Monster Hunter Universe (DOWNLOAD)This mod adds everything possible from the Monster Hunter Games to Dwarf Fortress!
A short list of features:
- Naturally, the Monsters, from the commons Velocipreys to the steel-covered Kushala Daora and the huge Raviente!!
- Improved bones, for increased difficulty (this also makes bones a good choice for weapons and armor!)
- Wyvern leather (10X better than normal leather) and Draconic leather (like steel!)
- Adventure mode bone and leather crafting!
- Monster Hunter weapons, from the Sword & Shield to the Gunlance and the Bowguns!
- Coating for arrows and bolts! Power (aka fire), Poison, Sleep and Paralysis!
- Elemental bullets! Craftable in Adventure mode, they are effective against wyverns weak to a particuar element. Elements are:
- Monster Hunter plants (cookable, brewable, and used in adventure reactions).
- Metals!
--Dragonite: Good for weapons.
--Carbalite: Good for armor.
--Dragonite Steel: better than steel. Combine 1 steel + 1 dragonite.
--Carbalite Steel: better than dragonite steel, worse than adamantine. Combine 1 steel + 1 carbalite + 1 dragonite steel (50% chance of succes, 80% of producing meltable scraps)
--Eltalite: Very rare, but even better than adamantine
--Union: Can duplicate every other metal!!
- Felynes as an entity and playable race, both in adventure and fortress mode!!
- "More Creatures Version", with wyverns found around like normal beasts... for who wants an extra challange!
Creatures completed (as 15/04/2011, v0.4.6 ). Orange names are coming in the next update
- Monoblos - Semimegabeast, has 3 hearts (bronze bones)(color variations:white)
- Diablos - Bigger, two horned Monoblos, however only one heart (bronze)(color variations:black)
- Giaprey, Ioprey, Velociprey and Genprey (copper)
- Gravios - Megabeast, in child state they are called Basarios (steel)(color variations:black)
- Daimyo Hermitaur - Semimegabeast, has a water spit (iron)(color variations:plum)
- Cephalos - desert fish like wyverns(they can swim through sand in MH but it's impossible to do in DF) (copper)
- Felyne - Like a humanoid cat; playable as adventurers!! (normal bones)
- Plesioth - Semimegabeast, a big aquatic wyvern (iron)(color variations:green)
- Apceros - Pet, a good source of shells (copper)
- Aptonoth - Pet, like Apceros but less aggressive (copper)
- Yian Kut-ku - think of giant, fire breathing chickens (iron)(color variations:blue)
- Kelbi - deers. No more, no less (bones are also normal)
- Rath - THE wyverns. Male is called Rathalos and breath fire, Female is Rathian and has a poison tail (bronze)(color variations:azure, silver for rathalos; pink, gold for rathian)
- Kushala Daora - Elder Dragon with steel scales. Can control wind. (steel, naturally)(color variations:rusted)
- Mosswine - pigs. Nothing more. (normal bones)
- Yian Garuga - Kut-kus with poison tail and trapavoid (iron)
- Gypceros - Bird wyvern, with poison spits. (iron)(color variations:purple)
- Vespoid - Giant wasp, with paralyzing poison (no bones)
- Hornetaur - Non-flying, non-poison Vespoids (no bones)
- Conga - Big Pink Farting Ape (silver)
- Congalala - Bigger Pink Farting Ape! (iron)(color variations:emerald)
- Chameleos - Elder Dragon, 3 different, powerful, poisons that will easily kill your dwarves. (steel)
- Blango - Mountain Congas, without the syndrome. (silver)
- Blangonga - Leader of the Blangos, has an ice breath (iron)(color variations:copper)
- Popo - Smaller elephant, without trunk but with lot of fur
- Anteka - You know elks? You have antekas.
- Tigrex - the mascotte of the game! (bronze)(color variations:black)
- Khezu - ugly, eyeless wyvern, living in wet areas (bronze)
- Lao-Shan Lung - huge dragon! After 2000 years he become the biggest thing in the game!(steel)(color variations:ashen)
- Raviente - Bigger than a young Lao-Shan, but smaller than a completely evolved one. He is a tusked serpent. (adamantine!!!)
- Kirin - Electrical unicorn!(steel)
- Shen Gaoren - Giant
enemy crab - Akantor - this
- Remobra - Flying snakes (iron)
- Shogun Ceanataur - Bigger Ceanataurs (iron)(color variation: terra, or in other words red)
- Bullfango - Big, wild boars. Their pack leader is called Bulldrome. (copper)
- Yama Tsukami - Giant flying octopus (steel)
- Fatalis - Giant flying black dragon, with adamantine bones! (color variations: crimson, white)
- Jaggi - very similar to preys (copper)
- Nargacuga - Very fast pseudowyverns living in forest. All his attacks are slashing! (bronze)(color variation:green)
- Hypnocatrice - A bird wyvern, like Kut-ku(iron)(color variations: azure and bright)
- Ukanlos - it remembers Akantor... but has an HUGE chin(steel)
- Melynx - they resemble Felynes... but love to steal your things!
- Shakalaka - small humanoid, stealing your items and sieging you. Their armors and weapons are VERY powerful!
- Lagiacrus - Think a carp, twisted into a wyvern body. (bronze)
- Baggi - Mountain Jaggis. They can spit a tranquilizing fluid (iron!)
- Qurupeco - Another bird wyvern. Can spit flaming mucus and has two flints on the wings!
- Gigginox - Lives in the tundra, use a very powerful poison (bronze, color variation: gold)
- Barioth - Similar to tigrex and nargacuga, but adapted to live in the colder areas(bronze)
- Ludroth - a Leviathan. The alpha male (Royal Ludroth) has a sponge-like sac on the neck.(iron, color variation: pink)
- Gobul(DONE) - a big puffer fish... with retractable spikes and a lantern like an Angler fish(iron)
- Agnaktor(WIP) - similar to a Lagiacrus, but living in the MAGMA.
- Barroth(planned) - Brute Wyvern coverd in mud, also charges a LOT.
Current Bugs and Issues
- Hunter's Workshop needs better graphics. Some help?
- Some creatures have very low maxage value. (FIXED in next update)
- Bullfangos are missing blood (FIXED in next update)
- No Petvalue (FIXED in next update)
-Deon for the toughskin template
-goukaryuujin for finding the missing population tags
-Black_Legion for suggesting me the improved bones!
-CrimsonEon for the
Virium/Explodium/Doomium mod that helped me a lot with the Arrows Coating!
-The Monster Hunter wiki, for monsters descriptions, information, and the image you see at the top of the page!
-Everybody who downloaded!!