We're not the only contestants!
I know that there are other contestants but I think for
Unu YOU are the only one that has a submission. I guess I kinda tarded out and included myself when I have not yet submitted this round. Durp. Just trying to let people know when I'm aiming for and what I thought the targeted end time of this round was.
If folks feel differently then by all means we can change the deadline. Didn't mean to sound demanding or anything
I just dont want to loose the little bit of momentum that we have sitting in one round too long.
Btw way guys feel free to speak your opinion on if we should keep it as a voting challenge or if we want it to just work in a more chillaxed way where everyone posts what they feel like and noone everyone wins?
I'm all for being chillaxed. I'm not in it too win I just want to draw monsters. However I did think the voting was a good way to decide who picked the next beast. I can also see the problems that caused before though.
My suggestion: At the end of the round whoever picked the beast decides who shall pick next. So when this round is over, since Slowpokez posted the current beast, he would choose who the next beast picker is. Also some rule like you can't pick the person who picked you.
Its not perfect but it does away with pain in the ass voting and doesn't end up with a whole mess of monster descriptions being posted at the end of each round.
I do know though that would like to keep it in rounds with everyone drawing the same description before moving on to the next.
Thats my two cents.
Interested in hearing other ideas though.