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Author Topic: Questionable Ethics  (Read 33900 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #150 on: March 26, 2008, 01:20:00 am »

Thanks  :)
Kazo slowly felt himself coming to. He was dizzy to the point he was unsure where he faced, and his vision was blurry. His body ached all over... but it still functioned. Gradually, his vision came back to him, and as he saw where he was pointing, his dizziness faded, his sense of direction recalibrating. Kazo looked around. It must've been Yeln that had allowed him to recover... but Yeln was nowhere to be seen. He heard the distant clang of the hatch closing.

Kazo attempted to sit up, but as he felt excess mana begin to flow back into his soul, he suddenly, fell back, a yellow flash occupying his vision, a sharp pain coming from his chest as he felt his soul jump a bit. Kazo lay back, lessening his power flow. The mana in his soul had been purged out. It seemed his heart was quite damaged, but it was still working, if only marginally.

Kazo monitored his body, seeing just how much mana he could hold before it became too much for his weakened state. When he had found a proper equilibrium, he reached past his open chest plate, and placed his hands against his own heart. There was a crack running down the crystal, and the mana signature, once sharp and clear, had become a bit fuzzy. Though a regenerative aura could repair practically any damage, it might not be accurate enough for this. At least it would set things in their proper place first. Kazo applied a regenerative field, taking a break as the tenuous mana available ran out once. After that was done, Kazo then shut his visual input, focusing down a field almost into a plane, sliding right through the crack. He changed the properties of the field, causing it to act charged, with properties almost like a pseudo-metal. He manipulated the charge to cause the fundamental particles of the blue diamond to bond to one another again in the at crack.

It was slow, and he had to stop a few times, but it was eventually done. Kazo noticed much of the aching had gone away. His strength was returning. He shut his chest plate, and quickly passed applied a regenerative field to wherever soreness remained, finding it disappearing relatively quickly. Kazo moved his joints, finding they worked fine. He stood, and looked around again, feeling his soul begin to fill with mana as he extended the rods of his power core. Kazo spoke, "Yeln? Yeln kitty?" There was no reply.

Kazo left the room, retrieved his spear from a table, and proceeded up the stairwell. When he reached the top, he waited for his soul to fill with mana, then opened the hatch, stepping out. Clouds were above, but it had stopped raining. The sky was orange, on its way to becoming blue, the sun present over the horizon. "MEEEWWW!" Kazo looked over, seeing Yeln tied to a post on top of a building. Just as Kazo was about to move, he heard a rumbling grow, coming from the direction of the garage. "Don't move! Not one inch!"

Kazo remembered, Rostus had mentioned a vehicle, left over from when he was wealthy. The vehicle emerged, looking like a steel-clad armored vehicle, coils on its sides with silver spheres protruding out, a particle cannon mounted on the top, a radiation-hazard sign painted on it. Rostus could be seen through the open door, controller held in one hand. Rostus smiled, "So glad you could join us here? I didn't know why I built this at the time, but now I do. Inconvenient obstacles such as yourself will not stop me from deploying the atomic bombs. It's based off of an old dwarven design, you might say... although I doubt they had ever seen such a future with it." Kazo remembered a bit about the dwarven machine, and also remembered Blitukus' armored vehicle... the dwarven machine was a lot larger than the armored vehicle, but Rostus' vehicle seemed a bit smaller, although it was steel clad and equipped with much higher technology to power it.

Rostus continued, "There is a glorious war ahead, my troublesome foe, and I felt it fitting to make your kitten the first casualty. Now, witness the power of my machine... then you may die yourself." Kazo spoke, "Nobody threatens kitty..." Kazo popped open his chest plate, then grasped the foreign device. He felt no consideration for the switch, and as such, he began to wrench it out. Rostus spoke, "No yo-", then immediately pressed the button on the controller. Kazo felt sharp himself engulfed in pain, yelling out, his vision flashing to white, all sense of his body disappearing. A moment later, the white slowly faded...

But as it faded, it revealed an image not of his dead body, but of muddied dirt. Kazo slowly felt the sense of his body return to him... he was in a bit of pain, yet somehow, he was still conscious. As his senses returned to him, he stumbled, and found himself holding onto the device. the wiring had been torn clean off, a few small components laying on the ground. Kazo stood for a brief moment, surprised himself that that had happened. He dropped the ruined kill device. Rostus seemed immensely surprised, "Holy... wha... oh no!" Rostus slammed the door shut.

Kazo held his spear with one hand, applying regeneration to his heart again with the other, walking toward Rostus' vehicle. His heart had surprisingly little damage. He shut his chest plate, and accelerated, tilting his head and smiling as he walked ever faster toward Rostus. Rostus backed up and turned his vehicle, the engines spinning up. Energy gathered within the vehicle, the whole vehicle humming. Rostus aimed the cannon down at Kazo. Kazo accelerated to a run.

Kazo lunged at the vehicle, thrusting the spear into the viewing port, but this glass seemed extremely thick. Only a small crack resulted. An arc of electricity jumped from a sphere to Kazo, pushing Kazo close to another sphere, the arc from which pushed Kazo off from the vehicle. Kazo stumbled down, his clothes showing flame. This gave Kazo excess energy, but before he could form an explosive orb, he saw the cannon train down on him. Kazo swung back. There was a brilliant flash the very same instant Kazo shielded. A burning ray struck Kazo. Kazo grunted at the immense drain of shielding this, the mere radiation carrying large amounts of heat, the light of the beam flooding out everything around.

His shield shattered, and he found himself engulfed in radiation, some of which pierced straight through. The piercing ray felt as if it burned him from the inside out. He 'shut' his eyes and jumped out of the way, landing on his belly. He felt his whole body was heated to an immense temperature. The mud he had fallen upon hissed and became dry and cracked. He felt something within himself crack, sharp pains all over his belly. He opened his eyes and found part of his spear glew with heat. He stood, finding himself shaking slightly... his coat and backpack seemed to have disintegrated into flaming scraps. Rostus yelled, "Your struggle is FUTILE!"

Kazo ran to the side, finding himself feeling a bit weak again. Not only were likely several crystals cracked in his gut, he felt himself sapped by the radiation. He still smiled, forming an explosive orb in one hand, the vehicle trying to face him, charging again. Kazo threw the orb at the front of the vehicle. BANG! The glass was cracked further, the vehicle rocking a bit, but otherwise little effect. Kazo formed another orb, stopping. The vehicle faced him, the cannon pointed right at him. Kazo pitched the orb like a baseball, directly at the crystal glass barrel of the cannon, but it was too late. Kazo leapt upwards just as the cannon fired, the beam striking the orb and causing it to explode in midair. Kazo landed on the edge of a roof. Rostus scorched a line into the ground, proceeding to burn a line through the building, setting that building ablaze as well as igniting the building behind it.

Kazo leapt down from the roof just before it collapsed. He realized it wasn't in his best interest to destroy the cannon after all. It was indeed a charged particle cannon. It could be used as a large source of energy, in fact... Kazo grinned. An idea occurred to him. As the vehicle charged again, accelerating toward Kazo, Kazo ran toward the vehicle, forming another explosive orb. Kazo hurled it at the front left silver sphere, blowing the sphere clean off of the coil, the spherical section falling to the ground. Kazo darted behind the vehicle, forming another. The vehicle drove away, but Kazo still threw it, striking the rear left silver sphere, blowing the sphere apart, pieces falling onto the ground and onto the plating of the vehicle.

The vehicle turned. Kazo lunged away from the vehicle's line of sight, charging yet another, and hurling it.  It arced through the air, striking the rear right silver sphere, blowing the coil out from under the sphere, the sphere falling onto the vehicle, then rolling to the ground. The vehicle turned around quickly, and as soon as Kazo was in its sights, Rostus fired. The beam struck right in front of Kazo, burning its way forward. Kazo ran away from the beam, but as it swept up, it struck him in the tail and the back for a moment. Kazo dove out of the way, the beam ceasing. Kazo could hear a bit of hissing and the occasional cracking. Kazo got up, stumbling a bit, his tail feeling a bit numb and his back hurting a bit. Kazo realized, he would be damaged much worse if he hadn't dove out of the way... in fact, if the beam ever stunned him, he would take the full blast and be boiled from the inside out.

Kazo formed another explosive orb, and ran straight at the vehicle, nearly tripping over himself a couple of times. Kazo threw the orb at the last silver sphere, the orb missing, blowing out a piece of wooden wall from a building. Kazo leapt onto the vehicle, ran into the arc coming from the silver sphere, then stabbed it with his spear. Immediately an immense current shot through the spear and Kazo. Kazo took on energy, quite a lot, and so did the spear. The capacitors of the spear, already partially melted, exploded right in front of Kazo. Kazo used this energy in magic, aiding his own strength, allowing him to quickly wrench the sphere off of the coil. Kazo leapt away and ran as Rostus fired again. Kazo skidded, turning to run to the side, then ran back towards the vehicle. Kazo turned again, ducking under the beam as he passed in front of the vehicle. Kazo jumped up. The beam ceased. Kazo landed right on the front of the vehicle, looking through the glass. Rostus leaned back in his chair, and began driving the vehicle in reverse, swerving about.

Kazo looked around the front of the vehicle, and found a panel with a lock and hinge. Normally the silver spheres would've protected this, but they were no longer functional. Kazo jammed his claw into the lock, passing large amounts of energy through it until the metal within glew with heat. He then took advantage of the metal's pliable state to swiftly force the lock open. He opened the panel, and saw beneath more steel pipes, engine plates, and through a small hole, beneath it all, a copper control linkage. There was a loud buzzing above. Kazo looked up to see the cannon pointing right down at him, glowing within. Kazo leapt up as the cannon fired, but found that due to his damaged body, his takeoff was rather awkward. This upset the entire jump. He landed a bit off as well, slipping in the mud and falling over.

The beam scorched its way toward him. Kazo got up, ran, skidded to a stop, then ran directly toward the beam and the vehicle. Kazo leapt up as he neared the beam, just barely keeping above it, his feet and tail grazing the beam... for a moment it looked as if he were walking upon the beam. Kazo jammed his spear down into the beam, falling to the side of it, and skidding to a stop. He immediately channeled his mana to create a field to channel all of the particles through the spear. The particles were charged, and his feet were a grounding point. Kazo grunted, feeling his insides warm up considerably as immense energy passed through him. His soul filled to the brim with mana then was stuffed with even more. This was a risky move on it's own...


He grunted louder, feeling his soul stretched to the breaking point, his vision seeming to escape him. He yelled, the beam finally ceasing. It was if it was a blur that moment. He ran toward the vehicle, and felt oddly as light as a feather. He leapt onto the front of the vehicle. His soul nearly ready to rupture, he brought his nearly molten spear up, and yelling, jammed it down into the open panel, piercing down through the pipes and plates, forcing a hole straight down to the linkage, covering it in molten metal. He allowed this immense volume of energy to discharge directly through the spear, right into the control linkage. He yelled, but heard a yell that was even louder.

Kazo became silent, feeling the energy stop flowing. His vision returned to his normal state. He pulled the spear out, feeling rather heavy and drained. The vehicle no longer reacted. Kazo looked through the window to see Rostus slumped over the control panel, burns all over his body, a bit of smoke coming out of one of his hands. A bit of insulation on the control panel seemed to have been melted through, revealing the metal beneath.

Never threaten Yeln.

Kazo walked off of the vehicle, stumbling away from it. "Meww!" Kazo looked up. He made his way to the front of the building, evaluated the jump, jumped onto an overhang, then jumped to the roof. Kazo then untied Yeln, and sat, hugging him as the sun finished rising. Kazo smiled, pressing his face against Yeln's, 'shutting' his eyes for a moment. Yeln rested his head upon Kazo's shoulder, purring, shutting his eyes. Finally, there were no more missions or constraints. Kazo was now free again, finally free to explore this world, and on top of it, Yeln would be enjoying it with him. They kept hugging, Kazo looking towards the sun as the sun slowly made it's way above the horizon.
Nothing stuck out to me as wrong, but dang I hope I didn't mess anything up here.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #151 on: March 26, 2008, 06:23:00 pm »

Phew... wow, that was epic.

Beyond Quality.

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #152 on: March 26, 2008, 11:46:00 pm »

Thank you, definitely glad that went over well  :)

Also glad for it being considered epic.
Kazo continued watching the sunrise for a few moments. He then rested his head gently upon Kazo's head, 'shutting' his eyes once more, simply enjoying the fact that through it all, they were still together. Kazo shared his mana with Yeln, and soon found a regenerative field enveloping the two of them, the field resonating with Yeln's purr. Kazo felt himself being repaired, and it seemed to take little effort. It held true; a cat's purr is indeed healing. Several moments passed with them hugging, Kazo feeling the aches and sharp pains dulling away.

Kazo heard the winds blow, remnant fires crackling in the distance. This sound was pierced by the blaring of a loud horn from the skies. Kazo resumed visual input, and looked up. A small airship, driven forward by two engines, approached. It was equipped with a few ports to fire weapons out of, but no weapons were readied. Whoever was there likely knew by the suspiciously still vehicle that the battle was already over. Kazo looked around and saw the townspeople returning from the edge of town... they were all thoroughly surprised at what they saw. Damage was seen all around, two buildings alight, one partially destroyed. The vehicle made it perfectly clear who was responsible.

Kazo smiled upon the townspeople, who began frantically discussing what they saw. None of them seemed to be negative toward Kazo, in fact many responses were quite the opposite toward him. Looking closer at the vehicle, they realized their former town VIP wasn't such a great guy after all. The airship's engines reversed as it approached, the vessel slowing and descending as it passed overhead. A red furred kobold could be seen standing at an open door. Kazo smiled and waved. The airship descended quite low. She tossed a ladder down from the side of the airship, the quite long ladder swinging down and smacking against the side of the building, being dragged onto the top.

Kazo walked up to the ladder. Yeln held on tight as Kazo climbed. As Kazo climbed, the airship began to ascend again, the kobold above, Nefarious, reeling the ladder back in. Kazo eventually made his way to the top, and accepted Nefarious' hand. She pulled him in, and smiled, Yeln hopping to the ground. Nefarious spoke, "Yer back in one piece! Gotta admit I thought the count mighta been 2 or 3. I was startin' to miss ya!" Kazo replied, "I'm glad to be back! So why did you arrive in an airship?" The airship was turning. Nefarious replied, "So why'd ya have to take all the fun? I wanted to take all his buddies out, take him away, make 'im eat his own pitchblende 'till his fur starts fallin' out, then brutally maim him 'till he's bled dry! I'm not going to maim a corpse... it just ain't the same. Corpses don't squirm and they don't scream."

Kazo snickered. Nefarious continued, "Besides the obvious, what happened?" Kazo replied, "At Shadedports I made my way through the criminals. I met Tacaru and gave him the crossbow I found. We then flew back to Steelflame and went over here. Rostus almost killed me with that device, twice! Tacaru is dead, I saw the corpse on the way out! The rest of it you can see for yourself outside."

Nefarious spoke, "Yep. Glad he's dead either way." A door to the small, single story gondola opened, another kobold stepping out, "Nefarious! Someone's on the radio, they wanna talk to you!" Nefarious spoke, "Alright, hold on a minute Kazo, I'll be right back to ya." She walked to the gondola with the other kobold. Kazo looked around for Yeln, and saw Yeln near the very edge of the door. Kazo walked over to Yeln, looking out the still open door. The airship was still quite low to the ground, passing once again over the center of town.

They looked out the door, people gathering around the vehicle below. The airship accelerated forward, moving away from the center of town. Kazo smiled, petting Yeln. Yeln nuzzled Kazo's hand, then Kazo's leg. Kazo looked on, smiling, and began to wonder, after he reached Shadedports, what next? The entire world was open to explore!
I know it's a bit short without much happening, hopefully the next updates will 'unstick'. Although, hopefully this one also served as a proper downslope after the last one. (Hmm, something bugs me about the speech patterns here.)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #153 on: March 27, 2008, 02:09:00 pm »

Beyond Quality!

Yea, this needed a downslope.

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #154 on: March 28, 2008, 12:26:00 am »

Thanks  :)

Hmm, this one is almost guaranteed to be short. I'll probably just be finishing the airship ride.
Kazo sat on the edge and watched the town and farms around it pass below. The airship ascended, dirt trails and fenced off fields visible below. Kazo looked down and smiled. Eventually, the airship began to close towards the mountains, still ascending. Nefarious walked back into the main cabin. Yeln stood, raising his tail and walking toward her, "Mew?" Kazo stood as well, "Hello again!" Nefarious spoke, bending over to meet Yeln, "Hello!" Yeln licked her nose, and nuzzled her face. She pet him, and stood, "Lovable lil' critter ain't he?" Kazo snickered, "Yes he is!" Yeln commented, "Meww!"

Nefarious sat near a port, Kazo sitting opposite. Yeln hopped up next to Kazo and began scratching his claws against the wooden seat. No damage was done. Kazo spoke, "So how will your people react to me? I don't seem to have a coat anymore!" Nefarious replied, "They'll see us walkin' together, and they'll know I trust ya. People'd probably be curious, but I doubt they'd try to take ya apart without asking nicely first." Kazo snickered, "I'm used to that sort of situation!"

Kazo began thinking about what he would do next. He might get more out of his time settling down for a while and experimenting with the technology of this era. He could continue his adventures afterwards. Kazo spoke, "Who owns the land by the river?" Nefarious replied, "Nobody watches the farms most of the time, but right by the river, that's town land. It's public domain. You can do whatever ya want out there as long as ya don't go aroun' pissin' people off. Ya don't seem like the type for that anyway."

Kazo replied, "Thanks!" Kazo now had at least somewhere where he could test whatever he came up with with the minimum amount of potential collateral. Depending on how long he decided to stay, it might not even really be needed. Yeln rubbed up against Kazo's leg, and hopped up, walking in a tight circle on Kazo's lap. Kazo snickered, and pet Yeln, who nuzzled him and began purring, eventually hopping down.

Kazo and Yeln began entertaining eachother in various ways, including Yeln running around the cabin, Kazo playfully chasing after. Nefarious seemed entertained by merely watching. Eventually, Nefarious commented, "Gotta love cats, those cute lil' balls o' fluff can be fierce an' cute at the same time!" Kazo smiled, "They are quite unique in that field!" Yeln crouched down, "Mew?"

A bit later, Kazo checked out the door. The airship had passed over the mountains, and was descending, headed straight toward Steelflame. Kazo entered the cabin again, and sat, Yeln immediately resting upon his lap, curling up. Kazo spoke, "So what's happened on your end?" Nefarious replied, "People've been sayin' something's going on over in Shadedports, and there's less outlets to sell at." Kazo spoke, "Yes, I think I might've contributed to that. Daemon is dead!" Nefarious laughed, "Yeah that's the unwritten rule of joinin' the death squad there. Ya die! About the news, some guys from the central way dumped their crap on us, so we tossed all the useless junk off to the trade depot, and the scrap's sittin' by the foundry. That's pretty much it, there ain't much happenin' in only a couple days." Kazo spoke, "I see!"

It seemed he wouldn't have any shortage of materials either as long as he stuck to recycling. He might have to sell the occasional good in order to buy food for Yeln though. Then again, even though Yeln was only a kitten, there was a chance he could feed himself. The airship was approaching Steelflame. Kazo felt curious about whether Yeln could feed himself or not. He also debated what to actually make. Perhaps whatever situation occurred would suggest a project, if nothing else, although he did feel curious as to how he could make use of the river as well. Perhaps a short rest was a good idea, but he still felt eager to try new things.
Hoping this went over OK. If not, I guess it isn't really a big deal. This update didn't have much in it but at least I got more of the transit scene out of the way.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #155 on: March 28, 2008, 07:54:00 pm »

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #156 on: March 28, 2008, 11:59:00 pm »

Heh, thanks  :)
Nefarious spoke, "I prob'ly shoulda asked it earlier, the whole blue metal dinosaur bit begs me to ask it anyway. Just where did you come from? When'd ya come from?"  Kazo replied, "I'm from an area in the northern part of the central continent. I don't think the name has any real meaning anymore! It's a somewhat cold place, a valley beneath a partial ring of mountains. I don't know if there's any real signs left, but there used to be a tower there! My father built me there about 2900 years ago... he was a dragon. He's no longer with us. Sorry if I'm being hasty buy this isn't something I like thinking about." Kazo paused for a moment, then continued, "I was part of a civilization based in magic! I used to be several souls. My several previous forms were test subjects! When those forms died, essences were extracted from their souls and pieced together to form my soul. My soul was given this body! It's adamantine plated and mostly mithril and crystal on the inside! It's a body I'm grateful to have!"

Nefarious smiled at Kazo, resting her head on her hands. Kazo continued, "Demons struck and magic declined, taking my home civilization with it! I'm not exactly sure but I think I might be the last citizen." Nefarious replied, "Magic like that must've been quite the sight!" Kazo paused for a moment, remembering, "Indeed it was! You seem very ready to accept this." She chuckled, "Well considerin' my mom was an ancient demon, a regular customer turn'd out to be a death-ray totin' nut bent on mass destruction, an' I made friends with a blue talking dinosaur, I've got no problem with yer magical origin!" Kazo laughed.

Kazo looked down at his hand, looking at the edges of the scales. He remembered how before this had all happened, he had slept guarding a part of the cat device, the power source Blitukus used to escape. The next time he slept, he had thought he guarded nothing. But, remembering back to the earlier days, he began to feel that though it wasn't something he held, what he had guarded then and what he still did guard was quite important indeed. By existing, he guarded the legacy of the dragons, and the legacy of his father, Arkus. He was quite probably the last being on that world to remember these days. Indeed, it created a sense of the ultimate finality of time that though many true mortals have known, few have actually felt. What was once the future now was now an archeologist's career. Still, he felt attached to that time.

Nefarious continued, "I haven't read anything 'bout dragons that ain't at least 700 years old either. It's too bad magic decayed, It woulda gone right together with gadgetry!" Kazo smiled, "I'm a living example of that!" Kazo had always been grateful about his body. He was the result of an experiment, and it seemed he could've very well been one of the most successful experiments to ever be tried. Now, he was the holder of the legacy of the one who performed it. Perhaps now with him settling down for a while, he could continue this legacy... if only for a while at a time.

The horn blared. Nefarious spoke just as it ended, "Looks like we'll be home soon." Kazo looked through the port, watching the town ahead approach. The airship moved closer, and after a while, began to approach the airstrip. A bit later, the airship slowed to a near stop and began to descend to the ground near, but not on the strip. When the airship landed, the sudden vibration woke Yeln from his nap. Yeln stood, stretched, then looked at Kazo, "Meww?" Kazo smiled, petting Yeln, "We're here!"

Nefarious spoke, "Yep. I really aughta get back to work. An' thanks, Kazo, you probably saved me an' a bunch of others by taking that guy out." Kazo grinned, "Thanks!" She continued, "Maybe we can talk some more later? Feel free to come on by!" Kazo spoke, "Sure thing! I think I'll just go see what's by the river and foundry until then!" She smiled, "Have fun!" She spoke to the pilot of the airship, opened the door, and hopped down to the ground. Kazo and Yeln also hopped down. Kazo looked toward the river near the edge of town. It was now clearly day. The sun had moved up from the horizon, but not too much time had elapsed. Although, it seemed no amount of time was too much now. Looking at the river, Kazo thought, perhaps his next project could make use of it? Perhaps if he was going to go on another adventure after his stay, a vehicle of some kind would come in handy. He began to think about potential designs as he walked toward the entrance to the tunnel, Yeln following closely behind.
I have a feeling the ending parts were sort of awkward. At least it isn't critical if I did mess anything up.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #157 on: March 29, 2008, 06:49:00 pm »

And once again Beyond Quality.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #158 on: March 30, 2008, 01:24:00 am »

Wow... ok, this is the latest I've ever started due to several things happening, but at least it's to the point now where the end of the update doesn't matter as much.
Kazo continued into the tunnels, walking behind Nefarious. As they entered and continued down the tunnels, passerby stopped to observe Kazo. Some seemed quite surprised, some just smiled, several chuckled and began discussing. Kazo smiled, raising his head and tail up. Eventually, Nefarious continued to her room, Kazo moving down to the foundry, continuing back to the junkyard. Kazo and Yeln looked around at the piles of various junk, from scraps of casings and ruined vehicle parts to nearly complete pieces of machinery. Yeln commented, looking around, his ears pointing in different directions due to the roar of the furnaces in the previous room, "Mew? Meeww." Yeln looked up at Kazo, then continued looking around the room, hopping up onto the scrap and rubbing against some parts of it.

Several other people were browsing as well. A few moment after Kazo's entry, they stopped to look at him, a moment after discussing among themselves, looking back over occasionally as they continued what they were doing. Kazo waved his tail about as he spotted several pieces that by themselves might be useful in something after some minor repairs. Doubtless more materials would also be sent to the junk yard. He had plenty of materials to work with, but it was pointless to begin picking them out without a plan to follow.

Kazo walked over to Yeln. Yeln emerged from beneath a broken engine component, and nuzzled against Kazo's hand, Kazo petting him immediately after. Kazo snickered. A female kobold approached, "Not trying to be rude sir but... what are you?" Kazo smiled and replied, "I'm a magic construct! And this is my kitten Yeln!" Yeln looked at her and mewed. She chuckled, spent a moment letting it sink in, then spoke, offering a handshake, "Pleased to meet you!" Kazo accepted, "Thanks!" She continued, "My buddy over there bet you were a space alien. I guess he owes me two moneys now." Kazo laughed, "Sometimes I feel like one!" She snickered, "Thanks though. Sorry I can't talk more, I don't want to miss my spot at the furnace." Kazo spoke, "Not a problem! I think I'll just head over to the river. Goodbye!" She smiled, "Have a good day!"

As Kazo walked away, Yeln hopping down and following him out, Kazo was reminded about the kobold sleeping pattern. Dawn was over and as the sun rose into the sky, eventually the kobolds would return home for the day. He would have plenty of time to get started. Likely first he would use recycled scrap to craft something useful. The coins he had were reduced to a pool of molten mass as the backpack was obliterated, and now he would need to raise his own funds.

Kazo continued out of the tunnels, continuing down the path toward the river. The airship sat on the side of the strip, its engines shut down, kobolds loading crates onto it. It appeared even military vehicles were put to productive use during times of peace. Likely the nearly-complete devices in the junk yard were devices dumped there by others. When Kazo reached the river, he saw the dam to one side, towering up, water spilling down into the river through floodgates. To the other side, the river continued on into the distance, westward, toward the ocean. It was deep enough for a vehicle to float down, a bit deeper in fact. A standard watercraft done with technology would be an interesting project, but it left an entire dimension out of exploration. A more challenging and rewarding puzzle to solve would be a submersible vehicle. With his affinity for aviation, Kazo had somewhat neglected experience in the field of submersibles as well, and this would be a chance to improve. He liked the idea, and began to think of potential designs for one.
Yes, very short. Hoping the sub idea isn't a bad one too. Hmm, there's probably no point in putting down my concerns other than to make me feel better  :p



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #159 on: March 30, 2008, 02:36:00 pm »

One screenfull of BQ QE for me!   :D

Edit: Oh, and I like the idea of a sub very well, make something interesting that differs from existing things, and add some cool gadgetry!

[ March 30, 2008: Message edited by: Armok ]

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #160 on: March 31, 2008, 01:02:00 am »

Thanks   :)

I have a few ideas, but keep in mind, a lot of stuff seen on modern subs is beyond this era's technology.
Yeln and Kazo walked back toward the entrance to the tunnels. He continued thinking about ideas for submersible craft on the way. First was the most vital component of any submersible craft: a hull to keep the water out. Nature was known to be quite picky about hulls. Nature likes round surfaces, and doesn't like flat surfaces at all. In fact, nature dislikes flat surfaces on pressure hulls so much, it has a habit of breaking them. The best shape was obviously a sphere. Although a cylinder capped by hemispheres would likely be sufficiently strong, the closer to a sphere, the better.

Kazo debated between using a spherical window or a flat pane. A spherical one would be harder to work with, but a flat one would need to be much thicker to withstand the pressure. The debate didn't last long at all, it would be spherical. The window was always a weak point, and it needn't be especially so. Kazo continued through the tunnels, back toward the foundry. As he moved, he saw kobolds enjoying their leisure time, their shift having ended. None of them seemed restrained at all in what they chose to do, as long as nobody got hurt. They did, however, take notice of Kazo as he walked by. The ones that saw him before seemed happy to see him again.

Kazo smiled as he walked, and continued thinking about his project. The hull would have to be large enough for him, Yeln, and any extra equipment or devices he decided to bring along. Kazo stood at about 1 meter tall, so the hull might be between 0.8 and 1.3 meters in diameter, depending on what he decided to stuff in it.

Magically constructed submersibles were made neutrally buoyant, equipped with engines that could thrust in any direction, navigating much like a spacecraft would. Though it was easy to channel astral forces in a variety of directions, channeling physical material would become quite complex. Simplicity mattered, and the environment could be used to advantage. Water was heavy, and pushing it around would have quite a reaction. The hull might have tubes extending to the rear to hold propellers. What the propellers would be driven by would depend on if he could make an engine out of whatever junk was present or not.

This would work for moving him forward. For turning, water could be pushed aside by fins behind the engine, the rotor wash being pushed aside allowing for more maneuverability at slow speeds. For changing depth, the most efficient option was changing buoyancy. Water indeed was heavy, and in and of itself would serve as quite a ballast when compared to air.

Luckily, if he were to involve electrical equipment somewhere, he could skip the switchboard. Being able to generate his own electricity, he could simply provide power to whatever he wanted to use. This also meant, the hull being metal, he would be able to polarize the hull for defense should it ever be needed.

Kazo entered the foundry again, continuing back to the junk yard. Yeln looked around at the furnaces, the workers getting ready to end their shift, "Mew?" Yeln looked down, then licked his lips. Kazo spoke, "Don't worry, I won't take that long!" Kazo looked around. There didn't seem to be much that would be useful for an engine working without access to air. At the moment though, that wasn't priority. Kazo looked around, and found what appeared to once be a casing for a complex mechanical device, noting sections for shafts and gears. Now the metal appeared as if it had been impacted by something quite heavy, bent and twisted, the marks of gears pressed into it. Next to it were several pieces of what might have once been part of the body of an automobile.

Kazo brought them back into the foundry. To the rear right of the room was a smelting furnace, virtually unattended compared to the rest. It was just finishing up what was perhaps its last load of the shift. Although there were a pair of tongs and a bowl near the lower bay of the furnace, there was a larger bowl sitting unused on a nearby table. The buzzer sounded, and the crane moved over to the full cauldron by the furnace, lifted it and its molten contents up, and began moving it to the other side of the foundry where most of the large, scoop-topped steel making furnaces lay. Kazo immediately thought about the spill hazard from lifting the cauldron and carrying it like that, but the cauldron was never filled above a certain line, and on top of that, guards around the rim and a firmly secured connection with the crane ensured the odds of an accident happening were very low.

Kazo opened the lower access port of the furnace, placed his scraps in the large bowl, and held it into the fire with the tongs, bracing them against the bottom of the port. Yeln sat on the floor, and watched Kazo melt down the scrap, tilting his head a bit. Kazo began thinking of how large this facility was for such a relatively small town. Either the mine yield was extreme, or these people were aiding other sites in processing their metals.

There was a buzz from across the foundry as the crane lowered the cauldron, and poured the molten iron into the steel making furnace, the furnace tilted over to receive the metal. Kazo observed this occasionally as he worked. When the pouring was complete, the empty cauldron was raised, allowing the furnace to tilt upright, a dull roar building from it as it began its operation. The cauldron then was moved to the second steel making furnace, tilted over another empty cauldron to empty all of its contents out, then placed beneath the furnace as the furnace tilted to empty its finished load.

There was a buzzing, a light above the furnace changing from green to red as it tilted. Kazo noticed a bit of a grinding sound coming from the mechanisms at the side of the furnace. The mechanism was simple, a small gear driving a larger gear, but the small gear was coming unmeshed from the larger, building up more and more tension. As the furnace poured, the two operators at the controls discussed. "My shift's over in 5 minutes, so-" "Hey!" "What?" "I dun' think the tilt's supposed to do that." "What?" One pulled back on the lever to reverse the rotation of the furnace as the other looked up. "SH*T!" The gear was nearly pried loose from the driving shaft. The furnace began to rotate back, but as the furnace was being rotated back vertical... SPANG!

The smaller gear came apart from the shaft, the tension causing it to spring loose. It flew forward and fell into the cauldron half filled with molten steel. "Damn! Uhh.." The driving shaft now spun independently of the furnace's tilt. The furnace stopped its rotation to vertical, and began to back to it's sideways position. One of the kobolds by the broken furnace yelled, toward the crane booth, "HEY, A LITTLE HELP PLEASE?!" The crane operator saw the furnace begin to tilt past sideways under gravity, "Whoa!"

The crane dropped the cauldron down sharply, swinging toward the furnace. CLANG! The scoop of the furnace slammed down onto the top of the bucket, forcing the crane down further and spilling large volumes of molten metal into the cauldron. The crane arrested the motion, and began reeling back in, pulling the furnace up into an upright position on the way up, the cauldron rotating fully to vertical on its own as the small bit of metal still inside sloshed to the back. The molten metal spilling into the cauldron filled it, but luckily didn't overfill it.

The crane operator let out a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, many of the workers still present stood watching, "Holy..." A kobold at the broken furnace spoke, "Damn, you saved the day!" The kobolds there sat, breathing deeply, "Damn..." It was a reminder that sudden equipment failure happens occasionally. Likely it had been a lingering problem that an inspector had missed, but luckily, it didn't become material for a news story. Kazo smiled. It did present an opportunity though. Kazo thought about it, and decided that he indeed did have enough good steel to forge a new gear for them.
The broken furnace idea was more interesting than my original, so I went with it. I'm hoping it wasn't a bad idea though.

[ March 31, 2008: Message edited by: AlanL ]


Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #161 on: March 31, 2008, 01:45:00 am »

Nope, it's not a bad idea at all!

Darn, I need to quit drifting off so much. All the awesome stuff happens while I'm gone! Or perhaps, by that mentality, I should drift off more often in order to increase the awesomeification of this story. Ponder this, I must...

Hmm, I noticed that there's been quite an influx of fortuitous flukes as of late. Perhaps everyone's favorite goddess of luck is enjoying her job a little too much?

Love the idea of a submersible, by the way. Let's see what kind of trouble Kazo can get into 20,000 leagues under the sea! Well, maybe not that far, but you know what I mean.

In all, great work.  :)

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #162 on: March 31, 2008, 07:57:00 pm »

Beyond Quality!

That sub would so much easier if he didn't need to have Yeln whit him.

due to fuel issues an electric motor might be good... that would make this an atomic sub!

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #163 on: March 31, 2008, 08:27:00 pm »

Beyond Quality!


Lol, I just had to say that, after reading the one post in the Modding Section.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Questionable Ethics
« Reply #164 on: April 01, 2008, 12:24:00 am »

Thanks  :)

Heh, Armok, (spoily)I was actually planning exactly that.(/spoily)

And thanks also to Apache. Heh, those 3 things are quite fitting for a few of these characters.

Also, thanks to Impending, heh, although what happened in the foundry was pure chance, what happened in the last battle wasn't due to just luck.
The crane operator took a small break, getting back to work as Kazo was finishing. Kazo drew the hot bowl out from the furnace, and brought it over to the forges, Yeln standing and following, his tail raised into the air. Yeln looked around and sniffed, his tail dropping down slightly as he did so. Yeln then walked up to Kazo, rubbing against his leg, "Mew!" Kazo spoke, "In a moment I will!" Yeln tilted his head, "Meww?" Kazo snickered, "I'm a bit busy holding a bowl full of molten metal at the moment!"

Kazo hurried to avoid the metal cooling too much. He made sure his tongue was clean, and tasted the molten metal, finding it had the characteristic taste of iron with the oddities of carbon and other metals, but luckily, little unwanted impurities. He approached a forge that was just finished being used, the kobold using it now inspecting the finished product. Kazo noticed that it was a bronze scepter, with tin and obsidian rings hanging from it, alternating, and a rather detailed top and shaft. Kazo then walked up to the kobold, "Would you mind if I used your forge for a moment?" The kobold paused for a moment, looking at the blue scaled person, holding a bowl of molten metal and smiling kindly at him, "Um, eheh, go ahead, I'm done with it for the moment!"

Kazo replied, "Thanks!" Yeln sat and watched as Kazo poured some of the metal into a bar mould after inspecting it. Kazo then set the metal down, made sure his hands were cool enough, then pet Yeln. Yeln stood, raising his tail high into the air, and rubbed against Kazo's hand. Kazo smiled. Afterwards, Kazo returned to the mould, cooling the bar until it was solid, then removing the bar when it was still glowing hot, pouring the rest of the metal into the bar mould again.

Kazo forged half of the gear, and then removed the next bar, forging the other half onto the first, occasionally looking back to the closest working steel furnace for reference. He ran his claw across where there would've been a seam between the two halves, sending energy down through the seam, heating it back up again, allowing the two halves to weld together. He carried the still glowing gear as he walked toward one of the furnaces, double and triple checking it against the gears used there. It was a sturdy gear with 20 square teeth, also quite thick in depth. The center had a hole with slots for the shaft to be able to drive it. Despite being the smaller gear, it was still somewhat large for a single gear. It was unadorned, but Kazo still checked it over to make sure it was high quality. He brought it back, cooled it off, and checked again. The last thing he needed was for the gear he made to fail on them.

Meanwhile, the kobold who was inspecting his finished product found himself watching the odd metal creature before him handle the glowing metal sometimes with bare hands, never for very long though. When Kazo was satisfied of the quality of the gear, he carried it back over to the broken furnace. Both the red and the green lights above remained on. The kobolds at the furnace spoke, "Well, good thing we sucked the metal outta the bottom 'fore it turned into a problem." They both saw Kazo approaching, holding a shiny new drive gear.

Kazo spoke to them, "Why hello! Normally I'd donate this but my finances say otherwise." The nearest kobold replied, "Oh, understood. Where did that come from?" Kazo replied, "I just finished making it!" The kobold spoke, "Yep, you're the one who didn't need gloves, heh, what is that blue stuff you're made of?" Kazo replied, "Adamantine! It's too bad you won't find it anymore! It was quite the material!" The kobold responded, "Back from the days of magic I assume?" Kazo snickered, "Actually, yes!" The kobold hesitated, then spoke, "Heh, yeah I wish I did have some! Anyway, thanks for forgin' up a new gear for us, even if it does end up being temporary. They mass produce the things though, and they're not expensive at all, but since you'll help us keep our productivity up with this I guess I can call it 30 monies?"

Kazo replied, handing the gear over, "Sure!" The kobold spoke, setting the gear down and writing something on a piece of paper, "Thanks! Just have a chat with our guy in the bank, he's reliable!" Kazo spoke, "Thanks! Goodbye!" The kobold waved, "Bye blue thing!" Kazo snickered, and walked away. 30 monies would last for a while. Kazo returned to the forge, brought the bowl and tongs back to the smelter, and left the foundry. Even if Kazo could start building, it was a bad idea without concrete plans, and those plans likely needed to be drawn out. Perhaps one of the first things he would do with his new resources, after feeding Yeln, would be to procure paper and some method to write with. Kazo continued thinking about it as he walked, Yeln following close behind. He began to realize, this might be the first time he's ever truly been alone in working on a large project. Although he did enjoy the high degree of freedom, he found himself thinking about how it was before, and missing it.
Yes, pretty eventless I know, but it was a late start and my mondays tend to be full up.

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