Research: None
Labor:1) Work tile 5 (7 food) (7)
2) Work tile 6 (7 food) (14)
3) Work tile 16 (6 food) (20)
4) Work tile 17 (6 food) (26)
5) Work tile 18 (6 food, 1 wool) (32)
6) Work tile 4 (3 food, 2 wood) (35)
7) Work tile 2 (2 food, 1 sun amber) (37)
Work tile 12 (2 food, 2 wood, 1 spice) (39)
9) Work tile 1 (5 food, 1 wool) (44)
10) Work tile 8 (2 stone)
11) Work tile 13 (4 food) (48)
12) Work tile 14 (4 food) (52)
13) Work tile 15 (4 food) (56)
Trading/Colonies/Mercenaries:Ljus Faller->Halfling Village:Halfling village -2 stone->+4 food (60)
Dark elf city (aka Rensraad)->Ljust faller: +4 money
Koppar Steg->Ljus Faller +3 food, +1 copper, -2 money (63)
WorkshopsClothiers workshop) (-1 wool, +1 clothing)
Jewlery workshop) No Production
Manufacturing, Crafting, Building, and research:14+15+16) Build stone wall tile 4 (-2 stone)
17) Forge Bronze ingot (-1 copper, -1 tin)
18) Craft Sun Charm (-1 sun amber)
19+20+21) Build Catapult (-2 wood)
22) Make leather armor (-1 leather armor)
23) Make wooden shield (-1 wood)
24) Make armor (-1 bronze)
25+26+27+28) Build settlers (-4 food, -4 wood)
Resource production and consumption:Stored resources at start of turn: 3 food, 5 wood, 2 stone, 8 leather, 6 wool, 3 tin, 1 spice, 1 sun charm, 1 sun amber
Gross production: 63 food, 2 stone, 6 wood, 1 sun amber, 1 spice, 2 wool, 1 clothing, 1 bronze ingot, 1 sun charm, 1 armor
Gross Consumption: 61 food, 4 stone, 7 wood, 1 sun amber, 1 spice, 1 wool, 1 clothing, 1 bronze ingot
Net production: 2 food, -1 wood, 1 wool, 1 armor, 1 sun charm, -2 stone
Total Stored at end of turn: 5 food, 4 wood, 7 wool, 2 tin, 2 sun charm, 1 armor, 1 sun amber
Money18 Start -10 buying labor=8 -9 military -2 colony +15 taxes +4 mercenaries=16
Prosperity:(+1 from shrine, +2 base, +1 from spice, +1 from clothing, +1 from post regeneration care +1 from Governor, +1 theater, +1 from all tech researched)=9 non-food +(57/3)=19 via food. Total=28
Millitary and leaders:Spearmen 1: Help the dark elves defend their city
Seekers 1: Cartograph north east of Koppar Steg
Seekers 2: Cardiograph east of Koppa Steg
Seekers 3: Explore south of Koppa steg (avoid battle)
Spearmen with shields, leather armor, and a canoe 1: Explore the river to the south of the human village
Spearmen with shields, leather armor, and a canoe 2: Explore the river to the south of the human village
Spearmen with shields, leather armor, and a canoe 3: Train in the city
Sages of the Infinite Sun 1: Defends Koppar Steg & halfling village (and help seeker 3 if they get into a battle and are unable to retreat)
Sages of the Infinite Sun 2: Help the dark elves defend their city
Governor Marina: Chills and does stuff that governors like to do.
Allegro (General): Stays in the city and helps train
Training:Train catapult crew (catapult, leather armor, wooden shield)
Train Spearmen with shields, leather armor, and a canoe to level 2
Other:-3 population growth from creating settlers, +1 growth as normal, -2 growth this turn