how much money we dump as consumers into disposable electronic commodities without really thinking about it, when that cash could be put to much better use elsewhere, and it all just winds up in a landfill three years down the road. Their advertising also has a history of being both dishonest (although thank god the "Mac vs. PC" campaign seems dead) and ubiquitous (I was in one of the major train stations in Boston recently and the place was covered in this huge iPad ad campaign, and we're talking a government/public building here), and their fanbase, as with many others, can be cultish and annoying.
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Re: Apple
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 11:43:25 am »

I don't think they are as bad as you say they are, they are simply a company that has got big. All big companies charge more for products because they can, it's the way of capitalism (Which I am against).

I have an iPod, second gen, and it is a really nice piece of kit. I have jail-broken it and I barely ever leave it more than ten feet from me.

To me they are simply an entirely neutral company.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2011, 11:44:30 am »

 I find it hilarious how some people say that apples sticking it to microsoft and is the underdog, when Apple is either bigger or around as big as microsoft.
  My experience with Apple is that of phones and computing in general. You have to upgrade every few years for a crap load of money to get anything new.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apple
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 12:28:12 pm »

I dislike them. It's not that their products are bad in themselves, for what I've seen (then again, I've never tried any for extended periods of time). It's that they seem grossly overpriced for their specs. I'd never buy one.

I don't exactly go out of my way to tell people about this, but whenever I see an operative ipad or Macbook in a shop, I seldom resist to open a google search to "Steve Jobs is Satan" when noone is looking. But that's more for the sake of IRL trolling than activism.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 12:29:44 pm by ChairmanPoo »
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Re: Apple
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 01:03:17 pm »

I've hated Apple for more than fifteen years. I see no reason to change now. They killed Commodore (although Commodore did help).
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Man, ninja'd by a potentially inebriated Lord Shonus. I was gonna say to burn it.
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