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Author Topic: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.  (Read 5482 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2011, 07:39:16 am »

Does anyone know how to work a radio receiver?
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2011, 10:26:48 am »

"modify radio help" for a list of things you can do with it.

modify radio on
You need to set it to the correct channel first though.
transmit radio message


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2011, 12:53:51 pm »

What the fuck is up with this variable shit? I'm a pistol guy and I can't fucking make a acceptable pistol at the start!
Edit:Screw it.

Please, just write me up a line to enter so I can just get through this area of the process.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2011, 01:04:55 pm »

Guns aren't really worth it anyway.

They are easy to get.

Now bullets are very rare and costly.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2011, 02:09:03 pm »



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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2011, 04:06:32 am »

Code: [Select]
buy handgun var
Edit: God I'm bored...

Guns aren't really worth it anyway.

They are easy to get.

Now bullets are very rare and costly.

Bullets have always been very rare and costly. Because for some ridiculous reason they have to be made from gold. (Which is not a useful bullet making material since it's way too soft.) There are easier way to run a bullet based economy than making the things out of precious (but ultimately useless) metals. Like having pre-end-of-world ammunition caches which you have to carefully scavenge for which are of a higher quality than what folks can manufacture on their own. On that note I'm still not sure what brought civilization to its knees, apparently some natural disasters and some plagues, doesn't really sound particularly world ending... (Aside from the super-volcanoes ripping up the Earth's surface like wet cardboard, I mean..)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 08:07:25 am by Cajoes »
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2011, 10:31:12 am »

Staying alive while travelling
Don't go outside the Grungetown gates without a group of at least six

It is, in fact, best to go outside in a group of at least ten, but six is the bare minimum. You will die otherwise.

Wanted: Six brave dwarves for outpost expedition, combat skills a plus: No jewelers, soap makers or cheese makers.

Edit: Considering I am having problems just getting one person to pay any kind of attention to me, much less nine others into a organized band of grunting hack-n-slashers, I can probably rule out ever exploring any of the fun stuff (and /not/ dying) of the wilds.

And assuming everything within the walls of the city (and I'm using the term loosely here) has been picked clean already or is generally unforagable we can also rule out aquiring any trade-goods for my crafts as well in a manner that won't get me instakilled by a giant robot (or more likely, a lizard the size of my foot)

A form of guide or how-to or just a subtle hint on how to aquire FOOD might been a neat idea as well, because hunting is out of the question for the above-mentioned-reason.

I suppose I could try to join one of the so-called families but to be honest, none of them are clicking for me, and few of them see any value in a midget who can't even find a wire in a wirestack, in a wire factory, made of wire. Or fight.

I'd ask for some of the local gladiators to teach me some combat skills but the rules around teaching others new skills are so draconian and vague I'm afraid to even ask in case it comes back and bites me in the +adhesive medical strip+ later on.

I think I'll just starve him to death in the bar with one bar of food left in his pack. At the very least some looter will notice the guy.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:13:28 pm by Cajoes »
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2011, 01:53:55 pm »

I just typed in
Code: [Select]
buy handgun var 'chrion' 'revolver' 'long-barreled'
'.25' 'molded' 'black' 'solid' 'chipped'
and I got
Code: [Select]
You need to specify all the variables for your firearm, and can only pick chrion metal - see the room description for more help.. Their own pre-made scripts don't even work?


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2011, 02:05:52 pm »

When all else fails go arena someone.

The winner get's 10 chips and the not winner get's 5.
It'd probably be best to both agree to only aim for the torso. I've heard of people dieing to an unlucky crit to the eye.

Also join a family. They make things easier.

At least usually :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2011, 05:18:51 am »

When all else fails go arena someone.

The winner get's 10 chips and the not winner get's 5.
It'd probably be best to both agree to only aim for the torso. I've heard of people dieing to an unlucky crit to the eye.

Best advice I've heard all week.
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2011, 05:55:31 am »

Great, now my brain is broken.
Edit: Just asking because to my knowledge, gold is not naturally occurring on the moon, in any quantities, at all. (Yes even less so than lead)
Which means it'd have to be imported from Earth's grav well.
At a hideously excorbiant expense.
Marble slab grave markers annoy me in a similar manner.
A lot of people think there isn't gold on the Moon because it doesn't have any Magma so the gold couldn't form.  But the Moon was a chunk of Earth that got blasted off and has all the same elements as Earth.  When NASA was looking for water, they found gold, and silver and everything else...  Not sure why they would use it as bullets though, that's kind of silly, unless it's a laser type gunthing, but it doesn't sound like it.  Marble I could see, it exists on the moon as well, and is completely useless, and you wouldn't have to worry about it weathering because of the lack of weathering.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2011, 07:55:39 am »

Great, now my brain is broken.
Edit: Just asking because to my knowledge, gold is not naturally occurring on the moon, in any quantities, at all. (Yes even less so than lead)
Which means it'd have to be imported from Earth's grav well.
At a hideously excorbiant expense.
Marble slab grave markers annoy me in a similar manner.
A lot of people think there isn't gold on the Moon because it doesn't have any Magma so the gold couldn't form.  But the Moon was a chunk of Earth that got blasted off and has all the same elements as Earth.  When NASA was looking for water, they found gold, and silver and everything else...  Not sure why they would use it as bullets though, that's kind of silly, unless it's a laser type gunthing, but it doesn't sound like it.  Marble I could see, it exists on the moon as well, and is completely useless, and you wouldn't have to worry about it weathering because of the lack of weathering.

Oh I'm aware the moon has some thermal activity going on, or did at some point, what it doesn't have however is water or tectonic activity that could move these random deposits into bigger deposits which are economically feasable to extract without the use of massive awesome looking treaded sand-crawlers.

Which would be awesome.

Nitpickery aside, do you have a link on that lunar bombing report? I remember watching it in realtime but didn't stick around for the credits.

::Edited due to redundancy::
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 03:33:37 pm by Cajoes »
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2011, 03:39:50 pm »

When all else fails go arena someone.

The winner get's 10 chips and the not winner get's 5.
It'd probably be best to both agree to only aim for the torso. I've heard of people dieing to an unlucky crit to the eye.

Best advice I've heard all week.

Well that was short-lived, I got this massive raging cold which prevented me from playing (or forming coherent sentences or thoughts) for a few days and they go ahead and stomp on Arena payouts from 10/5 to 6/2 for winners/losers respectively... And I haven't even gotten into a match yet because of the cold.

Now: I won't claim I am good at stats but being beaten to a inch of your life for 2 boolet$ doesn't sound very worthwhile.
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2012, 11:33:03 am »

Necroing this thread to say...

There's a new setting now! Now we're all trapped on a spaceship with no fuel, riddled with hull breaches sealed off by blast doors, attached to another ship full of zombies controlled by an alien that uses psychic powers to mess with people's minds, and being dragged along by said ship to Mars.

Don't have to worry about not finding people to talk to. You can't walk five feet now without bumping into someone.

History lesson:

Before society on Earth went to hell in a handbasket, the ship known as the SBS Pheonix brought a shipment of gold to act as an economy-starter to kickstart society on the moon. Society on the Moon was pretty much an utopia. And a scientist (forgot his name) created a cure against all diseases. But a small group of terrorists who wanted to screw up everything good for some odd reason stole the cure and modified it. They had planned to use it as a bargaining chip (I'm a bit sketchy on that specific part). But it leaked out anyways, killing off most of the life on the Moon. Those who survived ended up having irrepairable damage to their genetic code. Every survivor had a chance of birthing a normal human or a mutant, and every child had the same chance, and every child of that child, and so on. And those who didn't contract the virus fled to the SBS Atlas, the ship we're on now, and were put into cyrostasis. Only problem is it never launched.

Eventually some of the human population reverted back to strong religious beliefs and thought the mutants were the cause of all their trouble. And that sparked a civil war between religious fanatics and mutants and human sympathizers. And that's when New Pheonix started making bullets, out of their most quantiable resource; gold. They were eventually the only government left standing at the end, though not by much. And over hundreds of years, society started coming back like the old west. Atlas city becoming a giant junkyard ravaged by the civil war, and a new city known as Tram to become a city of commerce. And lastly, a city known as Reims, which acted as an outpost mostly to the eastern side of the atmospheric bubble. Whereas New Pheonix started using gold again as currency and became pretty much a dictatorship, keeping tabs on all the cities.

Reims got fed up and started creating the Revolutionary Army to fight back against New Pheonix, but they got the shit bombed out of them and that was it. Survivors started the town known as Grungetown. Eventually it built back up, and then New Pheonix bombed the shit out of that town too after a group of players raided one of its bunkers where it was discovered that the Gaiman Corporation from New Pheonix was performing experiments on the zombie-like aliens that laid dormant in one of the other colony ship that came to the Moon but crashed in a far off part of it. The alien infection was once again let loose and New Pheonix along with the survivors from Grungetown had to work together to get to the dormant ship that the population was originally going to use before the civil war broke out.

And now here we are, in space, with no fuel, attached to the missing colony ship that was suppose to find a place to terraform on Alpha Centauri, but came back with an alien infection that's kind of like the Thing, on a collison course with Mars, the last place that was terraformed but communications between the Moon and Mars was lost shortly before the civil war.

It was brought from Earth to kickstart the economy. That's why we have, or -had-, a shitload of it.
It's is a relatively soft metal. Way softer than lead. You know what that means? That means it doesn't break up on impact.
That makes it really easy to scavenge gold back after shooting something, but it's just one big piece of squished up metal instead of a million shards.
And the fact that gold is softer makes it even more deadly than lead. Because it mushrooms, causing more damaged. That's why hollow points have such a shakey foundation when it comes to legality in the US and UN.


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Re: AtonementRPI V2 - It's like Mad Max. On the moon.
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2012, 02:26:53 pm »

EDit: Wrong info, i took some information around and everywhere i look it seem that gold is better than lead overall, Due to its high maleability it tend to disintegrate (fragment HEAVILY) on high velocity, but if medium-low velocity the impact zone is much bigguer since it *splat* better, here is a link where i found the most interesting explanation. Second post.
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that was a luky dwarf. I had one dabbling surgeon fail so spectacularly that the patient skull flew a tile away from the table.
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