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Author Topic: Wheel Of Time RPG Underway + Story (Still Recruiting)  (Read 8819 times)


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2011, 04:14:28 am »

Wow. I would really like to be involved with this. I had that rulebook back when too, gonna have to go check the attic at folk's house to see if it is still around.

Never done an RPG via a forum. We do an IRC meetup or something?


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2011, 05:27:25 am »

Just as a FYI, it's perfectly possible to... Acquire the rule book purely through the internet.

I'm pretty certain I'm going to be making an Aiel Algai'd'siswai, possibly speccing a bit into wanderer as well. I haven't got the numbers down quite yet, as I've got a rule book to read first, but they should be on their way.

EDIT: Hey, just a question;

Are the "race" feats something you get automatically at startup, or simply feats you can choose from that others cannot? As far as I understand, you start out with whichever feats your class and "race" gives you, then you have one feat to pool into whatever you want?

Also, for the attributes, how many points do we get? 10 x 6?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 10:23:19 am by Miggy »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2011, 11:01:36 am »

Just as a FYI, it's perfectly possible to... Acquire the rule book purely through the internet.

I'm pretty certain I'm going to be making an Aiel Algai'd'siswai, possibly speccing a bit into wanderer as well. I haven't got the numbers down quite yet, as I've got a rule book to read first, but they should be on their way.

EDIT: Hey, just a question;

Are the "race" feats something you get automatically at startup, or simply feats you can choose from that others cannot? As far as I understand, you start out with whichever feats your class and "race" gives you, then you have one feat to pool into whatever you want?

Also, for the attributes, how many points do we get? 10 x 6?

I'm going for a Cairhienin Noble myself so there may be some friction unless we opt for a timeline before the Aiel War.

I believe you get one free background feat and one free feat at first level. Thereafter you can choose normal feats or background feats whenever you would normally get a feat.

All your stats start at a base of 8 and you get 25 points to spend among them.


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2011, 11:45:26 am »

Allright, here's what I have so far for the attributes, skills and feats. I haven't yet gotten to writing a background (or even a name) or buy equipment, but that will come later:

Jharic is an Algai'd'siswai from the two spires sept, Reyn clan. He is of the Red Shield society.

Jharic is a typical Aiel. He was brought up in the three-fold-land and Aiel culture, choosing the popular path of an Algai'd'siswai. The path of the warrior is the most honourable, the one that holds the most ji, so Jharic never doubted his choice. He was at home in the culture, adopting the harsh but efficient methods with which the aiel waged war. Himself, he always focused on his own stealth, as he had been shown from experience that it were the ones who managed to surprise that dictated the battle.

He chose the Red Shields as another necessary step towards Ji. The man that can imprison but not kill is stronger than the man that can only kill, and the Red Shields dictate and enforce these rules. As the red shields act as a sort of "police force", capturing is often the goal of a battle, which suits Jharic and his Ji just fine.

Jharic is generally quiet and reserved. He feels a necessary pull towards Ji, towards doing what is good and honourable, but he does not boast of his stories or his accomplishments to his fellows. He likes to think himself as humble, the way Ji dictates you should be, but in reality he is simply just not good at it. He wished he could tell inspiring tales of his adventures and achievements, but every time he tries he misspeaks and ends up missing large chunks, making everything seem incoherent. So instead he simply remains quiet.

One night a wise one approached him in his sleep. She talked to him and told him to journey to the wetlands, as he had a task to fill. She would not tell him what that task was, or where it was he should go at all. Jharic attempted refusing in his sleep, but the wise one quickly quelled any thoughts of rebellion he could have had. He should know to follow the orders of the wise ones.

So off he went on his adventures. Traveling through the Three-fold land and into the wetlands west of the Dragonwall, Jharic traveled around, doing his best to be unnoticed, hoping to find what it was he was looking for, or perhaps receive another visit from the wise one.

Aiel Algai'd'siswai

He is 25 years old. He is average height for an Aiel, but that is still taller than most, at 5 feet 8 inches. He is pretty lean, weighing in at 12 stone. His hair is orange: Not quite blond and not quite red, as are typical for Aiel. He bears 2 superficial scars from previous combat, both from arrow hits. One on the back of his right calf shaped like a hole and one on the left side of his torso shaped like a line. Luckily neither wounds were serious enough to do permanent damage.

Str: 16 ( 8 + 8 ) bonus: +3
Dex: 16 ( 8 + 8 ) bonus: +3
Con: 11 ( 8 + 3 ) bonus: +0
Wis: 12 ( 8 + 4 ) bonus +1
Int: 10 ( 8 + 2 ) bonus: +0
Cha: 8 ( 8 + 0 ) penalty: -1

Balance 1, Climb 1, Jump 1, Wilderness Lore 1, Listen 4, Hide 4, Move Silently 4

Blooded (background), Quick Draw

Shortbow, Aiel (2 lb.); 20 arrows (3 lb.); Buckler, Aiel (2 lb.)

3 Spears, Aiel (9 lb.); Cadin'Sor; 2 daggers (2 lb.); tent (20 lb.); 4 water skins (16 lb.); Backpack (2 lb.); 10 trail rations (10 lb.); 20 arrows (3 lb. ); 2 jugs of Oosquai. (8 lb.)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 05:14:52 am by Miggy »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2011, 01:58:14 pm »

If I might suggest a slight revision to the noble class? Instead of favours being one shot why not make them usable once per week, and each time you would normally gain a new favour you instead get a +1 bonus to the roll to beat the DC? And at the last favour you would normally have gained you can use it twice per week as well? I just don't like oneshot abilities, if this gets accepted cool, if not then ah well.

And this part is just me shamelessly trying to make my class better but, could nobles get medium armour proficiency please? It's not realy worth much since armour is pretty useless in this game thanks to negating defense bonus(which gives more defense) unless you're a armsman or something.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2011, 03:31:12 pm »

Demonicon Spoondria


Background: Cairhienin

He is a scion of the Noble Family of Spoondria. Spoondria had built their fortunes upon trading goods along the lucrative Silk Road through the Aiel Waste. After the Aiel war closed this route they one of the Houses that fell the farthest, the base of their fortune having collapsed. They did not let this get them down however and set out to regain their fortunes through other means, not all of them legal. This is where Demonicon comes in, he has been trading across the breadth of the world for many years now to seek his fortune. Ice peppers from the Borderlands, Woodsung crafts from steddings, Porcelain from the Sea Folk, tobacco from the Two Rivers. Listing all his trades would fill many pages. During these travels he has picked up a number of languages, for which he has a knack. From the Borderlanders he learned Trolloc, from the Ogiers their own tongue, Ogier. As a noble he is also of course a master of the Old Tongue. Having just completed his latest profitable trade of some ivory in exchange for a masterwork set of forgery tools he is wondering who to scam next.

Class: Noble
Level: 1
XP: 143
Hp: 8
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Fort Save: +0
Ref Save: +1
Will Save: +2
Def Bonus: +3
Reputation Score: 3

Call in Favour 1/week

Gender: Male
Height: 5 Feet
Size: 250 Pounds/ 25 Stone (Wow, I'm really fat, that's a medium load for my horse.)
Age: 25 years
Speed: 30 feet

Attributes and modifier:
Strength: 9 -1
Dexterity: 10 +0
Constitution: 10 +0
Intelligence: 18 +4
Wisdom: 8 -1
Charisma: 18 +4

Silver Palm(Background)

Appraise(Int): 4 + 2(Silver Palm)
Bluff(Cha): 4 + 2(Silver Palm) + 2(Persuasive)
Diplomacy(Cha): 4
Gather Information(Cha): 4
Innuendo(Cha): 4
Intimidate(Cha): 4 + 2(Persuasive)
Perform Harp(Cha): 1 + 2(Masterwork)
Sense Motive(Wis): 4
Speak Language(None): 3
BONUS CLASS SKILL: Forgery: 4 + 2(Masterwork)

Common (Cairhien)
Old Tongue Mastered
Common (Tairen)
Common (Midlands)
Common (Aiel)

Simple Weapons
Martial Wepons
Light Armour


Free: Noble's outfit(10lb), signet ring(0lb)
Bought: Rapier(3lb), Shortbow Aiel(2lb), Arrows 60(9lb)
Backpack(2lb), Dice(0), Flint and Steel(0lb), Scale, Merchant's(1lb), Playing Cards Deck(0lb), Waterskin(0lb), Masterwork Harp(3lb), Pocket Lint(0lb)

Donkey 1:
1 Saddle Packs(20lb)
Blanket Winter(3lb)
Lantern Hooded(2 lb)
Masterwork Forgery Tools(5lb)
Rope Silk 50ft (5lb)
Explorer's outfit(8lb)
20 Trail Rations(20lb)
Arrows 40(6lb)
Donkey 2:
1 Saddle Packs(20lb)
8 Feed(80lb)

Horse Heavy:
Military Saddle(30lb), Bit and Bridle(1lb), Saddlebags(8lb)

Money: 39 silver marks
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 03:22:28 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2011, 11:56:11 pm »

Ok I'll look at you two in detail a bit later but for now:

1.  Yeah I'll make call in favors work on some time basis, I need to read the rules for it first though and if it gets over powered or too weak in future I'll just rework it again. (Just don't use this for money all the time cause that's lame.)

2. For the medium armor.  Nope not adding it. Noble is a lover not a fighter :P

3. Your Cairhienin Noble has an Aiel bow?  When did he go into the waste to buy it? Unless you got a good reason for having it you'll need to settle for a normal shortbow. (also don't explain it as an Aiel war trophy or our start characters will have too much reason to fight each other.  (As it is the combo should create some amusing RP)

4. However the masterwork stuff which normally I wouldn't want anyone to have at the start I will let you have cause a noble has resources for these things and because your choices are both not tweaky and are fun.

5.  Seriously he can speak Ogier and even weirder Trolloc? I'd like to see some RP background for those if I'm gonna let you keep them.  I'm mean it's not like this guy hangs out in dive bars with the demi humans.  So you can have them but explain why in your character info.

6. Good call with the donkeys Spoon.  No hauling issues for you :)

7. What country do you want to start out in? Let me know.

I'll think about the rest for now.

Also Props to both of you for choosing nonstandard classes.  I'm liking both characters :)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 11:58:38 pm by neotemplar »
If not under Neotemplar look for Vellum.

<22:07:06> "Terry": If a kid is old enough to play D&D
<22:07:20> "Terry": A kid is old enough to experience a dolphin being strangled

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2011, 07:38:12 am »

1.  Yeah I'll make call in favors work on some time basis, I need to read the rules for it first though and if it gets over powered or too weak in future I'll just rework it again. (Just don't use this for money all the time cause that's lame.)

Okay, thanks.  :)

2. For the medium armor.  Nope not adding it. Noble is a lover not a fighter :P

Fair enough, I was actually just hoping to get a free proficiency so that I can use lacquer armour without penalty for the reputation bonus.  ;D

3. Your Cairhienin Noble has an Aiel bow?  When did he go into the waste to buy it? Unless you got a good reason for having it you'll need to settle for a normal shortbow. (also don't explain it as an Aiel war trophy or our start characters will have too much reason to fight each other.  (As it is the combo should create some amusing RP)

It and the Aiel buckler is a ancient family heirloom from before the Aiel War when Ciarhienin's and Aiel were best buddies.

4. However the masterwork stuff which normally I wouldn't want anyone to have at the start I will let you have cause a noble has resources for these things and because your choices are both not tweaky and are fun.

Yeah, I'm hoping to do some ridicolous and fun stuff like pretending to be the Amyrlin Seat even though I'm man and not a channeler. Too bad I couldn't fit in the disguise skill as well.  :(

5.  Seriously he can speak Ogier and even weirder Trolloc? I'd like to see some RP background for those if I'm gonna let you keep them.  I'm mean it's not like this guy hangs out in dive bars with the demi humans.  So you can have them but explain why in your character info.

Umm, he has traveled widely? To steddings to hire their masons where he then also picked up their language and to the bordlands to hire mercenaries and then he picked up Trolloc from them? I'll try to justify that and the aiel weapons in my background when I write it, which is not now, I'm tired.

6. Good call with the donkeys Spoon.  No hauling issues for you :)

7. What country do you want to start out in? Let me know.

I'll think about the rest for now.

Also Props to both of you for choosing nonstandard classes.  I'm liking both characters :)

Thanks  :D It's especially needed with my low strength.

I'm thinking Seanchan, Shara or the Blight?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 08:06:08 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2011, 08:41:30 am »

I'd reckon an easy meeting ground would be Cairhien. I'm coming over from the waste, presumably through Jangai pass which leads straight into Cairhien. I could easily consider taking my fifth from an unsuspicious fat little cairhien. ;D

But Seanchan? Shara? How would we even get there lol. No way either of us would ever make it to Seanchan, and I'd be the only one capable of getting to Shara.

Also, are we going to be the only two? I thought there were more involved, and it would only be a good idea to take into account other characters before deciding on a meeting.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2011, 08:48:25 am »

I won't be able to get a rulebook so there is no way I could play. Sorry. I will watch, though!

It is avaible in certain...less legal places on the internet, though I can't remember where I got it, sorry.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2011, 10:09:39 am »

Added new stuff as seen in quote.

Demonicon Spoondria


Background: Cairhienin

He is a scion of the Noble Family of Spoondria. Spoondria had built their fortunes upon trading goods along the lucrative Silk Road through the Aiel Waste. After the Aiel war closed this route they one of the Houses that fell the farthest, the base of their fortune having collapsed. They did not let this get them down however and set out to regain their fortunes through other means, not all of them legal. This is where Demonicon comes in, he has been trading across the breadth of the world for many years now to seek his fortune. Ice peppers from the Borderlands, Woodsung crafts from steddings, Porcelain from the Sea Folk, tobacco from the Two Rivers. Listing all his trades would fill many pages. During these travels he has picked up a number of languages, for which he has a knack. From the Borderlanders he learned Trolloc, from the Ogiers their own tongue, Ogier. As a noble he is also of course a master of the Old Tongue. Having just completed his latest profitable trade of some ivory in exchange for a masterwork set of forgery tools he is wondering who to scam next.

Class: Noble
Level: 1
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Fort Save: +0
Ref Save: +1
Will Save: +2
Def Bonus: +3
Reputation Score: 3

Call in Favour 1/week

Gender: Male
Height: 5 Feet
Size: 250 Pounds/ 25 Stone (Wow, I'm really fat, that's a medium load for my horse.)
Age: 25 years
Speed: 30 feet

Free: Noble's outfit(10lb), signet ring(0lb), explorer's outfit(8lb)
Bought: Rapier(3lb), Shortbow Aiel(2lb), Arrows 100(15lb)
Leather Armour(15lb), Buckler Aiel(2lb)
Backpack(2lb), Bedroll(5lb), Blanket Winter(3lb), Dice(0), Flint and Steel(0lb), Lantern Hooded(2 lb), Playing Cards Deck(0lb), Waterskin(0lb), Masterwork Harp(3lb), Masterwork Forgery Tools(5lb), Rope Silk 50ft (5lb)
2 Donkey, 2 Saddle Packs(40lb)
Horse Heavy, Military Saddle(30lb), Bit and Bridle(1lb), Saddlebags(8lb)
20 Trail Rations(20lb)
8 Feed(80lb)

Money: 6 silver marks

I forgot to buy a bit and bridle and rope, have added them and reduced money accordingly.

I am the potato man!

We should totally get a insane male wilder who flings balefire around like nobody's business in our party.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 12:22:14 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2011, 02:19:02 pm »

We should totally get a insane male wilder who flings balefire around like nobody's business in our party.

I don't know, a character capable of healing would definitely be helpful, whether by the one power or by first aid, but I don't think my character would want to have anything to do with a male channeller, let alone be healed by one. But then again, I'm not sure he would of a female channeller either...


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2011, 02:56:57 pm »

Yeah don't expect lacquered plate unless you kill someone wearing it and run off with it.  I personally think it's pretty cool stuff but I want it to be rare.  Also I'd note that that kind of armor will possibly cause trouble for the wearer with certain groups.

Also yeah if we could get a third that would be great.  Worst case scenario I'll just run it with you two.  Also we may be starting preseanchan invasion.  As pretty much most of the seanchan critters and special stuff would eat you like baked potatoes there's no need to have them in at the start.  Also Shara would be annoying to GM so no to that.  If you really wanted to start in Seanchan I could do it but there's little incentive to do so.  You could travel there later. 

On that note a Land of Madmen start would be pretty dwarfy.
If not under Neotemplar look for Vellum.

<22:07:06> "Terry": If a kid is old enough to play D&D
<22:07:20> "Terry": A kid is old enough to experience a dolphin being strangled


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2011, 02:05:01 am »

This thread is relevant to my interests. Unfortunately I work a lot, and late, so I may not be able to join. I may have missed it, but is there a consensus on when/how often this will run?

Even if I don't end up playing, I've run a (brief) WoT game before. When I did it, I did some tweaking to make it all fit 3.5 conventions. I also ended up setting it during the Trolloc Wars, which worked out well since there was that whole "Leave town, slaughter monsters, come back" vibe common to most RPG's while keeping the flavor and familiarity of the WoT setting. It also means that you don't have to worry about messing up the events of the main book.

Also, I ended up getting some other sourcebooks as well as the base rulebook. In particular, if you can find the netbook Under the Dragon's Banner, it had some pretty good stuff in it. The reason I thought of it right away was because it had alternate ways to do both Algai'd'siswai and Nobles. The Call Favor ability of the noble was revised to read "A Noble can attempt to call in a favor a number of times per game week equal to half his noble level rounded down." The Algai'd'siswai class was made stronger in a few ways. As I recall, it made the class a bit more like a Monk by adding Flurry of Blows and increased Base Unarmed Damage to account for Aiel fighting styles. The book had some cool PrC's and such as well, and I liked some of the channeling feats that made duels with the Power match up more with the style of the book (emphasis on counterweaving and multiple weaves).

Any way the wind blows, watching with interest.


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Re: Wheel Of Time RPG Recruiting
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2011, 04:48:15 am »

This thread is relevant to my interests. Unfortunately I work a lot, and late, so I may not be able to join. I may have missed it, but is there a consensus on when/how often this will run?

I don't think we've come to any consensus... I don't even know which time zones the other two are in. :P Personally I'm danish, so central european. I've got a pretty tight uni schedule, so I don't expect to have time to do this more than once a week on weekends, although we'll see once my classes start next Monday.
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