Turn one. Flying krogan!
Karres: 6, You move unnoticed into a good spot to eliminate all the krogan, the bad news is that you forgot your drink.
Kreav: 4, you move to attack, you go for one of the outliers,[Initiative roll [2]v[6] he spots you immediatly and headbutts you [4], you stay standing however.
Otasu: 1, you attempt to drink the ryncol but you bash it away, smashing it. then as you attempt to get your handgun the grip breaks making it useless until it's fixed.
Cain: 3, you move to attack, though you were a bit conspicious you go for the same krogan as kreav [Initiative roll [2]v[2], he is distracted by kreav, [4] you go straight for the quad [1] he keels over in pain. krogan one is in pain.
Kar'rosh: 3, you watch the pack krogan and see a turian and another krogan gang up on the one, resulting in one being headbutted and and the other kicked in the quad, you hastilty ready you shotgun, realizing it's gone to hell now.
Blood pack krogan: Attack
The second krogan attacks the turian [Initiative roll [5]v[5] the krogan rushes but Cain sees him [1] and dodges sending the bastard flying [2] into the wall. krogan 2 is stunned.
Blood pack leader: Finish up here.
[3]The owner ducks under the counter, hiding fr-OHSHIT.
Taric: enter
[2]A quarian is held up at the door.
ConcussedOtasu: Broken handgun
Cain: Normal
Kar'rosh: Normal
Marcus: With Taric
Krogan 1:
In pain, Armed with an "Avenger IV, in medium armour"
Krogan 2:
Stunned, Armed with an "Executioner VII, medium armour"
Krogan leader: Realizing his men have been thrashed. Biotic, Armed with a "Crossfire X, In heavy armour."
In SH armour, armed with a customized Thelis 44 Battle rifle w/Scope holo, Fixed stock and Detachable heatsinks. Techie.