You simply can't let this Sectoid go bisected!
You'll attatch the inventory to your wrist mounted inventory and then
use the vizu-pad as a terminal to materialize the two pieces simultaneously.
This will either work or result in an explosion of gore.
You're about halfsies on it.
Oh horror of horrors! What hath science wroght!
His top half is on bottom and his bottom on top!
What a travesty! Nah...just kidding. You know
the wrist Sectoid is fine, his legs and torso were
inventorized simultaneously so they fit together perfectly.
You didn't find the evidence of some grizzly de-legging.
It does seem like you're forgetting something, though.
That's right, you have to find something to do with these toasty legs!
I still want to see TQ-02 juggle hats.
Looking back to the first page makes me realize how much better you have gotten at drawing.
Also I hadn't noticed the art change that much but now that I'm re-looking at the first posts... damn.
I'm seriously having trouble believing that the huge disparity between the art at the beginning and the art at the beginning
and the current art of this image-based story-game.
Hell, compare the last image of today's update, a humbly named
= with
185.png a panel from January 21st of last year that depicts a relatively similar explosion.
Tell me the art isn't vastly superior now after a year and twelve hundred panels of practice.
Space Voyage wasn't the only drawing I did last year but the frequency of update made it a very good metric of my
abilities with digital media, as well as drawing in general. I really put nothing into quality until around panel 350
and didn't step up my game to maximum ability until around 1200.
In short, things have been getting better since the beginning and through the next year things will keep getting better.
Let's keep on doing this thing until we reach the end.
Speaking of this crap, if anyone has any favorite panel they want me to redraw I'd be happy to do it. I'd do all of them but it would take an eternity.