A significant problem with the screens is that one screen shows soil values relative to some unnamed current crop, and a separate scheduling screen offers no feedback on the future of the soil.
Since there is not data, even after heaps and gobs of talking about all kinds of new variables, the result is going to the wiki and looking up what sequence of crops is the best and planting that.
Yes, that's the set of symbols I was just talking about how I forgot to put in the scheduler (which I am putting in now). The fact that nobody noticed until now means that people weren't following me up to the point where they would notice the mistake, which means I need to go back and explain the interface's individual functions a little more.
EDIT: Oh, and the "unnamed crop" is what is shown in another sub-window. The point of the first "viewer" tab is to show you all the data on the farm plot. The first "z" sub-menu shows "plants", which indicates what is growing there, and how far along they are towards harvest, plus maybe the most pressing problem that plant is facing. In the second "x" sub-menu, you see "nutrients", which gives you the snapshot of the soil nutrient levels, and I chose to show that sub-window rather than the initial "z" plants menu because it would be more illustrative in showing how minerals can be displayed.
The fact that I have to explain all this, again, means I need to do a better job explaining why each tab is there and what it does for the player, instead of just saying what data it displays, and assuming everyone has caught up with me.
OK, here are the symbols I'm tentatively putting in as color-coded markers in the scheduling screen:
≈ is water
τ is nitrogen
╢ is phosphorous
⌐ is potassium
♠ is biomass
¥ are pests
▄ is humus depth/CEC/drainage
¡ is soil acidity
² is toxicity and salinity
☼ represents if this plant is going to live in an energy field capable of supporting it
Color coding:
Cyan = way too much (doesn't grow)
Blue = too much (grows poorly)
Green = just right
Yellow = not enough to grow well, but will grow poorly
Red = not enough to grow at all
Gray = not even close
I'm going to post an updated version of the scheduling screen in a little bit, but you need to be able to pretty much be told what all those symbols stand for to get them.
For archival purposes:
The green thingy is a glass irrigation pump. The brass irrigation plumbing has been built, and the dwarf is smiling about it, I guess.