Lemon10, whatever they're willing to pay for defense, I'll triple it if you stand down, and hextuple it if you join my troops. You'll get half of all spoils if you join the battle, rounded up, not including sky diamonds. This is a standing offer.
Edit: I'll throw in a piece of bronze if you stand down, and turn it into something if you join in.
Edit2: You logged on earlier. Need more incentive? I'll throw in 6 food if you stand down.
Na, just didn't get time to do my turn (although i do think I will turn down your offer).
First off, you couldn't give me the bronze or food, since I don't have sailing (so i can't trade it across the ocean), so i can't trade over the ocean (although I think I could get the money without needing a road. You could stockpile it I guess until I got sailing or you were able to explore all the way to my civilization, then give it to me as a lump sum, but that would take at least until i researched sailing.
Secondly, if I stood down this turn (or joined you ever), then I suspect that the dark elves would never trust me again, something which would mean that you wouldn't have to pay me in the future (especially since i doubt you would be able to afford a constant 24 gold+something better then bronze+6 food+spoils of war).
You can pay me each turn to stand down (triple pay, or double+bronze/iron/magic gem/any luxury good that i don't have & +1 food/+4 food), as long as it is in place before i send my troops to the dark elves city, otherwise they would say that I betrayed them.
Also, I recommend that you stand down (this turn, you can come back next turn and i won't be there provided you will pay me), since I suspect that my mages could take your 3 people on their own, and that the dark elves would tip the balance. So if you don't stand down,
we will march to (EDIT:well defend the dark elves i mean, not actually go attack your city)
war (yes, the word war did need to be underlined, bold, italicized, glowing, and red).
Oh, one more thing, I think i will take a active stance in preventing you from exploring closer to me (eg. killing your explorers) since given time you will find my city.
You appear to have forgotten to add Xeniice's turn for some reason
Yeah, although for some reason you added his map.
Also Vanigo, you forgot to have my cartographer's cartographing, and you forgot to have my explorers explore to the south or the north.
So, the amount of food/upkeep/copper Koppar Steg says it will give me/cost will be for next turn right?