Actually, I was thinking along th lines of a deep scrath on the glass of the scope.
The range we're fighint at is within a 100 metres and that registers as close range for me. Your light is only a small torch, and those only work for a few metres before there isn't much change with the lighting.
Taric, 100 meters is not close range. For target shooting, or even hunting it isn't that bad, but Shooting a human sized target that's trying actively to not be shot, may be taking cover, and may be shooting back is something else.
100 is the break between the outside of medium and the beginning of long, short is only 35 to 5. Nearly every ballistic weapon gets a pretty damn decent bonus at short range, and most of them get a fair one at midrange as well.
Exactly where I break the range at depends on the conditions, but this is the pretty general version. I broke the range on the long side because the ECC armor they wear has automatic camo (Weak stuff, like modern military camo not stealth fields), and they're kneeling, so long range seemed more appropriate at the time.
0-5 Melee
5-35 Short
35-100 Mid
100-200 Long
200-500 V.Long
Pistols are hard to shoot, hitting a moving target in the dark would be hell at 100ft, screw 100m.
Integrating rifles and pistols into the same system of measurement is hard to do without basing your range breaks off of your weapon skills and breaking up Rifle, pistols, and heavies up into separate skills. So instead I dropped the specific weapon skills and just used marksman, which only ever comes into play when you're aiming.
Just remember that you are practically shooting off the hip, not actually sighting in, and the range breaks make more sense. The marksman skill is so that when you're actually aiming you hit like you should, but if you shoot cowboy style... Well you better have some damn good reflexes and excellent judgment.
Long range: Would actually be more stealthy at this range due to the lack of scope glare.
On the other hand, it would be glowing green or some other color.
Dude. Honestly? They don't glow, at least not that much, and like I said you can cover the display so it's only visible from your side. Me, I'm with Taric on the holo-sights. Whitedeath is still the most awesome sniper in the world, but I ain't him. I'd take the modern (and certainly beyond) holographics over iron sights any day.
I'd disagree, 100 feet (which I'm pretty sure they're at) is more like medium to long range. Still, ocular implant + holographic sight sounds like win to me, especially since Dom never really aims anyway. It would be a great help to her, I think. ^^
Truly, best of both worlds as long as the implant goes well. Barely anything larger than ironsights on the gun and you can superimpose your weapon's firing arc directly onto your vision.
Course that's assuming your immune system doesn't spaz out and start eating your eyeballs because of the foreign contaminant.