Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm pretty sure you guys can keep yoursleves entertained.
TURN 2I troll the "What made you sad"-thread. Guaranteed to be some reaction there.
Also, I'm very good at trolling myself, so no paradox.
(6-1=5) The entire post exploded into shouts and anger and sadness, and you are the thing that made them sad today! +10 angry posts +2 ego p.s. 5 angry posts in 1 turn = 1 ego point
Troll: "Favorite type of candy?"
(2) You made a crack about a prik candy, a few people lol'd but more actually took you seriously! Frustrated with your lack of causing frustration you close the window a pout.
Ask them what the square root of -1 is
(3) Some guy started PMing you about how that's not possible. (1) Instead of trollin' him you actually listen to him! silly troll...
-1 to ALL math realated threads/posts/anything.
Troll RTRTD.
Troll RTRTD.
(3) After trolling your own thread everybody gets pretty pissed, and leaves. +11 angry posts thread destroyed
"Troll Randomly"
(6) You troll so much that the quality of your trollings turn into normal posts. YOU ARE ATTACKED BY WILD TROLL! (4) The troll sends a nasty letter about yo mama. (1) You just got trolled, bitch! -2 ego points.
(every turn the troll will try to troll you again)
Troll "turn off ambushes/boogeyman?"
(2) Nobody even notices you.
Darvi Ego 12 Angry posts 10
UristMcdwarf Ego 10 Angry posts 1
Zrk2 Ego 10 -1 to math angry posts 0
Taricus Ego 8 angry posts 0
Ze spy 9 ego angry posts 0
Gatleos ego 10 angry posts 11