Maybe not, but burningpet will present the UNRWA as basically a Hamas front.
Palsch, assinging blame for the escalation is of course hard, especially since low-level violence between Hamas and the IDF happens all the time, but at the very least Israel didn't try to prevent it. Hell, we had burningpet telling us that they escalated things on purpose to get an excuse to attack the tunnels.
Regarding the way an occupation would weaken or reinforce Hamas, I guess only time will tell. I think however that short of passing every fighting-age male Gazan by the sword, the best Israel can hope for is for a lull in the rockets shooting during the occupation (why bother with rockets when you can kill Israeli soldiers at home?) and for a few month afterward while Hamas retool from fighting an occupation to rockets. It's basically what we had in 2008 and 2012.
I think I'm with GlyphGryph here. The only long-term way to bring peace (and to prevent their citizens from dying) is for the Israeli government to show that there is a non-violent way toward peace. Stop blocking internal recognition of Palestine and recognize it as a state. Pull back the settlements, start withdrawing from the West Bank under some conditions (Like a Palestinian government strong enough to keep its terrorist in check). The real choice is not whether or not to bomb Gaza in response to Hamas, but whether or not to make peace with the Palestinian. And Israel chose not to.