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Author Topic: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.  (Read 7768 times)


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2011, 11:23:47 pm »

my outermost colony, Various Nonsense (yes, I did name all my colonies after the various B12 boards, with Bay12 being our homeworld).

This alone counts as a CMoA.  :D


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2011, 11:34:40 pm »

my outermost colony, Various Nonsense (yes, I did name all my colonies after the various B12 boards, with Bay12 being our homeworld).

This alone counts as a CMoA.  :D
I started doing that around the time I started playing Civ IV, actually. Various Nonsense is usually my first over-seas colony, but I figured I should found it before General Discussion for once.

On a semi-related note: Orion is now named Toady-1
Tell me your mother isn't a Great Old One, please.


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2011, 05:18:51 pm »

Successfully hacked Uplink (the game) while playing Uplink. Made my own mission (sort of).

The true CMoA is that I understood the code I was looking at while I was hacking into the game. I was able to travel through time, change funds, names, and etc. Finding the areas where the codes I wanted to edit were felt pretty awesome. I mean, hacking a hacker game, and actively screwing around with it while playing it.

Now I want to hack into other games and see if I can do similar stuff. You know, make my own pre-set situations, sans editors.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 06:38:56 pm by Itnetlolor »


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2011, 06:57:22 pm »

Pretty much any touchdown scored with my Skaven (Plague rats) team in Blood Bowl...

Especially so if it was actually part of a 2 or more turn plan.


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2011, 02:59:45 pm »

Hell hath no fury like an angry vampire pimp.


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2011, 07:26:32 am »

Rome total war: attacking a walled city with only 2 units inside:1 archers, 1 spearmen (240ish) guys.  I had 5 units, general, 2 legions, 1 archer and 1 merc phalanx (550ish).  Thats cool.  However on the other side of the city a force of 2500 all heavy cavalry, spears and infantry.  So off we go I attack from the north, the allies turn up from the south, we attack the city at full speed, rams to the gates before the enemy can get their shit togeather.  Legions gut the enemy spears inside the city then my general runs down the enemy archers like the dogs they are.  The city is mine but there is still this army 5 times the size moving through the gates on the other side of the city.  So I line up my 1 phalanx up on road the enemy horde is now rushing down, heavy cav in the lead.  The obvious happens, enemy cav charges right onto my spears and are speared like fish, routing fast, fun part being they tried to rout to the centre of the city which I hadnt captured yet, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY PHALANX.   Chain rout happens fairly quickly and the battle ends with me just sitting there laughing my ass off as my phalanx of 120 guys with pointy sticks totally destroys an army over 20 times their size while the rest of my army just watches.  End result was the phalanx lost 8 guys to the enemies 2500.  Its more of a failure of AI I know, but it was definitely a crowning moment of awesome.

  That and solo spawncamping on tf2 as med with the ubersaw and self ubering 3 times in a 9 kill life (2 taunt kills) drunk off my ass.  Cant ever pull any of that stuff off sober
If life gives you lemons, burn them.

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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2011, 08:53:57 am »

Bad Company 2. I was in one of them jungly levels (it's been months since I've played). I was going through the trees when I hear a helicopter getting close, followed by a muffled explosion. I look up just in time to see a flaming helicopter smash through the trees, passing just above my head and crashing close behind me.
Bad Company 2, once again. I was flying a Black Hawk and had two gunners, so we were good to go for some rapes. I start circling the area where the computery things you need to asplode (or defend, but we were attacking) are. We're handing out some nice assbeating, when the helicopter jerks hard to the right and becomes nonresponsive. Lights are flashing and there's an incessant beeping throughout the helicopter. The two gunners bail out as I struggle with the controls. You see, there was water not too far away. I see that the two gunners died about as soon as they got out. The ground's coming up fast, when suddenly it changes to blue. I jump out, and not a moment too soon. The helicopter smacks into the water not three feet from me. Injured, but far from dead, I move away from the wreck. Surely someone was going to check for survivors (well, at least I would). I swim away, realizing my ass is far behind enemy lines. Regardless, I sneak, not around, but through the enemy's location, tagging one of them computer things as I did. Sadly, my ass got handed to me. Mostly because I refused to use anything but my handgun to make the thing more epic.
Call of Duty: World at War. I was on the map that's got the farmland and the railroad going through. I was a sniper in the barn by the road at the base of the hill. I saw a tank making its way down the path. A shell or two harmlessly hit the barn, but I ducked down just in case. I could hear the tank coming closer. I heard an explosion hit the tank, but no second explosion followed. Without second thought, I looked out the window. The tank was under me. I grabbed my satchel charge and took a running start at the window, jumping out and over the tank. My charge dropped from my hands, landing on top of the tank itself. As I landed, I detonated it, destroying the tank along with it. 


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2011, 01:57:42 pm »

I was playing Total War Medieval II, the Kingdoms campaign. I was playing the crusades as the Byzantine empire as they have that bitching flamethrower.

The entire game i'm just spamming units at the turks, really not getting anywhere. Then all of a sudden BAM, three full stack army's appear behind Constantinople. Luckily I was building up another full stack army, so i'm prepared with 2000 men ready to meet their 6000. BAM, the turks attack too, and are somehow allied with the invaders (should have killed that diplomat >.>).

Now its 2000 vs 8000, and i'm being attacked on 4 sides. Although the invading army's that number 6000 strong have brought ballistas to attack my walls (heh, right, can ignore those for now) whereas the 2000 strong turkish armies have brought two rams and four ladders.

I focus all of my units on the turks while leaving two squads of spearmen in the town square just in case the other army gets in. The turks manage to bash through the gates and take control of the walls pretty quickly (as I was building mainly Byzantine flamers, not melee troops).

The other 6000 men started coming around at this point, wanting to come in the gate the turks handily smashed open. I think "fuck this" and retreat to the centre of the town and arrange my flamers so they're all facing the two entrances. Wave after wave of enemy runs in but the flamethrowers cut them down before they even come close. The confined space working in favour of my men. After a while they start trying to use archers to rain fire back down upon us, but my two general units flank and destroy the archers before retreating. Every time they counter my flamers, either by trying to flank, or by out-ranging them, I rush troops to support, kill the offending units, then pull mine back, and watch as the enemy troops run without a clue into the fire again.

In the end, I lost 260 odd men. The enemy lost all 8000. Mainly to flamethrowers. Which would more often than not incinerate an entire unit before they can run away.
my champion is now holding his artifact crossbow by his upper left leg and still shooting with is just fine despite having no hands.
What? He's firing from the hip.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2011, 03:49:03 pm »

I have two that immediately spring to mind.

First: X-Com: UFO Defense

It's early in the game, before I even have any new weapons to outfit my guys with. I've had a few missions, and one of my guys is now a sergeant. The skyranger pulls up to a shot down medium scout. (The one room square ufos with the power source in the middle.) My sergeant is equipped with a rocket launcher and a pistol and first out the door. He steps out, notices a sectoid standing maybe 8 tiles ahead of him, looking right at him. Not enough TUs for an aimed shot, but plenty for a snap shot. Rocket fired, sectoid catches it right in the chest, leaving a smouldering stain on the ground and the sectoid's weapon where he was once standing. Sergeant turns to walk near the landing gear and take cover. Another sectoid off to the side now, again, looking straight at him. Not enough TUs to get to any sort of cover, so he does the most logical thing and pulls the pistol from his hip, and fires a snap shot right through its head. Two kills, first turn. He's practically out of TUs so he just stands there looking cool for a moment while 3 more of my troops deploy in fairly standard formation around him. End turn. Mission over. In my mind, he just bit a snubbed out cigar and said "All clear, boys. Let's clean this up."

Rome: Total War

Playing as the Julii in vanilla. I've cleared out the Gauls, taken most of Germany and just starting in on Spain. Britons decided to attack me from the north where I'm light on troops. One of my captured Gaul villages with around 500 troops, 2 units of velites, the others mixed town guard and some veteran hastati left over from the conquering of the area. 2500 soldiers attack from two directions. This leaves me with two fronts to cover with very limited resources. The enemy also has a good number of chariots. I pause for a moment and look over things. I plan out a layered defense. Velites position themselves behind the wall on the side with heavier numbers of troops. Hastati force themselves into the breach of each of the 5 openings, 3 on the east 2 on the west that are opened. This is only a delaying tactic and to take down the first few ranks trying to push in. As their morale and numbers start to drop, I pull them all back quickly. Right behind them, positioned in bottlenecks between buildings I have the town guard with their spears in position. The hastati move behind them and hold position, firing at will on enemies over the heads of the guard. As soon as the guard have lost some morale I pull them back as well, leaving the hastati to hold them hand to hand for just a few moments. The town guard move back to a second row of buildings, with smaller bottlenecks that their now lower numbers fit nearly perfectly into. One group is a bit light on their numbers though. Hastati then fall back as well, down to about half of their former numbers they move to the village square while the guard holds a bit longer. This was all on the east side. The west side worked similarly, however, they had more chariots and my troops were pushed back even faster. By the time the Hastati from the east had arrived, the western troops had fallen back completely and formed a half square formation around the village square. The other hastati backed them up while the town guard, now fell back on their own without cover. There were some losses, but they rallyed at the square, completing the formation, although with a few portions more ragged than others. Hastati stayed in the center and moved to back up different edges as waves moved in. Most enemies at this point were low on morale as well and would rout quickly, though eventually come back for more. The chariots were the worst, however. They'd rush in and take down a good number of spearmen with few losses of their own. My tactic of forming the side of the square to wrap around the charge as it moved in proved successful though and while I took losses, they took more, and more, and more. After finally taking down both enemy commanders in their chariots, the enemy decided to rout completely with roughly 300 troops left to my roughly 150. None of my troops were in position to pursue, however, reinforcements arrived two turns later and allowed the settlement to hold for good and the tide to turn back, albeit slowly, towards the Britons.

The End.

I have had more awesome times in other games(and those as well), but those are the only two that stick out in my mind and tend to stay there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2011, 06:02:34 pm »

On the topic of X-Com, I once forgot to load my ship with weapons. All we had was two rifles, a metric fuckton of ammo for them and a tank. This was my first mission, without the comfort of laser weaponry. I proceed to wipe the floor with the poor unsuspecting occupants of the medium scout. With one man. It got a bit hairy when he caught a plasma in the chest, but took no damage from it. The tank probably had the best CMOA, taking no less than five shots before mission end. It took damage from three of them, but pulled thorugh, no doubt with duct tape and prayers to the god of blood.

On a less epic win note, I once hacked an X-Com game with an editor. My lead man was a full-rank badass with a flying suit, 500 hitpoints and 100 everywhere else. He died turn 1 when he was shot by reaction fire and fell into a coma, no doubt from the shock of being hit. Bleh.
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I sure drew a lot of Quorum porn


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2011, 09:41:13 pm »

Solo'd the Gnoll Chieftan. At level 10. First time fighting it with this char, too. Cost me many a spear and HP potion, but I knocked its helmet off and am now wearing it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On a less epic win note, I once hacked an X-Com game with an editor. My lead man was a full-rank badass with a flying suit, 500 hitpoints and 100 everywhere else. He died turn 1 when he was shot by reaction fire and fell into a coma, no doubt from the shock of being hit. Bleh.
I've done that with Apocalypse. Turns out there are non-alien weapons that you can't get anywhere else other than save hacking, as far as I know. Not sure what some of them do, though.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2011, 05:53:18 am »

C&C Renegade, playing Under(the U shaped snow map), grabbed a sniper, walked out of the GDI base, saw a flame tank coming out of the Nod one, shot at it because damaging them even a tiny bit is worth a ton of credits and snipers start with way too much bullets and suddenly a stealth blackhand appeared out of nowhere in front of it and dropped dead. Turn out I headshotted him while he was stealthing along with the tank hoping to get some easy kills on engineers suicide bombing the tank.

And the time in World of Tanks where I killed a M37, an SU-76, a Pzkpfw III/IV, a Ram II and damaged a Valentine so badly he complained about module damage and suicided IN A FUCKING LEO(imagine a PzIII with a quarter of the armor and 5% more speed). I had 1 hp left after my duel with the SU-76, the III/IV which I would kill later and the Valentine(in an enclosed space that would generally be advantageous to them) so the second time we met I circled the III/IV perfectly, then ambushed the Ram from behind.

Unfortunately, while I killed a third of the enemy team and kept a large chunk of the rest distracted for quite some time(including all their surviving artillery), mine had gotten itself slaughtered leaving me as the only survivor, making good progress with circling a T-34 before being tracked by an invisible hetzer at near point blank range and then killed by the T-34.
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Tremble, mortal, and despair! Doom has come to this world!

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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2011, 01:12:12 am »

I've been doing an alternate run of Pokemon: The Journey of Heroes in Pokemon Ruby (Same rules, different save file), and I just fought Flannery. Her Torkoal slew my Machoke (damn overheat), and almost killed my juggernaut of a Combusken before I took it out. Her first Slugma fell pretty easily to my Gardevoir, but her second forced my Gardevoir to flee before it too bit the dust. The second Slugma used Overheat to melt a hole in my Mightyena (second Pokemon I caught in the game...  :-\ ), and I was down to my wounded Gardevoir and the crappy Wynaut that I hatched from an egg given to me by some old lady. I hadn't even paid attention to what it learned while I was mindlessly XP-sharing it. It had Destiny Bond, of all things. I had also given it a quick claw. Out of sheer luck, the quick claw activated, allowing my Wynaut to use Destiny Bond first, which meant that when the Slugma insta-gibbed it, it died too. I was saved from whiting out by that Wynaut, so I honored it by putting it in my 'graveyard box' instead of releasing it.

This game is so much more intense when...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG

Jack A T

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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2011, 02:09:11 am »

XCOM: UFO Defense:

Large scout mission.  Couple of turns in and all but one of my men have died (ROOKIES!).  The remaining man is a berserking rookie, with no armor, a laser rifle, and one grenade.  Only one of the snakemen has died.  My single, berserking, panicking rookie somehow manages to accidentally kill two, and calms down.  He charges into the UFO and throws a grenade into the smoking mess.  Two more snakemen fall.  He then gets shot, and barely lives.  He berserks and shoots the last snakeman.  Mission over.
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Screw you, Jack.


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Re: Crowning moments of awesome while playing a game.
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2011, 08:08:30 pm »

Rename him Guts.
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I
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