I'm considering two possibilities regarding juice.
1. Keep it as it is now.
2. Reduce juice gains to their normal level, which is half the rate it is currently, and reduce the threshold of Elite Liberal to 900/1000 juice.
I'm all for the second option here. If reaching Revolutionary level (100 juice, currently) is a problem (in terms of motivating yourself to do it
all over again with a new character, doesn't even have to be due to actual game difficulty), one could rearrange the point thresholds for all the ranks, instead of just the top two ones.
This is what we have now:
Damn Worthless -50
Society's Dregs -49 to -11
Punk -10 to -1
Civilian 0 to 9
Activist 10 to 49
Socialist Threat 50 to 99
Revolutionary 100 to 199
Urban Commando 200 to 499
Liberal Guardian 500 to 999
Elite Liberal 1000
Here's my recommendation:
Damn Worthless -50
Society's Dregs -49 to -11
Punk -10 to -1
Civilian 0 to 9
Activist 10 to 24
Socialist Threat 25 to 59
Revolutionary 60 to 174
Urban Commando 175 to 399
Liberal Guardian 400 to 899
Elite Liberal 900 to 1000
The jump from Urban Commando to Liberal Guardian is still pretty huge, in terms of percentage; But at this point you already have a very capable operative at your disposal, so it shouldn't annoy you nearly as much.
Note that it is currently quite easy to quickly level new characters all the way to the top by having them cause (violent) trouble in one of the unpoliced areas of the city, especially if you send an experienced 'mentor' along to keep them safe. But that's more an issue with the rate of juice currently awarded for combat, than with the system as a whole. Maybe juice gains in combat should depend on opponent difficulty?