To be fair even with all the extreme inner terror a lot of North Koreans are getting real sick of their government's shit, that's why Kimmy is only making his chances of surviving the digital world better by easing his grip over his people. I read that report and it seems a significant amount of the time the Palestinians who get recruited into suicide bombing do it because they're poor and want revenge, having had run ins with the IDF before. Does this seem like it's worth an addressing from you?
Hmm, sorry, just now read it.
hmm, honestly, this study is interesting, and extremely important, but i fear it fails to draw any distinctive conclusions.
While i don't doubt revenge comes into play, i still can't see how refraining from stopping terrorists from directly performing terror acts in the hope of pacifying the operative family can be considered a good strategy.
The study also fails to mention the effect of inner-family education and propaganda in increasing the likeliness of a family member to commit to suicide bombings nor does it mention the circumstances in which the suicide bomber came in contact with the IDF soldier previously to the suicide bombing act. it could very well be that the suicide bombing was simply the next level of an already extremely strong dedication to terrorism, or that the family education and atmosphere of attacking israelis might have caused the final trigger for suicide bombing. meaning, the suicide bombers came into contact with the IDF because they were terrorists to begin with, and, it may very well be that there are so many dead or detained family members because this family is surrounded around the idea of opposition through terror, which cultivated the suicide bombing incentive in the first place.
Since the study admits that the timing of the suicide bombings is determined, strategically, by the terror organizations and not by those who perform them, it can't be directly tied to the current economic situation. one might even conclude that in times of escalation, where the suicide bombings are likely to take place, the mutual economic ties between the palestines and israelis is severely damaged and poverty level rises. so both the suicide bombings and the poverty levels are simply the result of escalation, and not that poverty is the cause of suicide bombings.
Also, the study says that suicide bombers are better educated, which might hint at larger personal wealth. even without, it just expose the fact that you cannot take the entire unemployment rate and look at it as evidence without looking at the employment status of each of the suicide bombers.
Another also, let me emphasis that the second intifada started toward the end of 2000, the year with the lowest povery rates/unemployment rates. since the suicide bombing incidents can't be divided on a yearly basis like without looking at other factors, one might conclude that the year 2000 clearly shows this whole study reached the wrong conclusions and that the most violence erupted shortly after the best year palestines ever experienced.
In the conclusion, the study specifically mention it failed to reach a coherent conclusion given the data:
"Suicidal bombings are the product of both organizational strategy and individual-level incentives, and
neither level of analysis is sufficient in explaining its rise during the Second Intifada. On the one hand,
pursuing militant entities that deploy suicidal terror is a necessary component of an effective
counterterrorist response. However,
if individual-level economic and social factors also generate increased
incentives for individual Palestinians to participate in these activities, stunting organizational growth alone
will not end attacks against Israeli targets."
There are too many
maybes and
ifs in this data and that is acknowledged in the study itself.
There are also many elements and factors that are missing in those calculations, and there is a lot of missing data in the factors the study dealt with (yearly analysis of the unemployment rates. it only shown several disjointed years). i am not saying this study was done so intentionally out of an agenda, i just think that it didn't do a really good job, at all.
Now, let me summarize it myself. i don't think helping palestines have better economy or education should be done so they wont commit to suicide bombings. i think it should be done because they deserve better lives. the problem, however, is that while israel is appeared to have some control over the economic strength of the palestines, in reality, its hands are cuffed both by the palestine EXTREMELY corrupted regimes (both in hamas and fatah) that deprive the palestines from money and materials and by the necessity to protect itself, which sadly means avoiding direct contact with palestines, ie, enforcing a blockade, checkpoints and refusing work permits, which again, is totally in the hands of palestines, as clearly evident by the second intifada eruption of a visit of ariel sharon to the El Aqsa mosque, the holiest jewish place on earth, after he was assured by the palestine authority it was ok. Sharon didn't even actually entered the mosque, but took the normal tour outside of it. that incited the second intifada, during the best year palestines ever had.