they are the embodiement of the will of the palestinians to destroy Israel.
No. Most Palestinians by far want to cease hostilities. Just like most Israelis do.
Rest of argument rests on this and thus collapses.
Also, even if every Palestinian
were a member of Hamas, that STILL would not mean wiping them out was the only available choice. There are a dozen other choices. Just focusing on defense indefinitely. Or pacifistically settling elsewhere. Or paying the extra money for surgical raids only, which are yes more expensive, yes riskier, yes slower, but perhaps more MORAL. Which is more important to you? Your answer is a choice.
These options and many others exist. Israelis just happen to not prefer their side effects, that's all. So they don't choose them.
That does not mean they don't exist as options.Their current actions are only "inevitable" if you make a whole bunch of assumptions as bedrock facts that simply are not.
-It is not an absolute given truth than Israelis must end up in israel at the end of the day. They could simply leave and take refuge elsewhere. This being acceptable or not is an opinion, not a fact.
-It is not an absolute given truth that killing somebody to save your own life is necessarily more moral and running away or turning the other cheek (hundreds of millions of people in the world believe it is not)
-It is not an absolute given truth that the lives of your countrymen MUST be considered more valuable than the lives of foreigners, even enemies.
-It is not an absolute given truth that XYZ amount of dollar bills is worth a human life -- any amount of cost could potentially be justified versus a number of lives saved, and where to draw the line on spending how many million dollars to sound out tunnels for example versus just killing people to find them is a
personal opinion, not a fact.
-It is not an absolute given truth that causing destruction with one intent in mind is better or worse than causing destruction with a different intent in mind. Again, hundreds of millions of people in the world believe opposite of you folks on that point. This is opinion, not fact.
-Etc. etc. etc.
No, i am pretty sure digging the entire gazan border down to the aquifer would be far far cheaper.
Sorry, but this is ridiculous. You can have a single plane with modern technology (available to Israel) that can fly over an area and find any and all tunnels across many square miles in minutes. Small private companies, let alone governments backed by world superpowers, do this all the damn time and find oil pockets and other things that are much deeper and hidden under much more noisy data than near surface tunnels are, and which have much weaker differences between reflective densities than the difference between air and soil, and which exist in much more complicated topography than deserts. And they already have resolution plenty capable if flying low (which is not very dangerous in their own territory near the border where Hamas has poor anti aircraft technology)