I'm not going to go through a fisking, because it inevitably devolves into point-by-point derp, but I think you're greatly overestimating the number of "broken" games and greatly underestimating the number of people who convince themselves that they "need" game X. Some of them, if they can't pirate it, won't play it. You can't reach them; they're broken people and they're not your customers. The ones that you can reach are the ones who'll pirate it if it's easy enough. Analogies are always suspect, but it's like a lock on a car: it won't stop anyone who is dead-set on stealing out of your car, but it will keep the honest people from reaching inside and taking the iPhone you left on the dashboard.
As for whether or not people "want" broken software--well, one, as I noted, you and the other posters in this thread are hugely overstating the commonness of it, at least among the games developed by these companies, and two, they buy it anyway. Somebody earlier in the thread used JoWooD, a long-time shovelware publisher, as an example: the games they publish tend to be buggy shit. So don't buy them. Buying a broken-on-release game sucks. It shouldn't happen. But it does, for a variety of reasons that eventually boil down to "consumers let them". I practice what I preach: with the exception of publishers who I know to have solid development practices and a policy of releasing well-QA'd titles, I don't buy games anywhere near release. The only games I've bought at or near release in the last five years are Civilization 5 (mistake), Orange Box (best gaming purchase I've ever made), and Left 4 Dead 2 (because the first was also excellent). Aside from Civ5, which in truth I would have bought even with reviews calling it a stinker because that is the one case where I am an unabashed series fanboy, I have not been burned. I avail myself of more information before committing to a purchase. You, and every other consumer, can too.
Now, I would support the idea of additional consumer protection laws regarding buggy/defective software. I really would. There's no professional reason to release buggy software (there are certainly marketing and economic ones, but as a developer I care much less about that). The problem is in the implementation. There are few cases where it is clear-cut in a legal sense that a piece of software is "broken"--or, as it clearly requires judicial involvement, the problem arises that it is a rare person willing to spend a lot of money to push a lawsuit regarding a video game. This is not, at least as far as I can see, an area where the government can wave a magic wand with consumer protection laws. If you can put forward some sane, justifiable, measurable metrics for consumer protection laws in this area, I'd love to hear it, and I'd be completely willing to back them if they make sense. I have a hunch, though, that they will not, and that the consumers have to take some agency themselves.
And speaking of consumer agency--the continued complaints of "but I'm only one man!" are also really funny. I'm just one guy. I exercise the agency I have. I don't buy games from a fairly extensive list of publishers who have pissed me off in the past (Strategy First, for example, is well-known for screwing developers out of royalties, in between bankruptcies). Do the same. If your problems with them are shared by a sizable chunk of the market, they will change their behaviors. Perhaps you're just too fucking expensive to cater to, in which case--too bad. You're not their target market. Patronize others. There are really very few of the ones you're railing about and plenty of those who bear no resemblance to the description you're throwing out there.
Consumers do have choices, and they're in no way a Hobson's. A consumer's individual unwillingness to exercise those choices is their own affair, but complaining about a situation you have the power to stay out of rings very hollow. Your complaint can be distilled, and not uncharitably, to "people buy games I don't want them to buy." You don't have to. And neither do they.
And, FWIW, currently, I am both employed as a software developer (internal software) and do additional development work as a direct contractor. So while I am being paid a wage, a fairly decent chunk (~30%) of my income comes from directly developed software and IP transfer. That percentage I hope to increase to 50% over the next year, if not more.