I was googling for a terrain generator including tectonics and I found this post. I just
had to register...
So, first of all, hi to you all folks.
Back to serious things:
I noticed that the project (which is of great interest) was quite active until not too long ago and then presumably something happened. If I can throw my 2 cents in, I think Normandy slowly lowered his interest because of huge development problems. I'm completely wrong? Don't think so... (of course there are so many things to be done in life that a terrain generator should not be a priority, but if the project advances it's easier to keep working on it)
Now, let me be clear... I'm absolutely
no developer (even if I try something sometimes), but I had some geology courses at the university and, exactly ad many of you, I am never satisfied with the results of normal terrain generators. This project could be the holy graal for many people, but I think to started too far away.
Some suggestions:
- skip the mantle convection and magma dynamics... those are way too complicated and don't bring much
- concentrate on the evolution of the plates. In a first phase I think it will be good to have the surface divided into plates with a voronoi+some noise, then assign to each plate contact one of the three main movements: divergent; convergent or transform (sliding). This could be more tricky than expected. One here, the time dimension must be implemented. A point on a plate must be able to start at the divergent boundary, move towards a convergent boundary and then stop.
- If you acheve this, you're good to implement continental and oceanic crust and plate interactions...
I know it sounds as a lot of blabla and nothing more, but I would be glad to help in any way you can think of. Just tell me
P.S. mapping on a plane is good, but the earth is a shpere... a true shperical map generator would be more than awesome!