I think everyone would be happier if they realized that it was very unlikely that achievements would be anything that frequent posters here hadn't done 3 years ago.
I like the tutorial achievements as a low key, on screen way to suggest tasks for new players. Sure, you've played a few games, you know what is going on, but a new player doesn't have any idea what's possible, and frankly, losing because you've no idea what's going on isn't fun.
Think of it in terms of the new bee stuff. Imagine a checklist that said
Build hive
Place hive
Capture bees
Split hive
Harvest hive
Press comb
Create wax crafts
All of a sudden, you don't need the wiki, because you've got a list of basic steps, and in game recognition that you've finished them succesfully. (as opposed to just thinking you had)
You're teaching players the new function, you're giving new players an idea of what is possible, and you're also giving them little wins to smooth out the curve towards the big wins.
None of this supersedes high level play, and you're just as justified making fun of someone bragging about it as you would be an adult bragging about his camping badge from weeblo's
It's the difference between showing someone how to use a hammer, and showing them how to build a house.