Nah, in a lot of ways he's essentially right. We're not going to run out of stuff. The price will rise, but capitalism WILL drive us to find more efficient ways to use or reclaim things, just like how gas costs like $7/gal in Europe so they all drive tiny cars. It'll hit us here before too long, so buckle up for the ride, but hey that's life. It won't run out, it's just that we won't be able to do what we've been doing so cheaply, for all resources. That's especially true for metals. Recycling is barely efficient for a lot of things right now, but it IS for metal, and will only get better.
Incidentally, I'm usually an environmentalist but I'm all for Arctic drilling...LATER. As a strategic oil reserve. When the prices rise, and we need a crapton of oil for war or going to Mars or whatever, we'll be really glad we saved it. Environmentalism has no part in that. Federal funding for alternative energy source research is just a smart investment, so we can keep our cheap-energy advantage. Also, I'm all for factory farming for exactly the reasons Nikov stated; it's vastly more efficient in terms of land use and pollution control and it feeds more people. There's always problems that need to be avoided, the dangers of monoculture for one, but farming is wasteful, and in some cases even borders on immoral. If you can farm organic food to make a hundred people feel all goody-goody about what they eat, but let a hundred other people starve because you can't produce enough, aren't you kind of a bastard?