You people should read more. "Holocaust industry" is a good start. WW2 was a great tragedy to a lot of people, not just jews. Even by current estimates death toll was about 35M, including 3.5M jews. Allies propaganda (mostly Soviets, but others too) started at 6M jews, and did their best to make "jewish holocaust" look like the worst thing that happened to mankind ever. This was to make themselves look glorified and Germans look like pure evil. History revisionists, called "holocaust deniers" managed to demistify some of it, and thats a good thing. Sadly they are often imprisoned. This tells a lot about how much freedom we actually have. Prisioners of Auschwitz and other camps were starved, but then feeding prisoners wile loosing war, and getting supply trains bombed by allies couldn't possibly be a high priority.
Just to put things into perspective: Every superpower at that time had work / concentration camps. Soviet ones were actually worse and took more lives. I think the British invented the concept, having so many colonies and problems with ingenious population getting in the way of their expliotation plans. Even USA had some for the Japanese, and it is estimated, that 1.5 died. China has work camps for like 3M even now. Korea is even worse. Come to think of it, jews made occupied Palestinian land into one big concentration camp.
Yes, so "nazis" were evil, but so were allies. Both sides commited war crimes during WW2. For example Britain carpet bombed Dresen, a 300k city. USA went even more overboard, nuking another citiy! The result? Germalns lost the war, so they are evil. Allies won a war, so their crimes are justified or forgotten.
OK, so I went on a rant. Now I'll propably be lynched by forum dwellers.
So has anyone made soap out of elves yet? Yeah, it requires modding them to be butcherable, but still, many of you would probably find that amusing.