It appears the high command have a sense of humor. Pretty much the only thing we have done well so far is defend a fuel depot (I say well, but this still entailed the loss of 2/3rds of the squadron...). So they decide we can do it again.
I take a medium fighter. Glyphgryph and Megaman get light gunships. Falknor debuts in the ultradrone that Megaman used so well last mission.
Arriving at the sector I get the feeling this is the same depot as before - small, vulnerable, but in an asteroid field. Orders: keep close, and rush over there fast.
CONTACT. We pass by the depot, and Glyphgryph spots and enemy drone. HUNT THEM DOWN!
Too good to be true - they havent spotted us. Glyphgryph lets loose some missiles at the drone and spots 2 enemy gunships. As usual our luck is bad - all 3 of these miss, alerting the enemy to our presence and position, so they turn to a bearing bringing us all on a collision course.
The sky fills with missiles as we exchange fire. Evasive action on both sides limit the hits to one by Glyphgryph on a gunship, and one by me on Glyphgryph as he dodges into my firing line. Everyone seems to make it through the first mental exchange fine apart from...
Falknor, who takes a light hit from that bomber he has just collided with. This bomber has 3 of 4 missile tubes loaded.
The outcome was inevitable. RIP Falknor. Maybe we can clone him. I set out to avenge his death by turning to line up his killer in my sights.
I offer him 3 missiles of my own. 2 of these hit, dropping his starboard shields and causing minor systems damage. Glyphgryph lands a long range potshot on a gunship, reducing its fornt shields to 50%. FOllowing this dent to thier confidence, the enemy regroup right in front of me. Hoping for the best, I dispatch 3 more shots at them. 2 of these drop the enemy light gunships shields. {the screenies of this were rubbish so i neglect to show them}.
Following this disturbingly efficient action, the enemy gunships are in a bad way. damaged and with no velcoty they are sitting ducks. Glyphgryph looks intent to take advantage of this, and takes a run at them. they get off one missile at him... which misses, but in avoiding that his own 2 miss the enemy.
Meanwhile on the other side of the depot, Megaman has taken a massive hit from an unseen enemy severely damaging all his systems. I would rush to help him but...
I have another point blank shot at that bomber lined up. I load the last 3 of my medium missiles... and dispair as they all miss. However, he isnt shaking me so easily. I am all over him, and reload with lght missiles. Then it all gets complicated.
Off screen, Megaman is using his badly damaged Gunship to good effect and has crippled an enemy drone which he will no doubt finish off soon. I am about to fire at the bomber. The gunship chasing me fired 2 missiles at me. One is about to hit me but there is no way I am letting this kill go. The other impacted on Glyphgryph who is cutting behind me...
End result: I seriously hurt the bomber, but not enough to cripple it. He hyperspaces away. Megaman vapourises the enemy drone. Glyphgryph is left taking evasive action from 2 gunships. My enginges are destroyed by the impact of that missile. A 3rd one is on its way, and deciding I like the possibility of retaining my breathing privilages I elect to dice wih fate yet again by ejecting. Megaman elects to do the same, and Glyphgryph is unable to fight off 2 enemy gunships on his own, takes heavy damage and also ejects. The now defenseless depot is easy picking for the 2 enemy gunships.
Another "glorious" failure for Bay12 squadron. We lose a shitload more ships for no purpose (!). Megaman lads a kill, even if it is only a drone.
Pilot Status:
1 Monkeyhead - fighter/bomber: 7 missions, 9 kills, 2 MoH, 1 green on green, 7 ships lost
KIA Boski - gunship: 5 missions, 7 kills, 3 ships lost, 2 green on green
2 GlyphGryph - anything: 7 missions, 1 kill, 4 ships lost
KIA EuchreJack - Kamikazi drone: 2 missions, 1 kill, 2 ship lost
KIA Shadowdump - all round: 1 mission, 1 ship lost
3 Megaman - anything: 2 missions, 2 kills, 1 MoH, 1 ship lost
KIA Falknor - anything: 1 mission, 1 ship lost.
6 Mainiac - low spec
7 Muwahahaha - slow and heavy
8 Char13mange - speed
9 Metal Militia - anything
10 Deadmeat - gunship/scout
11 warhammer651 - heavily armed
12 Sheb - bomber
13 IronyOwl - armor
14 Metal Militia - heavily armed
15 deviled - speed
16 Farseer - anything
17 Inteuniso - anything
18 Shadowdump's Clone - all round
19 mr person - low speed
20 Euchrejack's clone - Kamikazi
21 tarran - weapons, speed
22 xanatos jr - deathtrap/battlecruiser
23 Codecimat the infinatly prolonged - fighter
24 burnt pies - speed, weapons