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Author Topic: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!  (Read 19786 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #135 on: January 27, 2011, 07:38:56 pm »

13th of Opal

Icee arrives first, and is slaughtered by the foul thing. I am about to rush to combat it in his stead, but all of a sudden, Branded leaps onto the thing and severs several of its legs. They then fight, and Branded is knocked down the defensive channel! But as he falls, he sinks his axe into the beast's thorax, slaying it.

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Someone give this dwarf a medal. The thing's corpse is being butchered as I write.

15th of Obsidian

Other than the Forest Titan, we've had a very uneventful winter. On an unrelated note, I've just noticed how bloody our entrance is. Meh, no reason to clean it up, really.

17th of Obsidian

A vile force of darkness has arrived!

Hmm. I ordered everyone inside and the bridge retracted. I want a degree of safety, for now.

1st of Granite

What's this? A letter.

Ok, so some baron heard about my water reactor and petitioned the king to make this decree:

"By order of the king, I hereby remove the dwarf Spuddy from his post as overseer of Foothold, for use of undwarf-like use of magic and witchcraft, the offending action being the construction of some sort of perpetual motion machine. Effective immediately."

Some superstitious baron decides that he doesn't like water-reactors, despite the concept being older than he is! Ugh. So after a year of management, I am forced to step down. I shall pass on the title to Rentorian, the fortress broker. I will retire into the military, where I can still defend this fortress. Attached to this journal are the fortress's stocks.

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Oh, and he thinks a water reactor is witchcraft? How the hell did he deliver mail in the middle of a siege?


The save is here.

Also, to address your concern, sepheris, 1. you were resting in the hospital during the incident and 2. We now have more Adamantine armor than we have soldiers. But we only have 5 soldiers.

Oh, and the next person needs to re-dorf Icee.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 07:57:34 pm by PotatoLord »
Dude, you've created a Yeti with nothing to lose.

You've created Yeti Batman.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #136 on: January 27, 2011, 11:47:10 pm »

Wonderful Turn! Rentorian has been notified to gather the save and continue playing!

What depth of caverns have we reached? all 3?
The only dye dwarfs should use is MAGMA. And the only thing dwarfs should dye is ELVES.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #137 on: January 28, 2011, 12:12:05 am »

Yup, all three cavern layers have been breached, with the adamantine somewhere near the top of the third layer. On and unrelated note, I have an idea that involves HFS and elves on fire that I will test in a different fort. I have to see if a glitch involving hatch covers has been fixed.
Dude, you've created a Yeti with nothing to lose.

You've created Yeti Batman.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #138 on: January 28, 2011, 03:19:10 am »

We now have more Adamantine armor than we have soldiers.

Someone's been busy


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #139 on: January 28, 2011, 06:32:28 am »

is ~Branded~ alright? he fell down the channel. did he die, or live?
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #140 on: January 28, 2011, 11:00:14 am »

is ~Branded~ alright? he fell down the channel. did he die, or live?

Oh, he doesn't have a scratch on him. In fact, right now he's the only one in the military who isn't resting an injury.
Dude, you've created a Yeti with nothing to lose.

You've created Yeti Batman.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #141 on: January 28, 2011, 06:12:09 pm »

Fudge!! Did I die?
Can I get a new guy?
Name: MountainMurdered
Gender: Any
Job: Wrestler


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #142 on: January 28, 2011, 09:03:16 pm »

You were the first to get to the titan, and were bitten by its poison fangs, then kicked to death. I even gave you adamantine armor! If only I could have trapped it...then we'd have some Fun.
Dude, you've created a Yeti with nothing to lose.

You've created Yeti Batman.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #143 on: January 28, 2011, 09:46:56 pm »

I've downloaded the save and started playing, I'll have a first update up in... A couple hours maybe?  Depends on the fps.
Sometimes I find myself sitting around asking myself, "Why?"
Then I come to my senses and respond "Well why the hell not?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #144 on: January 28, 2011, 11:43:28 pm »

From the Notes Of Rentorian
Granite the First, 254
Today has been... Interesting, to say the least.  I was doing my rounds like always, making sure that no one had removed any rocks from my 'To Be Counted' pile when the mayor walked up to me with a big grin on his face, always a bad sign.  I'm not really sure what happened next, the mayor started giving me a speech about the importance of duty, and following the orders of the king, but to be honest I sort of fell asleep a couple minutes in.  I woke up again just as he said '.. and therefore you are now head of the committee to oversee the distribution of all goods, services, and general goings on in the fort.  Oh, and we're currently under siege and the king wants the water wheels destroyed.'  With that he just threw the overseer's badge at me and ran off!
I guess that means I'm in charge here... I guess I should do something about those goblins.
It looks like the goblins can't get in here, so I guess they aren't much of a threat, and I looked at the water wheels and they don't seem to be 'heathen works of the devil's black magic' so I just locked the doors and decided to ignore them for now.  I guess I should get to work ordering people around then, wish me luck!

Granite The Second, 254
Armok's beard!  Almost no one has been assigned any rooms!  We have over 80 people living here and not even twenty of us have rooms to call our own!  Dwarves are just going in and out of unassigned rooms, sleeping wherever they find a bed!  It's so... so.. unorganized!  I started construction of an extension to one of the bedroom floors and begun the construction of more beds and doors.  The new rooms might not be nice but they'll be better than nothing. 
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It also seems that the mayor's quarters don't even exits!  How are we supposed to run a successful fortress if our illustrious mayor doesn't even have a study where he can do... whatever it is that mayors do.  Therefore I've also drawn up some simple plans for his quarters.
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Granite the Eighth, 254
It seems my concerns about the rooms weren't as true as I feared.  There are plenty of rooms, not enough for the entire fortress but enough to house most of our people, they were just never assigned to anyone.  Most of the dwarves now have rooms even without excavation of the new housing wing having started.

Granite the Thirteenth, 254
I'm tired of everyone being trapped inside the fortress and unable to work on cutting down trees to make more beds and barrels, it's time to deal with this siege!  The military will wait behind the traps my predecessors have set up and deal with whatever makes it through.  In preparation I drafted several more dwarves into the military, bringing each squad to five members.  The veterans should be able to cover for the recruits enough to keep them alive.
The goblins are routed and the siege is almost over!  I'd like to say it was the work of our mighty military but it was the traps that did most of the work.  two goblins were killed in the initial stonefall traps and one had his spine broken, I believe he may be paralyzed from the waist down.
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The next set of traps captured no less than SEVEN of the foul little beasts.  Leaving them with less than half of their original force.  Five more were captured at the next set of traps, including their leader and his mount.  Two of the goblins managed to penetrate the fort only to be captured by the next set of traps.  Note to self, figure out who commissioned all these traps and give them a medal.  The last goblin is wandering around inside the inner courtyard trying to find a way out in some attempt to salvage their mission, perhaps our military can show him the way out. 
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I feel like I should make some sort of joke about being disarmed.
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*OOC: I really didn't expect so many gobbos to just get screwed over by the traps, guess the military will have to wait for another day to prove their worth.*

Granite the Twentieth, 254
Finished assigning rooms to everyone and the mayor's quarters are nearing completion.  They still need to be smoothed and possibly engraved so they meet his expectations but he's happier than I've seen him in some time.  Still wants to know about the 'demonic waterwheels' though.

Granite the Twenty-First, 254
Seems I'm no longer right about having assigned rooms to everyone.  Today !!Urist!! gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, not entirely sure why a newborn infant needs her own room but it isn't my place to question things like this.  Not entirely sure how she manages to carry both her children and still dig out the new prisoner storage area either.  I'll have to ask her about that one.

Slate the First, 254
Migrants!  20 of them!  Just when I had everything in order and everyone had a room, I'll have to get the miners working on some more rooms.  There were also a number of military trained dwarves among them, so I've created one more squad of soldiers.  We don't have enough armor or weapons to go around quite yet so I've order steel production into effect and have started mining for more coal, iron, and flux.  I know we have adamantine but I want to keep that in reserve.

Slate the Eighth, 254
Well no wonder no one was working, someone had put out an order saying that all civilians should stay indoors!  There aren't any goblins outside anymore (That aren't in cages anyway) so I put a stop to that order and everyone went rushing to get to work.
*OOC: Can't believe I forgot to remove the burrow restrictions no wonder no one was taking care of all those goblins in cages.  I made a new alert status for when we're under attack*

Slate the Eleventh, 254
Repulsion has been acting strangely lately, I passed him in the halls recently and he just kept muttering to himself.  I wonder what's wrong.
He just barged into a mason's shop and threw everything out of it, he's stalking around the fortress muttering about materials for his masterpiece or something

Slate the Fourteenth, 254
Repulsion finally gathered all his materials together... Not sure why it took him three days to find a piece of kaolonite and two pieces of limonite ore.  Maybe they're special?

Slate the Nineteenth
What a wonderful day!  We finally struck magma!  I've already drawn up plans for magma furnaces and forges down near the sea.  No more relying on coal to stoke our furnaces.  Repulsion finished his masterpiece today, he says he's been blessed with knowledge of the earth by Armok himself, whatever that means.  Anyway he made Zimeshalath the kaolinite door.  Kinda neat I guess, I don't quite understand it though.
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Felsite The Eighteenth
It seems that the elves have arrived to try and trade with us.  Didn't we kill their last trading expedition?  Oh well, the military will definitely see some action this time.
Or not.  It looks like a titan decided this would be a good time to visit us too.
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Rabab Athnaza just ran right by our front gate and is chasing the elven merchants around, Bluesproto has thrown a part to commemorate the event.
The titan quickly grew bored when his elven friends decided to leave and decided to see how we felt about playing.  Luckily The titan was made of chalk and proved to be easy prey for our superior military.  It's too bad really we could have been great friends, he killed elves, we kill elves, he melts people with his saliva we melt people with magma.  The elves were kind enough to leave us a new pet, some plants, beer, and some of their usual wooden things.


That's it for tonight, should get more of the year done tomorrow.  I don't think we'll have any problem with Rabab's toxic saliva, he used it like a projectile so it didn't leave any pools behind, just the broken arrow symbols when it missed and dead elves when it hit.  Oh and I dwarfed Icee and drafted him as a wrestler.

Sometimes I find myself sitting around asking myself, "Why?"
Then I come to my senses and respond "Well why the hell not?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #145 on: January 29, 2011, 05:18:35 am »

I think I know when to throw a party.
Dear Urist: I, the overseer, appreciate your point of view about the danger that an unarmed goblin can represent at the other side of a fortification when you try to kill it with a ballista, but, as you know, you're not paid to think. And a mindless worker is a happy worker, so shut up and do your job.

You are a Hero, an fantasy adventure with dragons, mages, ninjas and Norse mythology


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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #146 on: January 29, 2011, 04:51:17 pm »

Form the notes of Rentorian, Master Number Cruncher
Hematite The Third, 254
Vabok gave birth to a girl today.  Beyond that nothing else has happedened since the titan was killed.

Hematite the Tenth, 254
A cave crocodile jumped out of the water in the underground fishing platform, unfortunately the cage traps weren't set up yet and it managed to kill two fisherdwarves.  The military got there very quickly and dispatched the beast without suffering any injuries.  I light of this tragedy I've ordered the tombs to be expanded so that we'll be ready in case tragedy strikes again.
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Malachite the First, 254
Another birth today, this time Asob gave birth to another girl.  Steel production is running smoothly and the underground fishing platform is nearing completion.  Perhaps I should start making something for myself...

Malachite the Ninth, 254
More migrants arrived today, perhaps they heard stories of our successes against the forgotten beasts or our riches in steel.  Only nine migrants this time but I suppose that's for the best, if we got too many migrants we would have even more trouble finding work for everyone than we do now.  I was able to assign them all their own quarters easily enough but we have less than twenty unclaimed rooms left.  I may need to expand the living floor again soon if the migrants keep coming.

Galena the Sixth, 254
I passed Edem Dodikidor in the halls today, he was muttering something about the will of Oberon or something as he kicked Deduk out of one of the magma forges.

Galena the Twenty-Fourth
Edem finally gathered the materials he needed to make his masterpiece...  took him long enough
*OOC: He has gathered dog leather, cave spider silk cloth, bloodstones, rough bloodstones, kitten bones, palm logs, mica, AND adamantine wafers.  This thing better be good.  Oh and edem's only metalcrafting skill? Weaponsmith 8)*
I suppose good news is always followed by bad news, it seems that an ambush has managed to sneak right up to our gates!  I  can only hope the military can get there before we lose any dwarves.
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Galena the Twenty-Seventh
One goblin is left outside and three dwarves have died, however not all the news I've been given today is bad!  Today I was told that Edem completed his project Tathtatumstiz Rimadducim
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Pushing our fortress's created wealth far over 3 million and Edem has learned how to make weapons worthy of fey themselves!
Not much happened during summer other than Edem making that crossbow. Seriously that thing is AWESOME!  I was hoping to pass 3 mil in created wealth before my turn ended and that thing skyrocketed us up to 3.5 mil.  I might be putting up autumn later today, not sure though.
Sometimes I find myself sitting around asking myself, "Why?"
Then I come to my senses and respond "Well why the hell not?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #147 on: January 29, 2011, 05:25:07 pm »

sweet, what are you gonna do with the artifact?

if it's that valuable, im sure you would be putting it in a safe place  ;D ;D
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Ibid Straydrink

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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #148 on: January 29, 2011, 10:46:42 pm »

Slap that sucker in a fresh recruit's hands and say, "Bruce wanted you to have this, young master..."
“I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be. Deserves to perish wretchedly; 'Twere better nothing would begin."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foothold -- A Succession Invasion!
« Reply #149 on: January 29, 2011, 10:55:45 pm »

Wow, the fortress is flourishing! Have there been sighting of the pointy eared ones? I mean, with the caravans going missing... its easy to imagine them getting suspicious
The only dye dwarfs should use is MAGMA. And the only thing dwarfs should dye is ELVES.
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