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Author Topic: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress  (Read 2941 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2011, 07:48:20 am »

14th of Limestone, year 228

Another mandate of mine has passed unfilled. One of our archers, Tourtwist, has been sentenced to jail for 48 days because of that. I can't allow any of our working smiths to be thrown in the jail, so the archer must suffer the punishment and serve as warning example of what will happen if my mandates are ignored.

I have also made some changes to our work assignments. Mostly the changes are related to farming, though few others smaller changes came to be as well. The most notable change was that I separated farmers from rest of the food handlers. After this separation we have eight dwarves dedicated to farming, while seven cooks are concentrating on the handling and processing of the food. This includes brewing, butchering, tanning and cooking. This separation was made to ensure that our food production gets more efficient, thus giving us more plants and alcohol. Another change was to group all the related tasks under single profession, and the dwarves under the specific profession sharing the similiar name of profession. So, all smiths concentrate only on smithing, while all smelters concentrate on smelting only. All the dwarves who had no tasks assigned were grouped under the profession of peasant. This change was made to clarify things, and make it easier to manage this fortress.

9th of Timber, year 228

Our masons have finished small archery training area, consisting of five separated ranges. Now our crossbowdwarves are able to train themselves, hopefully allowing us to deal with the orcs in the future.

12th of Timber, year 228

The orcs are gone! I believe they got fed up with waiting for us to let them inside, so they departed yesterday. Still, I'm a bit too cautious to open the passage again, the life here has taught me that the orcs may have another invading force waiting somewhere nearby, so I think we should wait a bit longer before letting anybody outside.

13th of Timber, year 228

Not orcs, but goblins decided to lay a siege to us. Hah! They have no chance of getting inside, so I'm quite curious why do they even try?

3rd of Moonstone, year 228

The goblins are interrupting our workers near the outside refuse stockpile, so I ordered our archers to station in there, and shoot any hostile creatuers they can see. There is not much they can do but at least they can weaken the goblin forces as well as gain some experience from live target practicing.

19th of Moonstone, year 228

The archers have been successfully driving the goblins away from the vicinty of our garbage yard, though no goblins nor any other creature has been killed. Well, at least it provide some valuable experience to the soldiers.

The construction of expansion of training chamber is finally ready. Now there is another room next to the chamber, and the two rooms are separated by wall full of holes and caps, through which the archers can shoot. So, I think it's time to test this out, and put one of the orcs inside the chamber while the archers are standing on the next room. The soldiers are in no danger, which can not be said of the orc.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2011, 08:51:25 am »

A great read. It looks like you have no orcs graphics - grab mine from Genesis.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2011, 09:37:33 am »

15th of Opal, year 228

I think the archery expansion to the training chamber was good idea, though it has now worked as well as I hoped. The most of the archers were uninterested in shooting the orc, either due the lack of interest of due the fat that they were not able to see it properly. So, the orc was caged again and the squad relieved, and the next task is to remove the wall and build a channel in its place to separate the two section. Perhaps the training goes better that way.

Another mandate of mine has gone without noticing. Again. This time one of the smelters shall be locked in jail, for one hundred and one days. Perhaps this will teach them the lesson.

3rd of Obsidian, year 228

The new setup of the training chamber works perfectly, as the archers have clear sight to their target. The sad thing was that the training had to be cancelled right after it had begun since somebody forgot to lock the door, and thus the orc we were using was able to escape the chamber. Fortunately the cage traps outside were functional and loaded, so real damage happened. I don't want to think what would have happened if we had released orc inside our fortress.

15th of Obsidian, year 228

The goblins have departed. I'm still not letting anybody outside the walled area before we have had at least few weeks without any signs of aggression. I hope that the orcs and goblins stay away at least long enough to get one caravan here, we are getting low on alcohol.

21st of Obsidian, year 228

There has been no signs of goblins nor orcs, so I gave the permission to continue the work with the second walled area. I also warned everybody going to outside must be alert, and if there is even slight chance that something can attack then everybody must fall back inside immediately.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2011, 09:46:39 am »

A great read. It looks like you have no orcs graphics - grab mine from Genesis.


Okay, I added the orc graphics from Genesis, hopefully I did it the right way...  :P

EDIT: Okay, now I have to survive to either the next caravan OR to next harvest... We have only about 80 units of alcohol left, and with 105 dwarves that won't last long. So I hope no sieges comes during the spring...
*crosses fingers*

EDIT jr: New map has been uploaded, the link is again in the original post.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 10:04:45 am by Kipi »
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2011, 12:34:48 pm »

9th of Obsidian, year 229

This is Braidlancers, the captain of guard. From this moment forward I'm leading Trueworks. Our mayor,  Roughnesswatch, has been locked inside his bedroom. We are running out of alcohol, soon we have nothing else to drink than water. We have been under siege more or less the whole last year, first by the orcs then by the goblins. And what does he do? Complains that we have not been able to produce items from lay pewter for him! We don't even have the materials to make that substance!

So, as we already have one dwarf jailed due his obsessions, and now he has made another demand for lay pewter stuff. So, we decided that it's about time to put an end to all this madness. At least we have one mouth less demanding alcohol.

19th of Granite, year 229

Our alcohol supplies are running low. We only have few barrels left, I don't know the exact amount yet, but surely not enough to sustain us till the end of spring. I really think that before this all is over we are drinking water, and way longer than any sane dwarf should. I also suspect that Roughnesswatch has stored at least some food and alcohol in his room, as he is still alive and kicking, especially the doors. But, I have no way to confirm my suspicions as nobody is allowed to enter his room while he is still alive.

1st of Slate, year 229

Somebody had a turkey as pet. Someone's turkey died. And someone decided to leave it in dining hall, where it's rotting right now! As it was a pet nobody was willing to butcher it for meat. And now we have dining room full of miasma! What should we do to it? Do we have to give it burial similar to what give to dwarves? That's rubbish! Somebody must haul the corpse away as soon as possible.

3rd of Slate, year 229

I have been informed that the tradition among dwarves is that no pet should be slaughtered, but instead those should be given a proper burial. So, if that's the tradition, then I must follow it. We have now narrow, long room which now serves as pet cemetery. I think this whole thing is just waste of time, but I have to consider the morale of the citizens, and denying things like this right now would just not be the right thing to do. So, the turkey has been given proper burial, though I think the meat alternative would have been better.

7th of Slate, year 229

The prisoner, Godblockades, died today. Nobody remembered to bring him water, though that's not a surprise as the lack of alcohol has been causing some moral problems here. Nothing bad yet, though some of the tasks that must be done just gets forgotten. I hope Godblockades is the last victim of Roughnesswatch, who by the way is still alive.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2011, 02:51:50 pm »

15th of Slate, year 229

I must confess that I'm quite surprised how tough the orcs are. I have been having live target practice with my squad with one of the orcs we have captured some time back. Our practice session has been lasting seven days now, and we have only been able to cause some minor scratch which have already healed. Most of our shots the orc is able to either block or evade, only few actually missing the target. I'm actually just having a quick break, rest of my squad is still in there, shooting at the orc. Well, positive thing is, at least we get some valuable experience. Also, we should not run out of live targets too soon with this rate.

We have almost ran out of alcohol. We have just few portions left, which will not last for long. At least the situation seems promising, perhaps we shall have a caravan next month. No signs of goblins nor orcs lately.

18th of Slate, year 229

We finished our training session finally. Not because the or is dead, mind you, but because it fell down to the channel separating us from it, after which it was trapped inside cage. We were not even able to wound it seriously, so that means we have still two orcs for practice.

After the training was completed it was time to check the skills of the squad, mine included. So I arranged shooting competition, measuring the accuracy, swiftness of shooting and reloading as well as handling of the crossbow. The last place went to Tourtwist, who has only competent skills in shooting and handling, just like Dentedroads who shared the last place with Tourtwist. The winner was, or in this case were, me and Salvesplashes, both of us showing talent in handling and shooting. The third place went to Tradedpost, who was proficient in his skills.

Our military, the Mechanical Heroes -squad, have been quite jealous to us, as we have got all the live practice while they have had to settle for sparring and individual training. I suggested them that they could go and train against orc, but surprisingly Stakeplay refused the idea. Or perhaps not surprisingly, after all we weren't able to wound it, and we spent days there. It's quite obvious that in melee combat no dwarf has any chance against orcs.

26th of Slate, year 229

We have officially ran out of alcohol. Now our thirst must be quenched by water. That filthy, tasteless, clear thing. Fortunately, if the luck is on our side, we must suffer from this hardship too long, the caravan should come some time next month. That is if neither orcs nor goblins decide to siege us.

7th of Felsite, year 229

Over week has passed without alcohol. The withdrawal symptoms can already been seen among the citizens, like unhappiness and lack of concentration. But even that is not our worst concern, as we have been having problems with the well. Or, no the well itself, but with the things living inside the caverns. Remember that raccoon beast that lives down there, which also destroyed our pumps? Well, it looks like it has decided to stay just bellow the well, and it has drawn other beast there as well.

The other two creatures I have never seen before. One of them is just big blob of water. Moving blob, as that's the way we noticed it.

The second creature resembles dragons in a way, as it's reptile with wings. Fortunately it has shown no interest in using those wings, either it thinks our fortress is not worth the effort or the wings are actually useless. I hope it's the second.

While none of the three creatures has shown interest nor ability to enter our fortress through the well, everybody has been too scared to go near, not talking about drawing water. And I can't blame them, I would be scared too if I weren't soldier. But we must use the well before the caravans arrive, there is no other option. And those who refuses to draw water from it, well, in my opinion those dwarves can die to dehydration as much as I care.

12th of Felsite, year 229

It has been two weeks without a single drop of alcohol. I think one could get used to this thing humans and elves call sobriety. Perhaps we do not need alcohol at all...

No, that's not right. That's no way of the dwarves. The lack of alcohol is just confusing my mind. I tell ya, being sober is not a easy task.

So, back to the official things. Our former mayor, Roughnesswatch, died yesterday. We did not even have time to bury him before the new mayor was elected, a lass called Lenstrade. When I interviewed her she gave away no special obsessions, so I think this lady shall do fine. At least if she decides to go and demand things we can actually produce those. She has also been given the old quarters of Roughnesswatch. I hope she and her husband will like the new accommodations.

13th of Felsite, year 229

The caravan is here. The caravan is here!

Two soldiers from my squad spotted the dwarven caravan arriving from west. Oh gods, they did reach us after all! We must hope nothing can interfere their travel at this point, they are too close to us to be lost to some filthy, aggressive creatures.

I think I can smell the alcohol even from this distance. Mmmm.... dwarven wine and beer....
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2011, 03:06:22 pm »

I just realized few things:
1) I have had two leaders of the fortress before the current one, neither one died in normal circumstances. Urist even died to madness.
2) I have had two serious shortages of alcohol, once running completely out of it.
3) I have been more or less one year under constant siege.
4) I have 23 coffins filled with dead dwarves, only ten corpses were from the old fortress. That leaves 13 died dwarves in this reclamation.
5) This fort is only five years long, or the sixth year is going, however you want to put it.
6) I have three forgotten beast living under the well, one of them even has wings.
7) Most of the dead dwarves belonged to military.

So... any estimates how long this fortress is going to survive?   :D
Not that I'm going to cause !FUN! on purpose. I try to get this fortress as big as possible.

EDIT: Huh, apparently the graphics for orcs do not work. I think I have to check if I did the adding wrong way...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 01:07:57 am by Kipi »
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2011, 03:52:40 am »

19th of Felsite, year 229

Oh gods, the orcs have arrived again! And our caravan is not yet safely inside our fortress! This is terrible, but we can't do anything about it. We just have to hope that the caravan passes the first bridge before the orcs catch them up, otherwise they stand no chance, and loosing them means loosing any hope for alcohol!

22nd of Felsite, year 229

The caravan is inside, and the entrance has been secured. They are safe now, no orcs were able to catch them. But even though the caravan is safe we witnessed a tragedy here, as four caravan guards were killed by the orcs. The guards gave their lives to buy a bit more time for the caravan to reach our fortress, and the gambit was successful. Tonight we shall toast for the memory of the fallen guards.

24th of Felsite, year 229

Oh boy, I'm a happy dwarf now. Our alcohol storage has been filled, and we have hundreds of plump helmets which we can brew. This is fine day for us, let me tell ya. The only thing that I wish was different is the fact that we are under siege. Well, during the last year or so I got somewhat used to this situation, but we have to figure out how to get the caravan away from here without dangering us or them. That's a big question.

25th of Felsite, year 229

Our mayor, Lenstrade, demanded that we produce one item from electrum to her. That was easy task, as she was happy to even one single bar of electrum to be made, so we did not have to make any items actually. I think I like her already, much better than our previous mayor. If she weren't already I could marry her. But no, she has husband already, so I should forget such foolish thoughts.

26th of Felsite, year 229

Another dwarf has entered the nobility. Lancetold, one of our miners and one of the original seven dwarves who were sent here to reclaim this fortress, has been appointed to the position of councilor by mayor. Can't say I disagree with her, though other position should be filled before more councilors are appointed. For example, we are still missing tax collector, dungeon master and hammerer. But it's not my duty to worry about that, that's why we have mayor down here. But yes, Lancetold is now officially noble, and he shall have quarters fitting to his new position. Funny thing is, he is going to mine, smooth and engrave those rooms himself, miner and engraver as he is.

9th of Hematite, year 229

The caravan was telling us that they will leave this fortress soon. That's not good, it's not safe outside. And we can still remember what happened to the elves who were trapped here too long. So, as a captain of guard and the keeper of peace I ordered the entrance to the trading depot to be sealed. Unfortunately one soldier was still outside, in case of emergency our military must take care of him first.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2011, 04:21:16 am »

EDIT: Huh, apparently the graphics for orcs do not work. I think I have to check if I did the adding wrong way...
You should add them to your region file. What's wrong?
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2011, 04:40:46 am »

Never mind, got it fixed.

I had all the files in correct folders, I just didn't notice that in the creature file the orcs were labeled as ORC_ORC, while the graphic file referred them as ORC. As I changed the graphic file to use tag ORC_ORC it begun working.

Yeah, that's what you get when you mix several mods together...  :-[ :P

Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2011, 08:55:03 am »

6th of Malachite, year 229

The second level of the entrance is ready, and now my archers have access to the top of the walls. Do you know what that means? I can send my squad up there, station on top of the walls, shoot down to the orcs and be safe, all this at the same tame. Ha, even though we may not be able to kill any orcs today, at least we give them something to think about.

8th of Malachite, year 229

Our mayor has given birth to a girl today. And guess what, it happened in the middle of the dumb outside! Ha, now that's a good place to give a birth, the first thing the newborn inhales are the fumes coming from rotting dogs, rats and other things I don't want to know. Now, for the record, the baby is her fourth child. How I know this? One of my archers, Tradedpost, is mayor's husband and thus father to all those children. Now I wonder, where do they find time to make all those children? I think I should give Tradedpost some extra turns in training, perhaps this way she can stay away from mayors bed for a while...

10th of Malachite, year 229

Oh yes! It's working!

The first orc has been killed, and we have not been spending much time up there. And the stupid orcs, they don't even consider leaving! Oh gods, it's so wonderful, all we do is standing up there, shoot bolts towards the orcs, and see the confusion in their eyes when the bolts hit the target. I never thought my life would be this fun!

Oh, before I forget, I must admit that it was I who killed the first orc. Yep, I did it. Though the kill was not totally my doing, my archers were able to weaken it down enough for me. But it was me who launched the lethal shot. Okay, I'm heading back to my squad now, we have plenty of orcs left to kill.

14th of Malachite, year 229

As far as I saw three orcs has been killed already. And several more has been injured by our bolts. And still the stupid orcs won't show any signs of retreating. Well, that means more kills to us.

19th of Malachite, year 229

I just heard that the traders have begun going mad. I ordered the military to station near the soldier standing outside the depot, just in case. The traders and guards inside, well, I think they can solve the battle all by themselves, we should not interfere that. And if anybody survives, then my squad will accompany the military and we shall deal it. I do hope we do not have to kill fellow dwarves though, it always feel so wrong, even though one of my archers has already done that, by the way.

Speaking of my archers, we have been doing quite good work up here. Four orcs has already been killed, and several has been wounded. So far everything has went better than I expected, as I was quite confident that we wouldn't be able to kill any orcs up here. It seems that, and I'm quite happy to admit this, I was wrong. Now, the orcs are quite tough creatures, it's definitely not easy to kill them, especially since their ability to block our bolts is remarkable, but still we have fared quite well.

17th of Galena, year 229

Six orcs down, and we just saw another two squads coming from east and north. More targets to us then, though I wouldn't complain if they decided to retreat immediately. But they are not going to ask about it from me, so we don't have too many options besides keep shooting them. At least we are safe up here, while they are not. And that's fine to me.

20th of Galena, year 229

The main invade force decided to retreat, and now there is only those left who came few days ago. If we were able to lure them closer, then we could keep shooting at them... I know, we should open the entrance for just a moment, so that they come close enough, then seal it again. Yes, that's what we are going to do!
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2011, 11:27:33 am »

12th of Limestone, year 229

The liaison went mad today. Unfortunately she was not locked anywhere and without any soldiers to look out after her. The snapping happened in the middle of our front yard, so fortunately we had my squad close by, and the military was alerted as well.

The clash occurred atop of southern wall, and as my squad had no ammo left at that time we decided to use our crossbows as clubs. The result of the fight was that I was injured, though hopefully not badly, and one of my archers fell outside the wall, dragging the liaison with him. So there they were, outside our fortress, at the mercy of pissed off orcs.

It was only a matter of time before they both were slain, though I have to admit that the archer gave some decent fight down there. It actually took seven orcs to overwhelm him, even though he had no chance against them. But thanks to the adamantine armor he did not die immediately, like the liaison did.

18th of Limestone, year 229

The doctors diagnosed my wounds, and none of the should be even close to lethal. My left knee took some serious damage, as well as my left shoulder and arm, and some heavy healing is required to get me back to duty, though the doctors believed that they should be able to pull this off. I have to admit though, it hurts like hell, especially my injured shoulder.

While I'm resting in hospital I have ordered my squad the lay low, rest and do some training. They have deserved it, as my lat calculations indicates that eleven orcs has already been killed. We should also give our smelters and smiths some time to produce more bolts, as we have been going through the stocks like hot knife through the butter.

28th of Limestone, year 229

The traders have died, finally. I ordered the wall to be removed so that we have access to the depot again. The strange thing is, the guards are still alive, friendly and most importantly, sane. I don't know how that's possible, and I don't even want know, but the point is, we have access to depot again, and we have few veteran soldiers helping us out now.

1st of Timber, year 229

I'm finally out from the hospital. My injuries should not cause any permanent wounds, and that makes me happy. So, as I'm back to action, it's time to crack some orc skulls again!

9th of Timber, year 229

This was great week for me and my archers, several new orc corpses lies south from our walls, as our bolts struck straight and true to our targets. I think I counted at least four dead orcs, could be more.

The best news I have about the slaying is that with six kills Tradedpost has earned a title. When I requested the title from mayor she decided to give him the one "The Blockaded Scholar of Speech". Interesting, and how does that related his accomplishments? I don't really know, but at least he got his title, which is well deserved. I hope he upkeeps his killing rate, the more dead orcs we have the better.

17th of Timber, year 229

This day shall be written in history. This is the day when we were finally able to drive the orcs away by slaughtering them. And all the thanks goes to my archers; Salveshplashes, Tradedpost, Tourtwist and the fallen hero, Dentedroads. Together we were able to kill twenty orcs, the number including the three generals leading the army. I'm pleased, very pleased. Now we are going back to regroup, refresh our ammo supplies, and then go and guard the entrance while the civilians try to gather everything they can.

Now that I remember, Salvesplashes has also been awarded by title, after all he has killed five orc soldiers and one general. His new title is "the Stale Shadow of Tournaments".
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Trueworks - community fortress
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2011, 06:58:11 am »

23rd of Timber, year 229

The bridge has been lowered, and our workers are allowed to go outside to gather the stuff left behind by orcs, our fallen kins and generally anything scattered around the walled pathway. The biggest concern is to get all the corpses of our kin inside, so that we can give them proper burial. We could also be able to get another dwarven caravan, though I suspect not. We will see.

1st of Granite, year 230

The winter has been quite uneventful, if we don't count that the goblins have decided to invade our fortress. They came about week ago, luckily both walled areas were sealed in a way that no creature can get inside.

So, the new setup, which is not yet complete mind you, is that there are three floodgates installed at the entrance of the narrow alley leading to the bridge separating it from the front yard. These floodgates are linked to single lever, which allows us to open and close the area as we see fit. Our plans are that this way we can trap any invading force inside the narrow alley, where they are easy targets to archers. We have also planned to connect water pumps to that area so that we can drown anything trapped in there. The second part of the new setup is small bridge north side of the front yard, which is also linked to lever. This bridge will allow any traders to leave our fortress relatively safe after the invaders have been trapped inside the alley. Now, sadly this part is not yet completed, as there bridge is currently leading to nowhere, and we can not complete this project before the goblins have been driven away, as we need to have access the outside area of the front yard to do that. So, we have to figure out a way to get rid of goblins.

Most of the winter has went in hauling all the stuff scattered around our fortress. Lots of random stuff, like corpses, equipment, clothes and random junk has been found, and we haven't been able to get even nearly everything inside. There are still lots of stuff outside, but those have to wait for the time when goblins have been dealt. Our smelters have also been smelting all the metal items we have found and have no use. Mostly those items were made from copper, bronze and iron, but there were few steel and bishmunt bronze items.


The Battle of Trueworks

It was decided that it would be time to deal with the sieging goblins and not to wait them to get bored and retreat. If the dwarves wanted to have caravans during the spring it meant that the goblins must be either killed or driven away, preferably the former. So the call for battle was made.

The two squads, the militia and archers, gathered in the front yard to listen the speech of Braidlancers, the captain of guards and the leader of archers.

"I know all of you have got tired of waiting. The goblins are annoying us, thinking that they can gain the access to our fortress just by waiting. And while they do that they prevent any caravans reaching our fortress. And no caravan means the danger of running out of alcohol again. So we have decided that it's time to put an end to this and deal the goblins the best way we can: by slaughtering them! I can't promise that all of you will return from the battle uninjured, nor even alive, but I promise you this; the goblins shall pay for their insolence! They must learn that there are consequences coming due their actions. And it's our job to bring those to them! We shall prove to them that it's always a mistake to wake the wrath of dwarves! And we shall bring glory to our names, our fortress and our kingdom! Fight well, and prove your worthy! Let the goblin blood flow our entrance, let the goblins pay! Blood for the blood god!"

The soldiers cheered at his words, after which it was time to explain the battle plan, which was the responsibility of Stakeplay, the militia commander.

"To ensure the safety of our own people, and to ensure the safety of you, we have formed a tactic of how to deal this situation. The militia shall stay inside the front yard, just outside the small alley leading from the bridge connecting the two walled areas. Their task is to ensure that anything that reaches the front yard shall not get any further. The militia shall be the last line of defense in this battle. Now, the archers shall be stationed on top of the ledge, where they can shoot their bolts towards anything that crosses the first bridge, walks inside the trapped alley or even anything that gets inside the front yard. They shall stay there as long as they can, and not leave their posts for any other reasons than getting more bolts from stockades. They shall stand there until they see the first goblin archers, at then they must retreat to the lower level of the front yard, and help the militia to fend of any goblins reaching the yard. They shall stay there as long as it's seen safe to return to the upper stage, where they continue weakening the invading forces with their bolts. Now, no heroic charges, we must stay together to survive this battle. If somebody gets wounded then the closest officer must be informed so that we raise the bridge and give our civilians enough time to reactivate the traps, collect the wounded ones and rearm the cage traps before we continue. If nobody has any questions, then it's time to begin. Blood for the blood god!"

And so the bridge was lowered, allowing the trapped goblins to reach the fortress. The squads stationed to designated points and so the battle begun.

The invading goblins begun charging inside, and the archers were busy with shooting anything that moved. Not many kills were made by them, but their task was after all to weaken the enemy enough so that either the traps would deal them, or if the goblins were lucky enough to reach the front yard, to allow the militia finish them off without too much effort. The battle went well to the point when about third of the goblins were down or trapped. At that point one dwarf, Churchtouch, decided to, against the orders he was given, to charge inside the trapped alley after one goblin which tried to escape the wrath of dwarves. When he reached the alley he was met by few goblins more, and was wounded. The order of sealing the entrance was given, and the remaining dwarves dealt with the remaining goblins inside, with the help of the traps.

When the immediate threat was dealt the wounded soldier was carried in hospital. His injuries weren't serious, though the attention of doctors were required. His lower body and right leg had took some nasty wounds, which had to be healed before he was able to return to duty.

When the wounded soldier was safely inside the hospital and all the remaining soldiers had had time to drink, eat and get a bit rest it was time to return to battle. This time the archers were ordered to accompany the militia in the ground level, as there had been sights of goblin archers near the bridge.

The bridge was lowered again and the battle continued. As the archers were not able to weaken the invading goblins anymore, the front yard turned to real battlefield. Even though the traps were able to kill some of the goblins, many reached the waiting squads, though fortunately they were already weakened so much that it was often easy task to deal the killing blow before the goblin was able to counter.

The battle went well until about two third of the goblins were slain. At then few elite goblins were able to reach the fortress, causing great battle to occur inside the front yard. All the goblins were killed but two soldiers took some nasty wounds which had to be checked by doctors. So again the order was given and the bridge was raised, giving the dwarves enough time to regroup and bring all the wounded soldiers back to hospital.

Speakgalley had his right arm wounded again, though this time the healing process was much faster and he was able to return to duty before the battle continued.

Stockadestrong got his body wounded, one piercing hit even reached his liver, damaging it slightly. Again the doctors did wonderful job and he was able to return to duty, though the battle was almost finished by then.

Before the battle continued it was time to check the kill count of each soldier. It turned out that the archers had less goblins thus far. Traded post had killed three goblins, Salvesplashes one goblin and Braidlancers had killed two goblins. At the same time the Speakgalley had killed two goblins, Stockadestrong had killed two goblins and one jabberer, Crystalwinds had killed four goblins and Stakeplay had killed as many as four goblins and one giant toad. Stakeplay and Braidlancers decided to have a bet about which squad had more kills at the end of the battle, the bet being grand meal served by the looser.

So, it was time to end the battle, with so few goblins left. This time the archers positioned themselves up the ledge again, as there was only couple of goblin archers left and Braidlancers felt that his squad more than fit to deal with any of them. And so the battle begun. The last phase of the battle was the most brutal one, as most of the remaining goblins had already been injured by archers.

The battle raged on, and eventually there was only handful of goblins left, along with couple of blizzard men that had accompanied the goblins. They were not interested in invading the fortress anymore, and they were covering inside the twisting alleys leading to the bridge. And so the decision was made that the archers moved further on top of the walls, while the militia advanced towards the covering goblins. The slaughter was brutal, as the goblins and blizzard men were no threat anymore, and after few days of chasing and killing all the invaders had either been killed or trapped inside cages. The joyful cheering echoed the halls of Trueworks as the news of victory spread.

After the battle it was time to check the situation of the soldiers. Nobody had died, which itself was small surprise, though nobody said that it was bad thing. Three soldiers had been wounded during the siege, though all of them were healed by the doctors and were able to return to duty before then end of the siege.

It was also time to check the kill count of both squad. The archers had been quite busy, as Salvesplashes had killed two goblins and one giant toad, Braidlancers had killed six goblins, one toad and one jabberer, Tradedpost had killed five goblins and one toad and poor Tourtwist had managed to kill only one jabberer. The militia had also done well during the battle, with Speakgalley killing eleven goblins, Stakeplay had killed four goblins, one blizzard man and one toad, Crystalwinds had killed five goblins, Churchtorch had killed two goblins and Stockadestrons had killed two goblins, one blizzard man and one jabberer. So the militia won the bet with twenty-eight kills, while the archers had managed only eighteen kills. Both results were good, and it had to be remembered that most of the kills the militia had made was after the archers had weakened the enemies enough to allow easy slaughter.

And so, at the day 27th of Slate, after nearly two months of battle, the peace had returned to Trueworks.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."
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