In any case, the manual mentioned fleet points, is the maximum and contributing factors in battle pliable?
Yeah, though at this point you'll have to get your hands dirty and edit a config file. There's a "battleSize" setting, and the contributing factors (i.e., objectives) are a percentage of that - though these are also configurable via a script. The game is most likely to be balanced around a battleSize of 100 points or so, but if you want to have huge battles and have the cpu to handle it, who am I to say no?
So looking at the manual, can you not rotate through weapon groups with the mousewheel?
I knew I was forgetting something! The mousewheel is actually used to zoom in/out.
Updated the manual to mention that, and two other things I also forgot to include: "Energy Weapon Bonus" from flux, and "Linked vs Alternating Groups".
I caved. I can't NOT order awesome indie projects when there's money sitting in my paypal.
Thank you for your support!
Also: It would be interesting if a shield's coverage area reduced as it took damage.
I'll add that to the idea bin. Shields are likely to receive some re-working in the future, though I'd like to see how you guys like them in this incarnation first.
I like being able to set weapon groups to auto-fire or not, and the variety of weapons make me happy. The anticipation is weighing me down, man!
It's weighing me down at least twice as much, but it's all good
Re: weapons - there are 45 in the game right now (with many more planned), though I don't think they're *all* used in the current mission set. Depending on how determined you are, you could tweak existing ship variants to use any of them though.