Oh yeah. We got turrets.
One of the first things I did (once I ironed out the bugs) was to lure the AI ships into a trap. Used 9 units (5 surviving), and 7 hubs with 4 turrets each.
Same URL as always.
* Turrets!
- Turrets cost a third less than ships do, but have double the range and hit points, no speed, and no crystal cost
+ They're not excessively beefy, they will die to their counter-unit as expected.
- Turrets need to be built within 60 pixels of a "turret hub"
+ Turret hubs cost 350 metal, 35 minerals, and 1 crystal.
+ Turret hubs have 1000 HP, 20 Armor, and can support 6 turrets.
+ A turret that loses its hub will slowly lose HP over time
* Upgraded all the graphics to being Sprites, rather than Bitmaps
- This upgrade means you can target objects by clicking on them! Bitmaps ignore mouse events, but Sprites do not.
- Technically everything is a custom class so that the display object has a reference back to the game object, which extends sprite, which contains the bitmap that was being used previously.
* Refactored the paint jobs on the ship a little to be a little nicer (the stripes on the mother ship in particular). Might tweak them again.
* FRD / Guard range circle. Indicates the "zone" that the units will protect.
Known issues:
* AI does not use turrets, there's no AI yet. We're working on it.
* You can stack turrets on top of each other, I haven't made any kind of collision code.
* You can go into negative resources building them. I didn't put in any kind of check yet.
* I could probably try the red tint / green tint thing again now that the primary display object is a Sprite.
* Turrets that lose their hub and a new one is built, or another is in range, won't see it.