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Author Topic: The Grimoire of Armok! post your passages to be chosen for the book of our god!  (Read 16408 times)


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Alright, moving on from: that topic, we got to discussing making a Grimoire of Armok.

so! post here all the passages for the holy book that you can think of, go crazy, make entire pages, well put the best of it all on the wiki page for the Grimoire of Armok in all its glory!
though, well need someone to volantear to manage the wiki page wile we pick and choose the best for the draft of the book.

if anyone is experianced in it, please volentear.

sorry for my spelling and grammer.


The Book of world Genesis draft is finished!
The Book of Urist draft is finished!
The Book of Id (mechanisms, technology and fey moods: Patron god: Malakai -under Armok-) needs materials!! Please contribute!

also: a few rules:

no double post
 dont post opinions on this board since its just listing suggestions
 and it can range from one line to an entire page.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 06:02:28 pm by Karakzon »
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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And Armok created magma, the blood of the earth, and with it the dwarves made many fine weapons, and Armok saw it, and it was good.
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


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Extract from the final book of Urist McApostle, self proclaimed Apostle (And other proclaimed idiot) of Armok-
We are close. The sound singing from a rich vein of adamantium is on the other side of this wall. The echoes hint at a cavern. That shall not stop us! What lives in these caverns? Ogres? Crocodiles? Even the forgotten beasts are no match for our might, no we will go onwards, defending the miners as they uncover the blessed blood of our god.

They have done it! By all that is great and mighty they have done it! We are through! We can hear the precious metal singing to us. But there is another sound. What is that? I become nervous even as i write, but the miners laugh at me and tell me it is but the sound of a crundle. The little crustacean delicacies i have so enjoyed. The day gets better, i even get a meal! What was- i heard a scream. An unholy blood curdling scream! That sound a billion chittering legs. Suddenly my previous trepidation returns, no crundle should make that sound. Then i see it! My fellow dwarves are fleeing, dropping their picks from the darkness. Why is this? I must see. I ask what is happening? No answer. Just pushing and scrambling. I grow angry, how dare they ignore me, servant of Armok! But- now i see it. Its a few crundles, one, four and five. What is the-? oh no..then i see it. A wave of chitinous shell and horn, a roiling wave of angry red death on tiny legs! I have moments to live, if this account survive-

The recovered records show after this moment the apostle was dead, the blood and dirt smeared over the remaining pages imply that he had given up hope and fallen to his knees, awaiting his god. More than likely he is being punished for not running like any sane son of the stone.
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


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And Armok created magma, the blood of the earth, and with it the dwarves made many fine weapons, and Armok saw it, and it was good.
Better creation mythos.  Perhaps we should use it as a starting point for the book?


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Thou shalt not leave elves alive.

Thou shalt not hide in your fortress when a siege comes forth.

And other such things. =3


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Thou shalt not use thine precious adamantium to make retro bell bottoms, thus spake Armok through his Fashion Master, Master of Fashion.

Edit: I think we have a new noble!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 06:06:01 pm by Wannazzaki »
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


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-My own passage for this, btw: if your wanting to be the one to manage the wiki page, give me a pm or such-

In the beginning, the world was one of fire, a sphear of molten rock.
In the first day of this world, Armok gave life.
And in the second, he ordained the dwarfven people, Men and women of the earth, fire running through their veins in the form of blood.
And loe, it was good. On the great god went, and he created all the peoples of the world, from kobolds to elves.

But into this world, darkness seeped from the void left in the wake of creation. Goblins emerged, profaine deformatys seeped into the deeps. And so Armok took up the mantle of Warrior. And Armok decended and destroyed all in his path to clense his creation. But the destruction was too great, the dwarves retreated into the earth and the other peoples forced nearly to extinction. But the blood god succeeded, the deamons were driven into the heart of the earth, and sealed with adamantium, the blood made solid of Armok himself! and lo! Armok decreed that any who breached this prison and defeated the hords that spewed forth would use his blood to break his eternal foe, for he shall never decend again, untill the day of judgement and fire, when the warriors of Dwarfhalla decend, heros of the world, to purge the evil once and for all, and bring about the creation of a pure world.

- A passage found carved on an adamantine vein in the runes of old dwarfish.

This history shall be written in blood, and for every drop laid down in the name of the dwarfs, every drop i say! every drop layed down in the name of the GREAT GOD ARMOK HIMSELF! shall be used to wash away the sins of the none belivers, and give birth the the heros who shall come. With Adamantine, Steel, Iron, Silver, Bishtmund bronze and copper, with the very rocks at our feet! we shall smite down all who are under the sway of the deamon, the mutant, the heratic! Forward brothers of Armok! forward! Into the breach, honour our god with the blood of the dark hordes!

- Rally cry from Karakzon, during the battle of blood and horror in a time before time, during the time of founding.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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For his blood is the reward to his people who scour the world clean of his most hated and powerful foes, for those who can truly harm a god to be put so low by his people makes him weep tears of joy, and thus adamantium was gifted to the brave...and will take the life of the unprepared, reckless or arrogant enough to think they can harvest the watching gods blood without paying their price in demons flesh sundered and murdered.
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


  • Bay Watcher
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In the Time before Time, the vile goblin forces set siege upon the dwarfen Mountainhomes.  Their sickly green skin covered the ground, turning the color of the charred stone foundations, gathering in front of the Mountainhome's cut stone battlements.  To greet the siege were little more than militia, armed with bone bows and bolts, cowering near-naked behind the battlements of the stone walls.  The Mountainhome's only defensive structure stood a ways in front of the main drawbridge, manned by the dwarven king himself.

The goblins shouted across the killing field, "You are weak!  Your crossbows will barely scratch our skin, and your gold shall be ours in short time!  Lay yourself prone, and we will kill you mercifully!"

Urist stood his ground, and spoke, "A force of blind archers could push you aside, for they are not our might.  As any dwarf worth his beard knows... give me a lever and a place to rest it..."  He stood on the single defensive piece, grasping the handle and turning the lever.  The mountain itself roared to life, and molten fire spewed from the rough hewn walls, spreading out across the field and down over the heads of the goblins.


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That makes me wonder. Boatmurdered surely must get a mention eh?
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


  • Bay Watcher
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That makes me wonder. Boatmurdered surely must get a mention eh?

definatly. someone contact the makers of it though, homage is alot better when someone is able to give first hand.

anyways: keep it to passages for now, i dont want this disolving into a convo, the material we have so far from the others is brilliant quality.

Urist shalt be thy name! and goblin golf will be thy game! hand him the hammer of bone, of iron, of steel and silver! circle it in lead and crack the skulls with the swing from the shoulder! Grip its handle in your cat leather gloves and gird yourselfs for a challange!

- opening introduction to an arena game, very popular form of worship in the olden days of yore, injurys were very common
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 06:33:58 pm by Karakzon »
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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And Urist said, "What shall I do to these goblins that are assaulting my fort?"
And Armok said, "Open up the volcano, and let its firey blood engulf the goblins."
And Urist said, "The elves refused our offer of -alder crown-s! What shall I do?"
And Armok said, "Open the volcano, let the heat of magma be your broker to the elven scum!"
And Urist said, "The migrants have no useful skills, they hog the ale, and the last time I turned them into a militia they just got eaten by that iron hydra of doom You created! Oh, what shall I do?"
And Armok said, "Let them be stationed over the volcano."
And Urist said, "The baron is requesting three aluminum items, but we only have two aluminum bars! The last time this happened he had the weaponsmith's arms broken,causing indirectly the deaths of several dozen dwarves to the iron hydra of doom! Oh what should I, what CAN I do?"
And Armok said, "Make for the baron two aluminum items, a floodgate and a lever. Placing them in a room by the magma pipe and hooking them up with alunite mechanisms, see if he needs the third item."
And Urist said, "Great Armok! I desperately need your wisdom! The baron pulled a lever that flooded half the fortress with magma, melting the iron hydra of doom and ceasing his necrotic gases, as well as cleaning up the flying skinless turtle's deadly blood, but half of the fortress is dead, everyone else except for a woodcutter is trapped inside, and the food and alcohol have burnt to a crisp! Whatever can I do to survive?"
And Armok said, "Use more magma next time."
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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You sir, have amused me
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!

They Got Leader

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The drinking song must be referenced.

And in the days of yore, when the fires of the hearth grew hot, and the work had been halted on the account of celebration, the brew was passed around so that all could drink. Many songs have been sung through the years, but deep in their hearts, all true dwarves and the closest blood allies know the epic drinking song. The oldest of mountainhomes ring with the tune, almost as if it had been carved into the very stone. It calls to the ghosts of the pasts, and is heard as the dwarves field their men for battle. Miners and masons sing it when they work, and brokers hum it when it is time to trade.

(More to come later)
Quote from: Urist McDwarfFortress
You do not understand the ways of Toady One. He is not a business, he's just a guy trying to make a fun game. He's invited people to come along and experience the journey with him (and help him test it out as he goes along). At the end of the day, I don't think his main goal is to sell Dwarf Fortress, its just to create the best game possible.


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And on the seventh day, the world generation was complete. Armok was pleased with his work.
Trees dotted the surface, and from them, the Elves came to be. And with the trees the Elves wood(HAH!) stay...
From the oceans crawled the Humans, so envious of the soil; Greed and lust were both their chains and their means to be free...
From the refuse and rot of wars waged by men arose Goblins. Consumed by hate and anger, they set out to destroy...
And from the caverns deep something unknown rested. The darkness was all that It knew; all that It loved. If the darkness were to shy away, It wouldn't know what to do...

And at the center of it all, magma flowed through the earth like blood through veins, warming it; giving it life. It mothered the very race that would strike the earth and change it forever. From the burning womb sprung the Dwarfs, their only desire being to create and destroy. They sought industry opposed to the folly of those that would dwell on the surface. And so, alcohol flowed through the dwarfs like magma through the earth, fueling them; giving them strength.

I dunno. Someone with better writing skills touch it up if it is deemed worthy. I need sleep but my Dwarfs require battlements with dragon statues that shoot lava.
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