Changes from last edition: Fixed lighting error on bottom-left of the helmet. Lowered brightness on the left leg-plates. Darkened left body's camo a little.
Done. This is Tarran in Nameless Non-existant Hallway #77. What do 'ya guys think? I'll admit, I didn't use MS paint because I wasn't crazy or bored enough to do it pixel by pixel (Unlike Serious, the crazy son of a gun).
Personally, I like everything but the helmet, the hands and the body. The helmet is too bleh. The hands, I'm kinda hopeless on them. The body is way, way too thin. I think I'll change that sometime later. Also, it's kinda cartoony for me, but what can you do.
Anyway, if you want to know what I envisioned the armor like:
The entirety of armor underneath the plate is made out of tough camouflage fabric (which is slightly heavy). Won't withstand bullets or melee weapons, but will slow them down.
1 Helmet to protect your (very valuable) head. It is made out of thick metal with extra, disposable and replaceable square side plates. The glass is very thick. Note that the user doesn't have even nearly as much trouble seeing as you do of seeing his/her face.
2 Shoulder Plates to... well, protect your shoulder, and neck. It's small, and beneath your head, so unless you're aiming wildly down, it shouldn't bother you. If it does, it's easily detachable.
2 Forearm Plates to protect your Forearm when aiming and shooting (you'll very likely bend your left aiming arm's top in the direction of your target when wielding a two-handed weapon, and your right shooting/holding arm will also be pointed up. Try fake-aiming a rifle to see what I mean.)
2 Small Elbow Plates to protect you from the stray bullet and to also give you a small shield when holding your arms up to defend your head (more useful in melee than with guns...).
2 Metal Hand Gloves to allow you to interact with mildly hazardous materials, and to protect your fingers from stray bullets. The armor isn't that thick, though.
1 Chest Plate for protecting your most vital of organs (AKA those that you don't want to loose/get hurt no matter what. Your Heart and Lungs). It doesn't protect your stomach or those other organs, but then again they aren't as important and they are (I'm guessing) easier to replace. If you want to protect them, look for Heavy Body Armor.
1 Knife Holder for... um... holding your knife.
(Out of view) 1 Invisible Bottomless Backpack for if you ever find yourself unlucky and in an RTD.
2 Hip Plates to protect from bullets hitting them. You need to run away if things get ugly, you know.
2 Thigh Plates for the same reason as above. These Plates also have minor magnets so you can attach weapons to them.
(Out of view) 2 Knee Pads for the same reason.
(Out of view) 2 Shin Plates for ^^^.
(Out of view) 2 Metal Boots for walking. Allows you to walk in anything up to lightly acidic water, just as long as it's shallow.
Anyway, this image is, of course, subject to changing. Also, I will be using it for my avatar now just for the heck of it.