I've stopped buying games for this very reason. There's only so much crap you can buy before you just decide that it's not worth it.
The Guild 2 was literally unplayable when they sold it. It had a fatal bug which crashes the game somewhere in the game. They didn't apologize too much about it, they just released a patch that fixed it. Instead of going "Our bad", they went with a "Shut up and download the patch" attitude. Fallout Tactics had some unplayable disks too, but they actually allowed you to return those disks for good ones.
However, I do buy games that are good and backed up. Spiderweb software sells some fairly pricey indie games with sucky graphics at $30 a piece. But they actually return your money if you don't like it. They release massive demos of their games letting you wander around and pull you into the game, while only telling you to pay to unlock another many hours of that content.
Most games don't even give any guarantee of them being good. They stuff it full of hype and just shrug when you tell them that they suck. Reviewers are horrible too, they're the lowest rank of journalists, and that's already quite low as it is. Some won't do their job and play a game till the end. Some will be too harsh on graphics, some expect one game to play like another from the same genre, some just simply have different tastes than me.
I've been moving to the indie gaming cave for a while now. It's simply because indie gamers know that they can't slap DRM on their games. They know they have to convince players that the game is good, and get sympathy out of them, instead of trying to cheat them into paying as much as possible, only to get their games mass pirated.
Heh, the chicken analogy isn't that good. But I can't think of a good one. Games are a luxury item, but they treat their customers like trash. Unfortunately, every publisher does that, so you just have to suck it up and go with it, or steal it. I normally have no sympathy for theft, but when a publisher deals with theft by taking away rights, I'm not at all sorry someone's getting their games pirated.
It's not even as good as other luxury items. If you had a nice watch or ring or shirt, you could at least show it off to your friends. Games are embarrassing. The only exception are luxury items in certain MMOs, or say a limited edition version of Fallout 3 or Civ5 which you could gloat about to your friends.