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Author Topic: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort  (Read 5729 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:00:12 pm »

I have never made an effort to make a story with any of my forts before (kinda), so I figured it was about time I did so. Now, I wanted to be different (of course, who doesn't?) so I'm doing something I hope hasn't been overdone too much. Namely, I won't be acting like a dwarf at all!

So won't be making a "fort" really at all, I shall be living above the ground like the stinking humans. No neatness, no complex dwarven thingies, I shall be a disgrace to dwarven-kind!

So to start it off, if anybody is interested then feel free to give your name and profession. Since I can't expect an excellent team of dwarves as the outcast I'm going to be, I can't be picky about who I get to come with me, so by all means make life difficult for me by picking something useless (not cheese-maker, I might be using that one).

Well that's it for the introduction, I'll start the settlement either later tonight or tomorrow depending on time. Wish me luck, and any comments, input, or interest whatsoever is appreciated!

Okay, so to help me keep track and all I will provide a list of human-wanna-be's and any traits you want them to have and whatnot. If you want to add anything about your dwarf that isn't too crazy or out of the blue, feel free to post it. You are free to ignore the following list if you don't care about the people playing. Heck, you're free to ignore it even if you do! Isn't that nice of me?

1 Unclaimed Dwarf, Cerol, Carpenter, Female

Dwarf: Caevin, Male
Profession: Farmer
Traits: Lacks some confidence, but occasionally a good self-starter.

Dwarf: Human, Male
Profession: Woodcrafter
Traits: Desires to be human to the point of being considered insane, seems to have other issues as well. Past history unknown. Loves to eat donkey.

Dwarf: Flamey, Male
Profession: Butcher/Animal Trainer
Traits: Rather spirited, a tough and trusting spirit.

Dwarf: Kyle, Female
Profession: Administrator
Traits: Loves dogs, has rather expensive tastes, a bit lazy and unsuccesful as a result.

Dwarf: Tallpanzer, Female
Profession: Herbalogist
Traits: A fairly loyal friend, everything else unknown.

Double A-
Dwarf: Lance, Male
Profession: Soldier/Guard
Traits: A charismatic person, but his abruptness and personal chivalric code has not endeared him to many people. Fiercly loyal to those that he chooses.

Dwarf: Aramco, Female
Profession: Soap Maker
Traits: Unknown

Dwarf: Valrandir, Male
Profession: Fisherman
Traits: Unknown

Dwarf: Manboricua, Male
Profession: Miner
Traits: Lacks pretty much any sort of creative or mental skill, and has little physical endurance. Coincidentally, also modest.

Dwarf: Remalle, Female
Profession: Woodworker/Pikeperson
Traits: Possesses good mental abilities, and is easygoing and consideratet towards others.

Dwarf: Nowan Leiks Mi, Male
Profession: Mechanic/Seige Engineer
Traits: Is a misfit (does not play well with others)

Dwarf: Petey, Female
Profession: A Pirate, yarrr
Traits: Number one dream in life, piratehood! Sadly, this dream remains unfulfilled, and has been sent to Woodenhovels for misdemeanors.

Dwarf: Zrk2, unknown
Profession: Lye Maker
Traits: Unknown at this time.

Not-Dwarved Yet:

Dwarf: Jacen, Male
Profession: Swordsman
Traits: Unknown at the moment.

Dwarf: Debesh, male
Profession: Archer
Traits: Was once dwarfy, but decided to try the aboveground for a change. Has severe cave adaptation, and occasionally must resist the urges to kill elves, build with stone, and use magma. Is very unused to aboveground crops.

Dwarf: John, Male
Profession: Hammer/Marksdwarf
Traits: Dislikes the underground and anything to do with it. Normally a fairly nice guy but gets into a freak, Hulk-like rage (albeit without the green skin and tearing off of clothes, although that would be dwarvenly) with an affinity for beserk-like rampage, combining the gritty justice of Dirty Harry with (presumably) the catchy-fear-inducing-awe-inspiring one-liners of said Dirty Harry and King Leonidas. Would not like to die without a dramatically acceptable reason to do so some time after he has been introduced to those around him, signaling some sort of attention-seeking problem or a heightened sense of self worth.

Dwarf: Iggy McNatz, Male
Profession: Hunter/Marksdwarf
Traits: Very agressive towards animals.

Dwarf: Reinjan, Male
Profession: Fighter
Traits: Loves snailman, how he manifests this love is uncertain.

Dwarf: GamerKnight, unknown sex
Profession: A fisher or a mechanic/builder
Traits: Dreams big, MEGA big.

Dwarf: Thor, unknown sex
Profession: Hammerperson
Traits: Likes to...smash things?

« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 10:54:13 pm by Caevin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 09:02:28 pm »

I shall join!!
Name: Human McHuman
Job: Woodcrafter
Bio: Human always wanted to be human. Now he will act like one!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 09:06:55 pm »

Sounds cool.

Name: Flamey
Profession: Animal Trainer / Butcher

You'd be amazed how motivated the work animals can be. ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2011, 09:21:34 pm »

Sure, put me down as Kyle. Profession: Noble who likes slade or carpenter, whichever works for me.
You mean the ability to have endless training dummies, a carpet of eyestalks and tendrills, and a plant that both makes for some good grizzled sea man hard liquor AND the ability to turn your dwarves into the Night´s Watch...not reward enough?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2011, 10:06:15 pm »

I could be your herbalist.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell

Double A

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2011, 11:37:21 pm »

Oooh, sounds interesting!

Lance McArseface
SwordsMAN, Armor User, Conversationalist
Lance grew up as a total douche. Because he acts like a human knight.
Please, take a moment of silence for all the venerable old threads rendered unintelligible by the Great Photobucket Dickification of 2017. So much was lost.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2011, 12:01:21 am »

Excellent! Thanks for the interest fellas!

I'm going to start writing up the backstory now, I apologize in advance for the lengthiness it will probably have and any possible bad writing.

Oh yeah, and I play with Fortress Defense Mod so there will be lots of Fun to be had(especially with fire imp seiges burning down wood stuff, urg).

And also, since we are all going to act like humans, that means no master in charge of directing everything. Which means unfortunately "I" may not be able to control everything that goes on, if any of you have things you would like to add about your characters or thing you would like them to try and do (within reasonable limits) by all means speak up. I'd love any input!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2011, 12:23:57 am »

Dear Diary,
     Last night I had a dream. I know I say that every night, and sometimes they aren't even that important, but last night was...believe me it was inspiring. Oh what am I doing, trying to convince my diary? For the love of Armok I must be mad.
     No, I refuse to believe that! Please ignore that part diary. Anyway, my dream was amazing. I dreamed I was living above the ground, in a grand town full of dwarves who shared my desires and love for the sun! I know it's always been a silly fantasy, as my father always told me "You're a DWARF for the love of Armok, not some cruddy human or stinkin elf, a DWARF! We live underground, now stop moping around and help me plant these plump helmets."
     Well I'm tired of living underground! I want to be free above the soil, and I swear I'll do it! Don't doubt me this time diary, I really will, I've just got to find others like me, I'm sure I can do it.

Dear Diary (again),
     I did it! Diary I did it! I bet my father would be rolling around in his grave right now if he hadn't fallen into magma, because I'm going to live above the ground! And apparently I have my own subject now.

The little rat peeked at the doorway, and it had a good feeling about it. His friends called him RandomHallways for his knack of getting into bad spots (or was it because of his mother?), but he wasn't about to stop trusting his instinct now. He was still alive after all, wasn't he? He scurried under the doorway, with thoughts of maggot cheese zipping around in his head, giving him a bit of a headache. Maybe it was because of that he was not as aware as he should have been, but he was halfway across the room before he noticed a looming shadow over him.
"FEE FI FO FUM, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF...Oh hey, it's just you Random."
Oh was that one...

"Quite honestly, I can't see why you would want to see this guy."
"Well I need any sympathetic dwarf I can get" I replied.
"Ah right, well then as you know under the ACIDDD act of 47, all dwarves considered a danger to society can be taken upon journey's provided it is promised and signed that they never return to any major settlement, barring wherever said journy makes camp. You will be liable for said dwarf and punished should the following not be complied..."
    For a moment, I considered dozing off, maybe the dwarf would not notice. But no, this was important business, if boring, he should try to pay attention. Sigh, bueacracy could be a pain.
    Finally though the guard stopped talking for a moment as he handed me a file.
"Now here is a profile of the dwarf you are interested in, and we can guarantee it's accuracy and professionality" Said the guard as he handed the file over.

"You know, this guy doesn't exactly seem like crazy material" I said after looking at the file.
"Well sir, unfortunately I cannot give you any more information due to the Privacy Act of 40" Replied the guard, with the slightest hint of laughter in his eyes.
"So you can give me his supposedly complete physcological profile but not why he is actually locked up?" I questioned.
"Yes sir, I'm afraid that's so."
"Well then, let's go see him already" I said, hiding my frustration.

The guard opened up the back door and led me down a dimly lit hallway (though now that I think about it, everything was always dimly lit, one other reason to want to live outdoors). I heard the sound of shouting long before we got to the door.


The guard looked at me as if to say "I told you so". We contined walking to the door as a rat scurried out with I swear a look of panic in his eyes, I began to get a little nervous of this dwarf.
"Hang on, I thought he never got angry" I said.
"Oh sorry, must have been a typo," said the guard, as he opened the door, "well I will let the two of you talk things over, see if he is good and all, enjoy your chat." And with that he sauntered off.

Well I wasn't going to be deterred this late, so I walked in and cast my eyes on the dwarf. The first thing I noticed was his eyes, they were gold and striking, as if they were staring into my was a bit disconcerting actually.

"Well, hi there." He said.
"Oh um, hi. Sorry about the uh...staring." I stammered.
"Perfectly alright, happens all the time."
"So...if you don't mind me asking, what was the yelling about just now?"
"Oh that was just one of the rats," He replied bitterly," I THOUGHT he was my friend, but apparently he has been avoiding me...pah, 'forgot I was here', that jerk..."
"Oh, well understandable I suppose, I would be angry too if I was being ignored by a jerk like that." I replied, with I'm proud to say only the slightest hint of laughter.
"Of course you would, and he was my only friend! You think he would have more consideration than that."
"Well, maybe that could be fixed. Which is why I'm here. I heard you liked the outdoors, right?"
"Of course, the sun, the clouds, and dirt, it's all so beautful!"
"Well then if you want, I'm preparing a journey, and you're welcome to come along, I need all the help I can get."
"Of course!" He replied eagerly, standing up suddenly, "What the HFS are we waiting for?! Let's go already!" And with that he bolted from the room jumping with excitement.

I started to walk out after him when another guard rushed up to me and pinned me against the wall.
"Ack...sorry about...the guy there...he just got excited" I gasped.
"Huh? Oh sorry, seems I got a bit carried away," He said, releasing me, "I'm Lance, I've heard what you're doing and I want in."
"Oh um well thanks, you certainly have an interesting way of greeting people."
"Oh again, I'm sorry, like I said I got a bit excited. You would not believe how long I have desired to truly be like a human, I would greatly appreciate, no I would be honored if you would have me." Lance said majestically.
"Well, if you really would like to go with us a fighter would always be handy, you're welcome to come."
"Oh thank you so very much," Lance said, kneeling before me and holding out his sword, "I see in you the pathway to what I believe has always been my destiny, to live among the land and under the sun and moon and sky. Since you are granting me this boon I shall serve you faithfully until my dying breath, I shall serve you as your knight and do all that you request. Again, I thank you for what you have done."
     In all honesty I stood there a moment staring at him awkwardly, not knowing what to do, so I tapped him on the shouldiers like kings always did in the stories and told him to rise. Then I went after that other dwarf, Ezum.
"Hey Ezum," I shouted as I caught up with him in the lobby, "calm down, we still have to prepare today, we can't leave until tomorrow at the earliest."
"Fine, and my name is not Ezum, it's Human, Human McHuman!" He said heatedly.
"Really? What a strange name...I'm beginning to think you being stuck in here, and that profile thing especially is all untrue. What do you do anyway?"
"I'm a woodcutter!"
"Oh...great." And just for a moment I wondered again how he got stuck in here...


This is already long enough and this is taking awhile, so I will finish the rest of the backstory tomorrow. I plan to give you DeFaKu an interesting interaction here at least before I head out. I hope Icee and Double A, you two don't mind I made you out to be slightly crazy, I couldn't resist, you gave me good material ;D

Well see you tomorrow folks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2011, 12:34:41 am »

Ahh, I forgot to mention for my dwarf to be female. If it's too late that's fine though.

Looks great so far. :D


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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2011, 12:49:52 am »

Ack! Man, I wish you had said that just a couple minutes earlier, I just started the fort =(
To make it up to you I'll try and get you some great white shark meat next year, apparently you like that stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2011, 04:25:51 pm »

The crazier, the better!! Human McHuman will regret the day he wished he was human!!
Besides, He spent too much time in the sun!


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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2011, 11:37:05 pm »

Ack! Man, I wish you had said that just a couple minutes earlier, I just started the fort =(
Oh well, not a big deal. Looking forward to the next entry!

To make it up to you I'll try and get you some great white shark meat next year, apparently you like that stuff.
I hope that involves hunting actual great white sharks.  :D (Wait, that's probably dwarfy...)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2011, 10:02:14 am »

Could I have a swordsdwarfman? Preferably under Lance's command.

Name : Jacen
Gender : Male
Profesion : Swordsman
If he has kids name one of them Jacen II and so on. Each of them should be drafted into the army. Also, he will be completely loyal to Lance.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 11:59:40 am by JacenHanLovesLegos »
As it turns out, the pen was in fact a poor choice for melee combat in comparison to the sword.
So I just started playing this game and I accidentally nuked the moon.


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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2011, 11:54:20 am »

I'll take a soapmaker. Useless enough for you?
Or maybe there's a god who's just completely insane and sends you to Detroit, Michigan in a new body if you ever utter the name "Pat Sajak".


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Re: A Very UnDwarvenly Fort
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2011, 11:53:54 am »

Dwarf me as Valrandir the Fisherman.
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