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Author Topic: Ironcrested: Fortress under the earth  (Read 879 times)


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Ironcrested: Fortress under the earth
« on: February 08, 2011, 11:27:24 pm »

Year 49 King Sigun Kantun has ordered project Ironcrested, A attempt in which a glorious fortress can be built within the caverns below the earth. Twenty dwarves were sent, amidst them renowned Medical Dwarf 'Alric' was sent, along with Rith second under the general. Kadol wife of the dungeon master 'Gregour'. From there, Build a home for Sigun.

This is the year 50, When I finally arrived here at Ironcrested. There is so much killing and bloodshed, all in this crowded place. It's not even a real fortress, just a hollowed out section of cavern that must have been designed by a mad dwarf... Or a human. Even with this, only two dwarves have died. Both military, they say there was two others but one lost his leg and the other a foot. They say they didn't die, they just... Disappeared. It seemed that they forgot to bring armored boots when they embarked here. But the militia commander Captain of the Guard creeps me out, she is average in size, bald and missing a arm. But its her eyes... They look so lifeless, death means nothing to her she just looks at everyone with that cold, piercing stare. Even the soldiers under her are beginning to be turned into heartless monsters like her. Her Archer, her second in command is as stony as her. Her name is Rith... Rith Inkmoral the Liberty of Doctrine, thats what everyone calls her. She hates five people and one of them died while under her command. Some say it was just bad luck, But if the whispers are true. She kicked him into a group of White Tigermen and watched as he tried to defend himself. This fortress strives off the lives of enemies that come, the dark stranglers that attack are butchered for meat and leather their bones turned into useless nick-nacks for vistors or amusement. So I am "Alric Silverywhips" Head Doctor, And this is my story.

"What's going on?" I asked the many dwarves running about, they all ignored me. Moving as if they had a purpose among what looked to be a mass of chaos. "Migrants have come, and they are all in the military!" shouted a dwarf's voice, I couldn't tell which one, but at least I knew. Which I should have known by now that I've been here a year, but the whole group of migrants as soldiers? what Is Rith thinking, that demented dwarf.

Rith was fighting the first White Tigerman siege, pushed to the edge of the stairs where it drops down to the water below, she grabbed a hold of the offending man tiger's arm, in which it promptly hacked it off and kicked her down the hole. Everyone had thought her dead, the group did there best to hold off the attackers. Until they heard dripping water and steel on stone. Rith survived the fall, and swam one armed, bleeding, and slaughtered more White Tigermen then any other soldier that day. Only when the battle was over did she check in the hospital. She looked pale from blood loss, but other then that she was fine.

Racing to the trade depot at the entrance of this "Fortress" I saw Rith standing there in full plate, except for the left arm where the armor just stopped short of the elbow, where her arm was lopped off, pointing it at the new recruits like she still had the arm and hand, instructing them to train. "Rith, what is the meaning of this." She stopped speaking, lowered her arm, and slowly turned towards me, locking onto my eyes with her cold stare sending, chills down my spine. "I am training more soldiers, I am tired of just us five." sweeping her good arm in the direction of her squad, they all gave me blank stares. "Bu-but we need more hands to..." I managed to get out before Rith cut me off "Hands to what? shovel food into their mouths? No its time for the dwarves here to earn their bread." She turned and once again instructed the recruits how to kick.

Gregour Bigboats the Kingpin (as he calls himself he really is just a dungeon master with a ego.) Ordered more steel to be made, so the new soldiers can be better protected and armed. Which makes me feel better because that makes less people coming in crying about their boo-boos.

Events of 13th Felsite 52 Late Spring

A battle horn sounded in the distance and various war-cries could be heard, all ending with a hissing sound. The Reptile men are back, bringing the many underground creatures that live down here with them. Everyone rushed into the safety of the rock while the elite soldiers waited in the main entrance. A nervous tension crackled through the air like electricity, over a hundred of them have come. Only Rith Inkmoral had a slight smirk on her face as she waited ever so patiently for her prey to step into the passageway. Silently Rith leaped at the reptile man scout on his giant cave swallow as they entered the rock, hacking off a wing and the rider's leg, before stabbing him in the chest then cutting the head off the feathered mount. The rest came slowly, trickling in like the blood trickling out down the stairs into the water. But still on they came, everyone was surprised when elves came down to trade in the middle of the war.

Gregour Bigboats's wife Kadol Workclam the Wealthy Cloister, routed two reptile man ambushes and contuines to slaughter scouts. Ineth Waterbridge the Verses of Calming killed eight of the offending man beasts with only his hands, brutalily beating them, breaking bones, and crushing windpipes. But all this killing there is still more to be killed... The small squad of five, engaged the beast men at their camp, and from there killed almost all of their forces, only those that could make it to the water got away. So the soldiers setup a post right at the entrance to the surface to finish off those who try to leave this underworld.

"Foolish creatures, how do they expect to survive against good dwarven steel."
"Yes Rith, they are no better then elvish-kobolds. Sulking and using only wood as equipment."
"Well Kadol, I have the urge to drink. Its a shame my Lover had to lose his foot, I personally locked his hospital room."
"Yes a shame he suffered so."
Rith and Kadol walked into the fortress as various screams could be heard from behind them, Rith smiled at a very morbid joke Kadol told her, something about babies and shields... Everything went back to normal after the cowards were found and killed, Also the old archer died in his room. It appears someone locked it.

Accounts of Gregour Kingpin
Stupid reptiles, attacking my fortress they do. Makes me think their intelligence is lower then a plump helmet roast... covered in sprinkles. They were slaughtered like always, but my wife did suggest be make a draw-bridge. At first all I could think is "Good that will keep those vermin out." but my beloved Kadol told me "No my dear, its to keep them from getting out." she said it with that wicked smile that always gets me... ahem, must have been Rith's idea. No matter just as long as I get my seven meals and hot baths.