OK, mission 6. this sounds attractive...
but i am no fool. i know that you keep your best troops near your high value assets. time to go get exploded!
I take a light fighter. Glyphgryph gets a scout. Euchrejack gets a worse than nothing drone. Shadowdump joins us in another light fighter. megaman debuts in a megadrone.
we drop into a sector that defines "too quiet". ordered to set a search pattern, we spread out.
contact... light fighter and drone dead ahead.
we form into a pincer, myself from the south, euchrejack and megaman from the east...
but score no hits. turn and chase lads...
i line up a shot at a light fighter...
and space seems to fill up with missiles. we all take evasive action. Euchrejack buys the farm, and my missiles kill the light fighter. there is somthing out there we cant see that is big and well armed. we all continue to dodge and weave as the missile hell dissipates. wel, everyone other than shadowdump, who doges into a missile, and is vapourised.
we circle and regroup. no doubt out of sensor range the enemy is doing the same.
we make another pass on thier suspected position, and boy are we in trouble. thats 2 heavy bombers and a gunship against my light fighter, glyphgryphs scout and megamans drone.
a few pot shots are exchanged as we circle for position... until glyphgryph decides ramming the heavy bomber is a good idea. actually, it is, as now i can shoot at it. this doesnt have the desired effect as i actually hit glyphgryph, scoring a green on green as he ejects. megaman gets off a shot against the enemy gunship and kills him stone dead, takes a hit in the process but hangs on in there.
it all calms down as bote us and the enemy jostle for firing positions. i get a good one, sneaking up behind the heavy bomber which is having fun shooting at glyphygryphs burning hulk...
2 rounds dont kill it. another 2 might. megaman is rushing to the same target...
bah, they dont even scratch it. now i need to get out of its firing line. this i dont do very well, take a shitload of hits, lose all my systems, and drift burning towards that bloody heavy bomber. i am dead if i dont eject. i might be dead if i do.
again i defy the odds and escape in my pod. outnumbered and outgunned, megaman retreats and lives to fight another day.
mission summary: well, we didnt kill the enemy politician. i bagged a light fighter. glyphgryph made it home. Euchrejack and shadowdump didnt. Megaman was a star, killing an enemy drone and a gunship, and won a medal of honor.
falknor and mainiac will be up next. good luck, you will need it.
updated roster:
1 Monkeyhead - fighter/bomber: 6 missions, 9 kills, 2 MoH, 1 green on green, 6 ships lost
KIA Boski - gunship: 5 missions, 7 kills, 3 ships lost, 2 green on green
2 GlyphGryph - anything: 6 missions, 1 kill, 3 ships lost
KIA EuchreJack - Kamikazi drone: 2 missions, 1 kill, 2 ship lost
KIA Shadowdump - all round: 1 mission, 1 ship lost
3 Megaman - anything: 1 mission, 1 kill, 1 MoH
4 Falknor - anything
5 Mainiac - low spec
6 Muwahahaha - slow and heavy
7 Char13mange - speed
8 Metal Militia - anything
9 Deadmeat - gunship/scout
10 warhammer651 - heavily armed
11 Sheb - bomber
12 IronyOwl - armor
13 Metal Militia - heavily armed
14 deviled - speed
15 - Farseer - anything
16 - Inteuniso - anything